AoS Skink magnetizing

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Darksnauw, Jul 1, 2020.

  1. Darksnauw
    Jungle Swarm

    Darksnauw New Member

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    Hello everyone,

    I'd like to magnetize a unit of skinks for easy invocation. The problem is I have trouble deciding which parts i should put on each arm.
    My idea was to magnetize boltspitters and javelins on the right skink's arm and the club and starbuckler on the left arm. However if I do that, I fear i will lack sprues for the left arm (as you generally cut the club on the hand to put the buckler instead). I also lose the option Club + buckler.
    Do anyone have an idea of what i could do instead ?

    Also I bought 2mm*1mm magnets (because I saw a guy magnetizing Skaven with them) but I fear the might be too big now that i look again at my skinks (I didn't receive them yet)
  2. Egres

    Egres Well-Known Member

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    You can always keep the 2 left javelin and cut the 2 right left over one for bucklers in the long run you’ll get enough but at that point it may just be worth buying a extra box and glueing them instead......

    I was planning on doing this with mine...

    I already have 24 build, 20 as spit/buck and the remaining 4 javelins/buck

    And I have 3 more box untouched

    I was think building a extra 10-20 as spit/buck

    30-40 as spit/club and put a little piece of metal ( paper clip most likely) over there fingers or something like that and a magnet inside the bucklers which would give me 3 option into one : spit/club, spit/buck, club/buck.
    By switching which side I put the bucklers or not at all

    And the remaining as either javelins or club perhaps a couple mix as well

    Having a few build the “right” way will help recognize which is which and just pop off the odd looking one first....

    Most the time I would be using spit/buck or spit/club and javelins I would think but who knows. Having the option I think will be nice

    And this way it’s just bucklers I would have to deal with not thousands of little arms lol
  3. Grotpunter

    Grotpunter Well-Known Member

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    I know this doesnt really answer your question, but I think you should seriously reconsider magnetizing your Skinks. They are super small and not that easy to magnetize. Ontop of this you will likely end up with 80+ if you ever fancy going Fangs. ;) Where will you store all the extra arms anyways? I understand the idea on bigger and more important units.
    ILKAIN and Imrahil like this.
  4. Guzzer

    Guzzer Active Member

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    The cost involved in magnetizing them would outweigh the cost of getting a new box. Also look at 2nd hand market - TrollTrader has some really cheap deals and always heaps of skinks.
    ILKAIN and Imrahil like this.
  5. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    To know this is bad for my wallet :oops::rolleyes:

    Grrr, Imrahil
  6. Guzzer

    Guzzer Active Member

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    Well the angle I am using with Troll Trader that I am helping the environment by 'reusing' someone else's models instead buying new stuff.
    Depending what you get you, you can even leave them painted (horde models like Skinks) or an overnight bath in paint stripper of choice.. good as new.

    Just finding the weapon load out is the key - but usually for skinks there is plenty of variety :)
    Imrahil likes this.

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