AoS Start Collecting Box-off battle

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Imrahil, Feb 25, 2020.

  1. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Reminds me, I need to get the Sylvaneth SC box to do my 2.0 build. Lol.
    Imrahil likes this.
  2. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    When setting up for the Battle between Sylvaneth and Ironjawz I saw that the Branchwych Warscroll was to be found via QR-code, which led me to the GW-site. So for this game, and the games to come, I'll use the latest updated Warscrolls.

    Therefor I'll wait with the matches against Seraphon until I got the Battletome(I prefer paper over phone ;) ).

    Grrr, Imrahil

    PS: I'm writing the Batrep of said battle. Will be up today.
    Carnikang likes this.
  3. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    SCB Sylvaneth vs SCB Ironjawz

    Army #1
    SCB Sylvaneth
    - Branchwych
    - General
    - Treelord
    - 1 unit of 16 Dryads

    Battalion: Sylvaneth Heartwood Host


    Army #2
    SCB Ironjawz
    - Orruk Warchanter
    - General
    - 1 unit of 3 Gor-Gruntaz
    - Spearthingies
    - 1 unit of 10 Orruk Ardboyz
    - Drummer
    - Gorkamorka Banner
    - Gorkamorka icon

    Battalion: Ironjawz Smasha Boyz


    The battlefield was the dinner table, the only obstacle an abandoned home and the battle plan until the end(last army Standing wins)

    I learned from the previous battle, not to put the armies to far apart. Shortens the amount of turns before combat ;)


    Turn #1 Ironjawz
    Running forward, eager to get in there.
    Using Command ability Inspiring Presence and the Violent Fury on the Gor-Gruntaz

    Turn #1 Sylvaneth
    The Branchwych Arcane bolted the Gor-Gruntaz(dealing 2 wounds) before taking cover behind the house.
    The Dryads ran in to be able to confront the Ardboyz in the next turn.
    The Treelord positioned to get in range of the Warchanter. Using his Strangleroots he dealt 3 wounds.

    Failing the charge of 12 inches the Treelord will not yet see close combat.


    Turn #2 Sylvaneth
    Another Arcane bolt from the Branchwych finishes of the first Gor-Grunta.
    Using the Inspired Presence on the Dryads

    (as I had a shortened version handout of the core rules of the first addition I only had Command ability: Inspiring presence noted to use. This didn’t specify to be used at the start of the Battleshock phase, so I did use it in the Hero phase)

    Moving in the Dryads to a charge range on the Ardboyz.
    The Treelord moved in on the Gor-Gruntaz staying 5 inches out.
    Also the Branchwych moved out of cover to have a visible target for Arcane Bolt next turn.

    With its Strangleroots the Treelord managed to deal another 2 wounds to the Warchanter.
    Before charging into the Gor-Gruntaz.
    The Dryads successfully made their charge into the Ardboyz.

    Before combat starts the Treelord’s ability, Groundshaking Stomp, let him role a dice for 1 unit within 3 inches on a 4+ that unit will fight last in this combat phase. So the Gor-Gruntaz need to fight last.
    Also the Dryads pick a unit within 3 inches, if they attack that unit this turn they get +1 to hit.
    Needless to say this will be the Ardboyz unit.

    First attack is the Dryads into the Ardboyz, piling in this resulted in 33 attacks. Of which 5 wounds got through(2 killed and 1 wounded)
    The Ardboyz in return did kill off 8 Dryads.
    The Treelord killed another Gor-Grunta and wounded the last.
    At last the Gor-Grunta was able to fight and managed to deal the Treelord only 2 wounds.

    Due to Inspiring Presence both the Dryads and the Gor-Grunta didn’t have to take batlleshock. So only the Ardboyz did and they succeeded.


    Turn #2 Ironjawz
    The Warchanter uses Inspiring Presence on the Ardboyz. And the Violent Fury on the Gor-Grunta.
    Then he moves and then charging to the Branchwych.

    The Treelord makes the Gor-Grunta to fight last again.
    The Dryads pick the Arboyz once more.

    The Warchanter deals 2 wounds to the Branchwych.
    Next the Dryads manage to kill 1 Ardboy and dealing 1 a wound.
    In return the Ardboyz kill 6 more Dryads.
    Before the Gor-Grunta gets a chance to fight he is killed by the Treelord.


    Turn #3 Sylvaneth
    During the hero phase the Heroes heal a wound and the Dryads return 1 model to the battlefield.
    The Branchwych casts Mistyc Shield on the Treelord.

    Both the Branchwych and the Treelord move in closer to aid the Dryads.

    First the Treelord shoots down 1 Ardboyz before charging in.
    In close combat he kills another 4.

    The Ardboyz are able to kill off 1 Dryads leaving them useless to counterattack.

    Because of the battleshock-test another Dryad leaves the battlefield.

    Turn #3 Ironjawz
    Due to bad dice rolls the Ardboyz didn’t manage to kill the last Dryad…


    Turn #4 Sylvaneth
    Both the Branchwych and the Treelord heal to their max again and 1 Dryad returns.

