8th Ed. rippers rank bonus

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by jcphoenix, Jul 31, 2019.

  1. jcphoenix
    Jungle Swarm

    jcphoenix New Member

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    not that it often happens but somebody help me trough here

    a ripperdactyl rider is a monstrous cavalry
    one of the rules for this says :

    A rank of monstrous cavalry needs only three models to count for rank bonus, steadfast and so on, and only need a six model frontage to count as a horde

    they are also flying which says :

    In addition, because of their loose fighting style, flying units consisting of more than one model have the Skirmishers special rule

    and skirmishers in turn says;

    Skirmishers simply lack the necessary mass to push forward onto the enemy and are easily overwhelmed by troops used to fighting in grinding melee. Skirmishers always count as having zero ranks, and therefore cannot claim a rank bonus, be steadfast, or disorder an enemy with a flank or rear attack

    which would seem odd please advice do they have rank bonus or not ?
  2. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    If you take a look at the BRB, under "Flying" it definitively covers that any Flying models are loosely organized and are under the rules of skirmishers.

    Sorry. :(
    jcphoenix and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  3. jcphoenix
    Jungle Swarm

    jcphoenix New Member

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    ok so the skirmisher overrules the monstrous cavalary rule when it comes to steadfast ranks copy that , thank you for claryfing :)

    while on the subject of ripperdactyls i have another question :

    the riders have only spears and shields on their weapon profile ( and are mounted)
    ergo i would asume they have the +1str on the charge , however followup on that it says :
    "A spear is only used in a turn in which the wielder charged into combat. In subsequent turns (or if the wielder did not charge) the model uses its hand weapon. "
    but he doesn't have a hand weapon on the profile so what does he use to fight then ?
    also if he does get a hand weapon then does he also get the parry save then for hand weapon + shield ?
    Imrahil and Lizards of Renown like this.
  4. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    You’re right about +1 strength on the charge, but not on subsequent turns.

    If you look at the BRB, basically every model is assumed to have a hand weapon. Unfortunately, if a model is mounted he does not get the parry save...

    Check it out in the Weapons section of the BRB.
    jcphoenix and NIGHTBRINGER like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    "We assume that all troops and characters have turned up to the battle with at least one suitable fighting hand weapon each, although many troops are also equipped with one or more other, more specialized weapons" [BRB page 88]

    "As a final caveat, the parry save cannot be claimed by Frenzied Warriors - they're far too bonkers to think overmuch about their own personal safety - nor can it be used by mounted models" [BRB page 88]

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