7th Ed. Army rankings in 8th edition

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Great Lord Tlanxla, Jun 26, 2010.

  1. Walgis

    Walgis New Member

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    im not saying that we are unable to defeat them, i had a game with chaos warriors with 8 ed and he had two hord units of 50 marauders and i destroyed one even without sallys. the point is that if they charge in front theyre devastating. we played an interesting game of 3 peaople TK chaos and me lizards on one board. when marauders struck TK tomg guards with king they were unable to win, and the cost was 250 against 700++ and its hard to not let them to charge becouse of tha charge range of max 16" ofcourse luckaly for us we can out manuver them easaly. my army consisted of lone slann tettoeko 2x skink priest 2x3sallys and 79 skink sirmishers. we played with 7ed magic but everything was almoust like 8ed.
    all in all marauder hordes are really devastating to smaller warrior boxes, but they can easaly be illed with one hero/lord.
    i agree that we have superb helping units like sallys, slann, skink sk, for saurus i cant say anything becouse i didint try them againts other enemys.
  2. Eagleblaze
    Temple Guard

    Eagleblaze New Member

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    It's a shame you played with 7th ED magic because 8th is far superior and really does complement our chaps really well.
  3. Walgis

    Walgis New Member

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    the thing is we dont have an actual book. we played with rumors from warseer. we could see the spell but there was no casting value so we played like that

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