New game, new army

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Taelsin, Jun 11, 2020.

  1. Taelsin
    Jungle Swarm

    Taelsin New Member

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    Iplayed and painted minis before (eldar 40k, and stuff for D&D) but this is my first army for AoS, after some thought I ended up going with Seraphon. I've had time to work on this(though have done far less than I'd like) but figured I'd share what finished so far. They guy next to the star priest is kitbashed from the extra skink piece from the carnosaur/troglodon set and a few other bits was gonna use him as a priest, the scar-vet upper torso is modded to be a foot version with a bit of work with a warrior body sacrificed for the cause and good bit of green stuff(just have to prime and paint him now really. There are places where I've made mistakes in painting, the bronzes and the browns I'm using run a bit too close together, but overall I'm happy with the results. I haven't done any base decorations because I'm planning to set up a displayboard so I'm holding off on that step til then. Also I did magnetize the warriors, but I'm debating whether I'll do the same for the knights or the skinks I'll be doing assembly for. oldblood fin.jpg oldblood fin 2.jpg 20200229_213549.jpg 20200226_213828.jpg 20200504_131219.jpg View attachment 72998 20200328_161808.jpg
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2020
  2. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Well done!

    All excellent work. I like the deep red underbelly for the carnosaur, and am very impressed by your work on the green-scaled saurus shields :cool:
    LizardWizard likes this.
  3. Taelsin
    Jungle Swarm

    Taelsin New Member

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    I've been using talassar blue contrast paint as my baselayer for the seraphon themselves(after primer), for the shield I mixed it with yellow ink til I got the color I liked, then did the edging on the scales with two different greens, a mid color one(that I forget which one I used if I used a second one at all, painted them almost two months ago so it's fuzzy) and then scorpion green(that I've recently discovered is now moot green, some of my paints are over 10 years old, and about half are from reaper paints, I actually don't have much of GW's current line)
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2020
    Warden likes this.

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