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7th Ed. Stegadons in 8th

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Skrox, Jun 19, 2010.


How would you build a stegadon for 8th edition?

  1. Regular stegadon

    6 vote(s)
  2. Ancient stegadon

    10 vote(s)
  3. Regular or Ancient stegadon with a Chief and warspear

    9 vote(s)
  4. Ancient with Priest and Engine of the Gods

    7 vote(s)
  1. Skrox
    Cold One

    Skrox New Member

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    I still haven't seen the 8th edition rules but it seems like alot of people have. I know the percentage rumors are true, and that stegadons get d6 stomp attacks at the end of close combat. So my question is....

    What is the best build for a stegadon now?

    Previously everybody loved the EOTG or stegadon spear combos, but neither seem particularly great in 8th edition. I have a stegadon model I haven't fully assembled yet. What do I do with it?

    Terror has been nerfed. I can't break ranks with a stegadon. The attacks are resolved in initiative order. Infantry can step up, get support attacks, and are stubborn so the stegadon will be taking many more hits. So how do I build this thing out and how do I use it? Or will the points cost never really justify taking it over other options?

    Good news is I am pretty sure I won't mount a character on it, so I can convert the characters that came with it.
  2. ColdBlood666
    Chameleon Skink

    ColdBlood666 New Member

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    I have a EotG also but I doubt ill use it in under 3000 pt games. I think ill just use my regular steg for now and keep him back around the flanks of my army to use him as a support unit for my other big blocks.

    Also, with true line of sight now couldnt we conceal a Oldblood on Carnosaur behind the bulk of the Stegadon? that might be useful too. Im pretty sure the carno/steg combo could put the hurt on those big regiments even if it doesnt break ranks.
  3. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    I'm going for ancient steg, partially due to the extra D6 stomp attacks. Might as well get them at strength 6. Extra point of armor will help as well. The twin blowpipes might be getting better, as normal blowpipes now get no move and fire penalty, although we will see what happens with the big pipes.

    Regular steg... still pretty good, if I wanted a second one it would be a reg-steg. I like the idea of squishy skink character on top of a steg even less now in 8th edition, due to changes to shooting and such.
  4. walach

    walach New Member

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    basically as stated above, normal/ancients seem fine to me, we're just back to pre the current lizardman book where nobody ever mounts a character on them. a shame really, the EotG looks pretty cool, but imo it's already overpriced for what you get, and 8th isnt going to help there.
  5. Sotek

    Sotek New Member

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    "as normal blowpipes now get no move and fire penalty"

    Could someone give me a reference page on this rule. I've seen it quoted all over the net, but unfortunately, all my digging through the 8th ed rulebook has been fruitless. As far as I can tell, javelins are the only weapons for the LM that benefit from quick to fire.
  6. Eagleblaze
    Temple Guard

    Eagleblaze New Member

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    EOTG is a bit lethal now if you miscast, could end up wiping out the entire crew in one go and knock the priest down a wound, though with no partials, more ranks firing and TLoS the ward save will become more and more valuable. I voted for ancient because of the pipes, but now I really think about it I don't think that an EOTG is really too bad a choice. Prior to now you couldn't expect an EOTG to win combat against a large block anyhow, you needed to BA, IH and hope for the best. Now there is the additional stop attacks, so 2d6+1 effectivly, not to mention 3d6+1 if Chief w/ Spear.

    With the power to reduce a lore by one then slann will effectivly be rolling with a +5 (4 from level, 1 from -1 to CV) which means that even the top end (basic) CV's wont be too hard to reach needing only 9 on the dice roll.

    8th ED is pushing us to create new tactics, not hang onto the old ones. It will come down to the core blocks, if our saurus can go head to head with another horde block, hit it hard and negate its stubborn rank bonus, then throwing an EOTG into the flank, even if wont negate its rank bonus, with 2D6+1 IH, burning alignment, attacks from the saurus, that combat could still be won by a large margin and see the enemy trampelled to death. Plus, EOTG should be awesome at negating ranks, if you have a unit 10 wide and 4 deep the odds are that that unit is made up of cheap individual models, so, S6 hits and S4/5 hits are likely to clear out atleast one rank.

