I will pay someone to do this for my army: http://minicreateurs.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?10081.20 Just the conversion though, i'd like to do the painting even though i'll butcher it
I think we'd all prefer that to the buck-tooth cold-ones that out cavalry come with. Does Skiv post here? Chouette, très joli travail! Bravo, Skiv!
Damn, that's a lot of Krog'gar sadles! A lot I tell you! On the one hand I've seen those posted here a long time ago. Doesn't make them any less marvellous though! Cheers!
It could just be a piece of the Stegadon`s horn, cut to size and hollowed out. The arm is probably the same kind that holds a Spear or Hand Weapon, and just repositioned to hold the horn up to his mouth.
That is... Awesome :O! Sadly, I can't convert at all I would gladly pay someone to do that, and then paint the Cold Ones