Hello there ! My girlfriend wants to offer me an airbrush for my birthday. And I have zero clue about how to choose a good one. So I would like to know if some wise lizard can help me. I have no experience with airbrushes and no material at all. Thanks in advance mates !
You will need two basic things. One an airbrush and two an air compressor. There are a couple options for types of airbrushes. You can use a vacuum feed brush or a gravity feed brush. There are also single action and double actions brushes. I prefer gravity feed double actions brushes like this Badger brush. Iwata also makes great airbushes.
And question, for the air compressor. What is the difference for the use of one with a tank and one without it ? I know what the tank do, but I don't know the impact when you use it for airbrushing.
A tank means more stable air flow and a quieter compressor. I also find that tankless compressors cause more vibrations as they are constantly creating air flow, so if it is on your paint stations it can cause some annoyance.
What do you think of this kit ? (I don't really care about the peinture that is includ in it, just the airbrush and the compressor). https://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B01984G4SU/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A391IJVUJ1XRNR&psc=1 I'm tottaly new in this domain, so I'm afraid to buy something that is not really good to start, but I don't want to buy something too expensive to start.