  7. the-graven

    the-graven New Member

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    The point is that skinks are fragile even heroe ones, get them in combat and they are dead.
  8. Tlax

    Tlax New Member

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    hmm ive actually changed my mind i did vote steg war spear combo but thats a waste of points better spent on a scar vet the steg gets a war stomp thing now extra d6 base strength hits at the end of every combat as long as its smaller i will be running just an ancient steg from now on lots of shooting and 2d6 strength 6 hits in combat that auto hit is nice also running the slaan with life and boosting the steg to toughness 10 will even give it a chance agaisnt cannons
  9. Guardian of Hexoatl
    Temple Guard

    Guardian of Hexoatl New Member

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    Ancient Steg with twin blowpipes for sure.
  10. OmegaRed

    OmegaRed Member

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    My friends have been talking about an even more strange option to add to the poll: no stegs AT ALL. :jawdrop:
  11. Skrox
    Cold One

    Skrox New Member

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    Your sarcasm is not appreciated :rolleyes: The real problems are:
    1) Many already have at least one stegadon model, and
    2) The stegadon is possibly the coolest model in our lineup.

    One of these things will ensure that I run one in some of my lists whether it sucks or not. I am just wondering how people think the best way to run them now is. Definitely don't buy one right now if you don't have one yet and you want the most competitive list you can, though I bet once everyone is used to the changes in 8th we won't be so doom and gloom about them.
  12. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Sure looks like they have gone from powerhouse to quite weak for the points.. The engine may still be very useful, but I'd porbably be tempted to run one without a character just to save points.

    For the same reason, the models look absolutely brilliant and I have 2 of them. Will have to check our errata and play a few games to see how it plays out.
  13. OmegaRed

    OmegaRed Member

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    I'm tempted to take an engine just because I'm going to be so scared of all those guns! I'm already wary enough of Empire as it is.
  14. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Regular Stegadon for me (I think)

    The rare section is taken by the Salamanders, which are truly awesome.
    The special section will be filled by chameleons, terradons and...Stegadon(s)!
    The stomp attack is truly potent, and you just need the right support to deal with the enemies threats (cannons!). Sure, the enemy might be able to take down the stegadon (T6 5W), but it will take them quite a while and they WILL take heavy casualties in doing so.
    That, for me, is worth it. I might even bring 2, for the double trouble.

    The Hunted
  15. Kurlin

    Kurlin New Member

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    Well I highly doubt I will fill all my 25% rare selection with salamanders(probably go 2 packs of 2, or 2 and 1). So if I can manage it I might throw an ancient in there, if not then a regular. Currently I plan on taking the lore of life with my slann, ao I should be able to keep the stegadon alive until he gets into a big combat.
  16. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    The rare part isn't completely taken by the Sala's, not at all. But you don't have to spend those points! :). I like my points elsewhere.
    And lore of life+multi-wound things = fantasic...untill a cannonball kills your Steggie outright...
    Just don't forget to keep you stegadon alive in that big combat. BSB reroll+stubborn+cold-blood means you are going nowhere anytime soon. That is, if the big boy actually lives..

    The Hunted
  17. Crovan
    Jungle Swarm

    Crovan New Member

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    I have one built as an EotG and may buy another and magnetize it. With a Slammed with beasts or life, they could get icky. Raising skunk crew or giving the Steffy wounds back would be spiffy. Not to mention +4 T! Other choices might be more optimized, but big monsters scare people, and the loss of Large Target and the addition of stomp mean they can still do damage, especially if combined with skrox or saurian blocks.
  18. Eagleblaze
    Temple Guard

    Eagleblaze New Member

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    With the new volley fire rules and TLoS an arrow magnet might not be a terrible idea, and with Life you can ensure that that arrow magnet will be sticking around...
  19. msinosic

    msinosic New Member

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    I just finished cutting mine off the sprues and pinning it in the right places so that it could be any type of Stegadon. No need for fancy modelling... just pins.

    Normal Stegadon head can swap for Ancient Stegadon head.

    Giant Bow and the piece its mounted on can be swapped for the EoTG semi circle plague thing.

    Giant Blowpipes can be pinned to the front corner posts or left off.

    All Skinks can be pinned in place (so you can remove them if you take a wound)

    The Skink that would go in the back middle can be replaced with the EoTG which has the Priest pinned to it or with a Skink Chief.

    The only thing I thought about doing but then decided against was making the Skink Priest and Chink Chief also mountable on a base... Just in case the Stegadaon gets skewered. Well they still oould be since they are both pinned by their feet...
  20. hellbreaker

    hellbreaker Member

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    I did that with mine. Works wonders, but they have one of their legs hanging in the air, so I suggest putting something for them to stand on.


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