    Moving in even closer on the Ardboyz, no magic is needed anymore.
    The shooting of the Treelord seals the deal and removes the last 2 Ardboyz from the table.


    Conclusion: First, a resounding win for Sylvaneth, having both a Wizard and a Ranged weapon is a big advantage in such a small game.
    Second, I need use the core rules download on the site instead of my handout:oops:

    This will likely also be the downfall for the SCB Seraphon and why I look forward to the SCB Skinks ;)

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2020
  4. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    I have had some time yesterday to play a battle for this line of battles :)

    SCB Seraphon vs SCB Sylvaneth

    Army #1
    SCB Seraphon
    - Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur
    - General
    - Warspear

    - 1 unit of 8 Saurus Knights
    - Drummer
    - Starsrake icon

    - 1 unit of 12 Saurus Warriors
    - Drummer
    - Starsrake icon

    Battalion: Gul'Rok's Starhost


    Army #2
    SCB Sylvaneth
    - Branchwych
    - General
    - Treelord
    - 1 unit of 16 Dryads

    Battalion: Sylvaneth Heartwood Host


    The battlefield was the dinner table, the only obstacle an abandoned home and the battle plan until the end(last army Standing wins)
    At forehand I want to apologize for the bad lighting, the battle was played at the last daylight.


    Turn #1 Sylvaneth
    Sylvaneth score the first turn, lining up for shooting in the next turn

    Turn #1 Seraphon
    Drawing all forces near. Getting the Scar-Veteran in charging distance. He fails the charge.


    Turn #2 Seraphon
    The Seraphon manage to score the double turn. This messed up the shooting advantage of the Sylvaneth.
    The Scar-Veteran lines up in front of the Treelord to battle him in combat. The Saurus Knights cross over behind the Scar-Veteran to get ready for the charge on the Dryads. With the Warriors I made the mistake to run(what I should have done in the first turn) So the warriors are unable to advance to combat this turn, but they ran 6" nonetheless.


    The Saurus Knights made a charge of 8", enabling them to encircle the Dryads.

    The Scar-Veteran gets in combat with the Treelord. At the start of combat the Scar-Veteran uses his Command Ability Saurian Savagery on the Saurus Knights so when hitting with their melee weapons on a 6 it counts as an additional hit. Combined with their own bonus of an extra damage to their Celestite Weapon, due to their charge this turn, makes them a potential nasty unit.

    The Treelord is within 3" of the Knights so he picks the unit of Knights to use his Groundshaking stomp on. It fails!

    First to fight are the Knights, after all buffs they manage to kill off 4 Dryads with their Celestite Spears and 2 with their Snapping Jaws and another 2 with their Powerful Jaws rendering the unit in half.

    The Treelord threw all of his attacks into the Scar-Veteran with no result whatsoever.

    In return the Sar-Veteran dealt 5 damage

    Also the Dryads weren't able to harm the Knights in any way

    During the battleshock phase I initially forget that the Branchwych had not yet spend CP last turn so I took a battleshock test fot the Dryads what resulted in all remaining 8 models fleeing the battlefield :eek:but luckily I then remembered and used the Command ability Inspiring Presence to prevent the Dryads from making a battleshock test.


    Turn #2 Sylvaneth
    During the hero phase the Treelord healed back a wound and the Dryads gained back a fallen fellow.

    During the hero phase the Branchwych casted Unleash Spites successfully on an 8 and, being 9" within both the Warriors and the Knights, got to roll 8 dices for both units. Resulting in only one wound for the Knights.

    After this the Branchwych moved back away to hopefully be able to aid the Treelord or Dryads in the upcoming turn.

    Both the Treelord and the Dryads engaged in combat again.
    The Treelord rolling of on the unit of Knights again to fight last, but failed again.
    The Scar-Veteran uses his last CP on Saurian Savagery for the knights.

    The Dryads fight first and manage to kill the wounded Knight. The Scar-Veteran deals 2 additional damage to the Treelord, whom is returning attacks to deal the Scar-Veteran 3 damage.
    Last but not least the Knights kill another 6 Dryads.

    During the Battleshock phase Inspiring Presence keeps the Dryads on the table for now.
    The Saurus Knights pass the test with ease.


    Turn #3 Seraphon
    Seraphon win priority again and start to trap the Sylvaneth for probably a last combat phase.

    The Warriors walk on to get within charging distance of the Branchwych and the Knights dive in to the Dryads.
    The Warriors make a successful charge and fully encircle the Branchwych in double rows trying to deal maximum damage.


    At the start of the combat the Treelord finally makes the Groundshaking stomp so the Scar-Veteran will fight last. The Saurus Warrior are now within 18" of the Scar-Veteran and can benefit from the Saurian Savagery.

    The Warriors destroy the Branchwy. The Treelord finally manage to deal 2 damage to the Scar-Veteran and the Knights take down the last Dryads.

