Kroxigor or Terradon...wich is better ? Place your opinion here to tell you why u chose that one Mine is personal. Because i think the Charisma of your army is importand...and an army looks great with kroxigors in it/. + kroxigors have far more expanded choices (in a skink unit or not ...ancient etc. So my choice is Krox ^^
in 7 ed my choise would be terradons for sure in8 ed, well neither they both seem not good, so im not intending to use them
If I take Terradons now, they will be as a meat shield for a Chief on a Terradon. With the buff that war machines have received, we need something quick and killy to dismiss those threats. There are a few combos now that might make a Chief on Terradon viable. I never would have taken one before, but now, its possible. If I take Krox, it will be to beef up cohorts, which are starting to look very appealing now.
I think the terradons have taken a huge hit in the new edition. In 7th I never left home without them. In 8th, I am going to play some with them to see. I think they still have a place in the army. The vanguard move alone makes them worth taking. A free 12 inch move gets those rocks that much closer to dropping on some unit's head. Also, I own 6 of them. I will not put a chief in a group anymore because then the unit loses the fast cavalry rule (because the chief does not have the rule-as it is written now. In 8th it specifically states that if a character joins a group of fast cav, that they unit is no longer fast cav unless it states that the character has the rule). Krox are a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. I have only played them a few times, but they are so much fun that I will definately play them again. Now, I think I would like to see at least 4 of them in a unit of 32 skinks to get the horde rule.
I don't get this question as they are both very different units, and they aren't competing for slots or uses.
kroxigors!!! 8th ed has turned into a combat minded edition and so that's one point for me. also, they can be ranked up and attack from 2 ranks which makes 6 kroxigors more appealing and then they also get their stomp attacks as well. march blocking is out of the question now so terradons are useless to me. warmachines can get taken out by magic so i think it'll be okay without them.
My six Kroxigor unit will be accompanying me to all my early 8th ed. battles until I can determine their effectiveness. Terradons still have their place, but with march blocking so hit- or -miss now, I think they'll be relegated to fast cavalry hunters, or to tie up a war machine at a critical time.
I just love the teradon models, and i like flying beasts, but they've taken a hit, but I'll still use them, it's a pity to just let those models lie somewhere and never use them, though i still have to put them together, GS to the rescue!!
i just find kroxigors to expensive ant not point worth. as we can compare them with chaos ogres with GW and chaos armour, you get apsolutly the same but the price is 10 less. and i dont like to pay 10pt for coolblooded, thats insane. Andy hoare (boo writer) made alot of mistakes for lizards. i mean there is alot good units but kroxigors? special char cost? the oldest race in the world yet with almost the smallest list of items? just have to wait for another book but thats long away. i dont get why cant they compare units with others and why they dont see that we get the same only for 10 pts pricier... well we have to dowhat we have kroxigors with slann should be vialable i think
The Brettonians evidently have to pay 50 points for a banner that makes their Holy Grail Knights cold blooded, and don't forget our kroxigor are aquatic, which can make for a nice advantage once in a while. I do agree that for the cost they should at least be base S5 or better; I'm guessing they didn't want them to be chariot breakers in 7th edition. It just doesn't make sense that they're no stronger than saurus. Still, though, they're getting a nice boost in 8th, and they fill a role that can be useful to us.
Don't forget that Kroxigor can also be put into a unit of skinks, which could also account for the cost increase. Secondly you can't really compare unit costs across books, it is all about what fits that particular army.
well i dont see an advantage in 8 ed for puting kroxi in a skink unit, becouse of step up, you will just be giving free CR for enemy
Steadfast is the reason, and it also makes a fast ranked unit to take away rank bonus on enemy blocks.
I have yet to play a game of Fantasy Battle, but I'm aaaaaall about Terradons. Little men riding flying dinosaurs? Are you kidding me? I'm not sure the best way to use them yet, but one thing's for sure: I WILL be using them.
Ogre players are doing that with Bulls, and it is downright scary. And they get command so with musicians they can reform etc... There isn't much that can damage that big of a unit with 3 wounds each. And cannon balls won't bounce through a monstrous infantry guy. Things that multiply wounds, or kill models instantly are their only worries outside of combat. Not sure how viable it is with the cost of kroxigor and no command. Your looking at almost 1k points in just kroxigor. Where its only around 600 for ogre bulls.
Really? I can honestly say I have never looked at the cap on kroxigor unit size. And don't have my book on me. So no horde kroxigor units I guess then.
Darn, I had never looked at the cap either as I would never consider running more than like 3 before and even that was suspect.
I am definitely going to have to pick up some Kroxigors now. I'm planning a list with about a dozen in it...