Alright so after over 2 months I finally finished my stegadon. Overall I am very happy with him and ust in time for 8th (even though he got a bit of a knock down).
Thanks guys for all of the positive words! I am my own worst critic but I am happy with the results. There are things I still need to improve upon, one of them being how to paint bone/horns but he turned out really well. Now I need to paint his resin base for him and he'll finally be ready for the big 8th edition launch party at my local game store on the 9th!
In my own opinion, I actually liked your horns a lot. It was one of the things that stood out to me the most was how they were painted. But it your own personal opinion If you are painting it for yourself then you have to like it, not me
That is one b-e-a-utiful paintjob! You have to tell me how you made the gold, mine always end up looking... Well... Not as great as yours!
The gold is actually really easy once you get a process down. Start with a 50/50 mix of brown/gold (I use Vallejo paint so it's charred earth/glorious gold). Paint your entire gold area with this mix. Do a wash of devlan mud on the gold Go back over the gold with gold (again glorious gold for me) making sure to leave the shadows untouched. This will give you the depth to the gold that you're looking for. Final step is a 50/50 mix of gold/silver for the highlights.
Thanks a lot This will really help my painting. But do you know maybe know a GW counterpart to the brown? There are so many of browns, not sure wich to take And do you think Shining Gold or Burnished Gold would be best?
easy GOLD: Scorched Brown/ Tin Bitz (1/1) Shining Gold (Drybrush) Devlan Mud Wash (not everywhere, just on the foot of the gold area, skip this for real small areas/bits) It's really just 3 easy steps, unless you put on too much wash (then just hit it with another LIGHT Drybrush of Shining Gold )
What color did you use for the cloth surrounding the palanquin? I'm having trouble making mine look good.
It looks great. Were you shooting for a "Barney the pissed-off stegadon" color? All joking aside, it looks fantastic. Essayons.
Really simple actually. I did a base coat of brown (again Vallejo paint - Beasty Brown). A Devlan Mud wash over it, then build up the highlights using a Beasty Brown/Bone White mix and then final highlights with just Bone White. Basically same colors as I use for horns except I didn't use the pure white at the end. Har! Yeah sadly enough when I first put the purple on him he had a serious Barney look and I got nervous that I just ruined my stegadon, my wife even commented that maybe I should start over. After some tweaking and a good wash to tone down the purple he started to come together for the highlights on him.