    The Scar-Veteran wasn't able to deal any more damage to the Treelord


    Turn #3 Sylvaneth
    Lonely and battered the Treelord starts the Sylvaneth turn with healing one wound and attacking the Scar-Veteran somewhat from the side(further away from the Knights)

    The Treelord dealt one more damage but the Scar-Veteran does nothing at all.


    Turn #4 Seraphon
    Again the Seraphon win priority. The Scar-Veteran scoops over to give more room to the Saurus Knights to pile in. In the back the Warriors advance to support if necessary.


    Using his command ability again the Knights get additional hits on a 6.
    The Treelord prevents the Knights from fighting first. So the Scar-Veteran leads the combat , dealing 2 damage.
    The Treelord attacks the Knights furiously and manage to kill 4 of them
    In return the Knights manage to hack away on the Treelord untill only a pile of firewood remains.


    Total Victory for the Seraphon!!

    Big aspect of the win was canceling out the shooting of the Treelord.

    Grrr, Imarhil
  5. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Those shadows in the first picture look really eerie and menacing, but the Seraphon prevailed!

    Edit: hmmmm with a wyldwood near I think the Dryads could have won.
  6. Egres

    Egres Well-Known Member

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    Seraphon against ghostly tree I like it!!! Lol

    I know I know there just primed lol but still funny and actually perhaps not a bad scheme after all what tree can move around like that other then ghostly ones hehehehe !!

  7. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Today I had(made) some time to myself for another Battle to add in this thread.

    The one that was still waiting to be played was a do over between Seraphon and Ironjawz since the new handbook is out.

    SCB Ironjawz vs SCB Seraphon 2.0

    Army #1
    SCB Ironjawz
    - Orruk Warchanter
    - General
    - 1 unit of 3 Gor-Gruntaz
    - Spearthingies
    - 1 unit of 10 Orruk Ardboyz
    - Drummer
    - Gorkamorka Banner
    - Gorkamorka icon

    Battalion: Ironjawz Smasha Boyz


    Army #2
    SCB Seraphon
    - Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur
    - General
    - Warspear

    - 1 unit of 8 Saurus Knights
    - Drummer
    - Starsrake icon

    - 1 unit of 12 Saurus Warriors
    - Drummer
    - Starsrake icon

    Battalion: Gul'Rok's Starhost


    Again the battlefield was the dinner table, the only obstacle an abandoned home and the battle plan until the end(last army Standing wins)


    Turn #1 Ironjawz
    Seraphon won the roll off and decided to let Ironjawz go first.
    The Warchanter used his ability Violent Fury on the Gor-Gruntaz unit.

    All units move their normal distance.

    Turn #1 Seraphon
    The Scar-Veteran moved into charging distance of the Gor-Gruntaz. The Saurus Warriors moved and ran 5 inch, the Saurus Knight had less luck and just ran 1 inch.

    The Scar-Veteran made the charge. Starting the fight he dealt only four wounds to the Gor-Gruntaz. In return the Gruntaz did an astonishing 16 wounds to the Scar-Veteran due to the Smash 'am ability (units whitin 10" of the Warchanter get +1 to hit while in combat) and Violent Fury Add 1 to damage of all melee weapons.


    Turn #2 Seraphon
    The Saurus warriors close in to the Gor-Gruntaz and the Saurus Knights get ready to charge the Ardboyz, they succeed.


    The Warriors fight first and manage to kill one and deal 2 wounds to the second. The Ardboyz remove five Knights from the table in one attack.
    In return the Knights kill two Ardboyz. At last the Gor-Gruntaz only manage to kill 2 warriors.

    Both the Saurus Warriors and Knigths pass their battleshock tests. Due to Inspiring Presence all Ironjawz don't need to test.


    Turn #2 Ironjawz
    The Warchanter uses Violent Fury on the Gor-Gruntaz again and moves a little around the Knights as the Ardboyz close them in further. The Gruntaz dive into the Warriors head first.

    The Gruntaz wipe out all ten remaining warriors. The Knights kill one Ardboy and receive 1 wound in return. The Warchanter ended up out of range for the attack since the nearby knight was killed.


    Turn #3 Ironjawz
    The last turn went to Ironjawz. The Warchanter used the Violent Fury on the Ardboyz that surrounded the Knights and cleared the field.


    Lessons: During this game I made a couple of mistakes.

    - I charged to eagerly into battle with the Scar-Veteran without any backup.
    - after charging with the knights I picked the warriors to fight first. In doing this the knight received much more damage then if they had stroke first.
    - attacking with the Ardboyz before the Warchanter causing the Warchanter to be out of range for attacking.
    [edit: - Not hitting the Warchanter first to prevent the Battalion ability of the Smasha Boyz.]

    Thoughts: The Ability of the Ironjawz Battalion is quite a bit stronger then the of the Seraphon.

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2020
  8. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    iron jaws is the best melee army at the moment and they had a chanta with them.not inposible but very hard you did well over all now you just need to beef up those units and get them their support heroes
    Imrahil likes this.

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