What do you guys think of setting up an opponent finder thread similar to what they have on Portmaw (Battlefield Gothic)? Just state your state/city, maybe country and if anyone is in your area work out a time to get together and fight. Example: I'm in Portland, Oregon and always looking for new opponents (been playin the same guy for about 7 years and would like to fight someone who's tactics I didn't know.)
Yeah another uncle built that house years ago. Our grandmother lived there after they moved out, then Tim lived there. Don't know if he still is but I don't think he is. That's ironic. 6ยบ of separation, huh?
A bit of a drive away from me down in Kettering, England. We just lost our GW store manager to you lot up in Peterborough, apparently your store is better than ours...not surprising lol -Eagle