7th Ed. 1st List (revised!)

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Mr.Esty, Jul 7, 2010.

  1. Mr.Esty

    Mr.Esty New Member

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    I have been playing with some ideas for a 1500 Point Army and this what I could come up with. Any C&C is appreciated!


    Slann Mage-Priest
    - Focus of Mystery
    - The Focused Rumination
    - Higher State of Conciousness


    Skink Priest
    - Lvl 2 Wizard


    Saurus Warriors (x20)
    - Spears
    - Musician
    - Standard Bearer

    Saurus Warriors (x18)
    - Spears
    - Musician
    - Standard Bearer


    Razordon Hunting Pack (x2)


    Cold One Cavalry (x5)
    - Champion
    - Musician

    Terradon Riders (x3)

    Terradon Riders (x3)

    Totals: 1502

    Is this a legal army? Suggestions on how to arrange my core units? I really apologize, I have no idea what I'm doing :oops:

    *crap, my math was wrong; dropped the Cupped hands from the Slan & I'm still 2 points over*
  2. Mr.Esty

    Mr.Esty New Member

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    Re: 1st List

    (please help!)
  3. Mr.Esty

    Mr.Esty New Member

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    I want to use Terradons, but I've heard that only using 3 isn't very effective, sooo I doubled up on them to support each other. The 2 Saurus Warriors squads look clunky to me.

    I'm used to small 7-man Plague Marine squads, not fielding ranks apon ranks of dino-men (so sorry for my general ignorance of WHFB tactica :oops: ) .

    I'm really open to advice, as long as SOME Terradons stay, I'm pretty flexible on everything else. I'm just kinda looking for someplace to start from.
  4. Great Lord Tlanxla

    Great Lord Tlanxla New Member

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    Okay first off unless they changed the rules in 8th ed, which I am pretty sure they didnt, you cannot have a slann in a 1500 point list becuase he is a lord choice. So, I would keep the skink priest and then put in a scar-vet as a battle standard bearer to support your saurus warriors.

    Then what I would do with the extra points left over from the slann is boost your saurus warriors numbers to 25 or 30 so that little will be able to stand up to them in combat.
    Now we need to change up your rare choices. I would switch the razordons out for salamanders. Now that there are no partial hits the flame templates from the sallies are devastating.

    Cold one cavalry are not too effective in this edition so I would get some skinks or chamelon skinks in there.

    Its definitely a good base for a list. With some changes I think that this is definitely very competitive and playable :D
  5. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    You are allowed a Lord at sub-2000 points now.

    As for the list, drop the skink priest and put in a cheap Saurus Scar-Veteran. I would also just condense the Terradons into one unit of four, and add on one or two Saurus Cavalry with the new points.
  6. Mr.Esty

    Mr.Esty New Member

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    Thank you so much, Tlanxla!
    I'm kinda embarrassed I missed that Lord rule :oops: .... which reminds me (I should probably be asking my local shops this question) : is 1500 a small army in WHFB? Is an average army more like 2000points?

    Regardless, they all sound like pretty good suggestions (I think I prefer salamanders anyway). The only thing I'm a little wary of is loosing the Cold Ones, cause I would love to do a conversion like this one day:

    But I understand I might be spreading myself a little thin already with all those Terradons, and I can see the logic in maybe putting the points into something more more reliable like Skinks.
  7. Gor-rok

    Gor-rok Member

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    If you're new to the game, first of all welcome aboard! Second, remember there's a whole new rulebook coming out on Saturday (where I llive anyway) so a lot of big changes are almost here.

    As Xlcontiqu mentioned, in the new 8th edition rules you may have a Lord choice at any points total, however it can never be greater than 25% of your army. So, for a 1500 point list you are allowed 375 points worth of Lord characters. You've got the right idea with Focus of Mystery and Rumination, but consider taking the enchanted item Divine Plaque of Protection instead of Higher State of Conciousness. It offers a 2+ ward save against all ranged attacks, magic and regular both, and it will save you 20 points vs Higher State.

    You'll always need 25% minimum of core choices in 8th edition; in your list you have 516, so you're all good there.

    I also agree with what was mentioned earlier- drop the skink priest in favor of a fighting Scar Veteran to join your saurus warriors. In the new rules, you roll 2D6 at the start of the magic phase, and that is how many power dice your whole army has. The Slann can easily use all of those by himself.

    To answer your other question, 1500 is a small game, but there's nothing wrong with that. 2000 used to be standard, and now it's looking like 3000 will be very common. 1500 still has plenty of action, though, and the game won't drag on too long so you can fit something else into your evening as well.

    Hope that helps, and good luck in your battles!
  8. Mr.Esty

    Mr.Esty New Member

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    Okay, so after some thought, I've made some revisions and here's the new list:


    Slann Mage-Priest
    - Focus of Mystery
    - The Focused Rumination
    - Divine Plaque of Protection


    Saurus Scar Veteran
    - Battle Standard Bearer
    - Light Armour


    Saurus Warriors (x18)
    - Musician
    - Standard Bearer

    Saurus Warriors (x18)
    - Musician
    - Standard Bearer


    Salamander Hunting Pack

    Salamander Hunting Pack


    Chameleon Skinks (x9)

    Terradon Riders (x3)

    Terradon Riders (x3)

    Temple Guard (x10)

    1500 even!

    how's that look?

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