8th Ed. How do Salamanders target?

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by emptyscale, Jun 7, 2020.

  1. emptyscale

    emptyscale Active Member

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    Hi, I was wondering if someone could go over the basics of legitimately firing a Salamander unit.

    So are the only restrictions putting the template down as described so the narrow end touches the salamander base, so it doesn't overlap a friendly model, and then rolling the arty dice to move it forwards that many inches?

    Does that mean that it can A) land on a close combat and wound whoever it lands on? B) be fired in that general direction without another valid target, like a unit behind it? C) Only be fired if it has a chance of hitting a non-engaged enemy target?

    So if my Stegadon is fighting a block of HE spearelves and there is another block of Lothern Seaguard on the other side of it can I fire my Salamander unit in the hopes that it will role into either unit? Would I be able to fire if the Seaguard weren't there?

    (Also do you just place one template and use one roll for distance, or do you roll three times, or roll once and move three templates, one from each base?)
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  2. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    First off, they are treated as Fire Throwers from the BRB so you can check out the rules there.


    In the BRB, it covers that you can’t shoot into combat, so, no, you won’t be able to fire into a melee.

    I doubt they would have line of sight to an infantry unit right behind the melee, so I think this is more the point.

    Yes, you would put a template in front of each salamander in the unit and roll for each one.

    Keep in mind that you can have Salamander units of 1 per the Lizardmen rulebook.


    So you can make them each a separate unit and then they can pick and choose individual targets.
  3. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Let me know if this helps.

    (Brilliant name by the way)
  4. emptyscale

    emptyscale Active Member

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    Thanks that is really helpful. I wasn't sure if the BRB rules for this were going to be under general principles, shooting phase, or war machines. I can see now that there is a line in the Fire Thrower entry itself that emphasizes the LoS. So in the case of the game I was playing (vs myself) it wouldn't have been legitimate.

    But if the Salamanders had been elevated they would have been able to have seen? I'm actually part way through making a Ziggurat so I might have to carve some salamander flamer decals into the bottom steps mwahahaha.
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  5. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    If you had line of sight then yes. You could attempt the shot, but if it landed on the melee then you’d have to agree with whoever you’re playing with how to resolve it.

    Possibly take the number of models affected and roll for each, 1-3 it’s one of yours, 4-6 it’s one of his? Something like his as it’s not covered by the rules.

    In the above quote it does make the point that the troops are all mixed up, so you’d have to randomise somehow.

    Post pictures of the ziggurat when you’re done in the modelling threads. We’d love to see it!
  6. emptyscale

    emptyscale Active Member

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    Yes I suppose it would be a bit unfair on the Elves for them to take all the hits just because they're the ones physically under the template on the table 1-3, 4-6 seems reasonable thought it would have sure melted the Stegadon since it was 3 salamanders landing a template directly over every spearelf in the unit (with their incredibly illegal no los shot of course)

    Will post when finished. The top was really easy to do since I cloned some of the metal Lizardman glyphs to run around it but I think I'll have to handle the inner panels of the next step myself so it might be a little while. Still I should put up a paint blog for the stuff I am getting done.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  7. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Blog sounds great matey!

    I just want to stress that the resolution of who gets hit if you ACCIDENTALLY have your salamanders land on the combat would have to be agreed with whoever you're playing with (since no specific points in the rulebook).

    I'll check out my FAQ and Errata later on and see if it says anything.

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