Discussion Colossadon and other undentified creatures

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Krai’kotak, Aug 5, 2020.

  1. Krai’kotak

    Krai’kotak Member

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    Well hellow my fellow reptilians( I know I know the next part of the my lore is not updated yet and I don’t think somebody cares)but i got this doubt burning in my cold bloooded brain and I really need to take out ¿does anyone know what in the holly name of the ancients and all his creations is a colossaldon?i know in the warhammer world there is a lot of things without an oficial picture or even a description such are the cases of the thunder lizard and the colossadon the thunder lizard is mencioned couple of times(there’s even a seraphon constellation with that name) and we know to things:he’s gigantic and he is almost completely untamable and then in total war warhammer 2 there is a regiment of renown call the colossadon hunters and I the description of the riperdactyls there is the name colossadon again,in the warhammer fantasy arts (and I think in the seraphon battletome to)there’s image of giant creatures with long necks( like brontosaurus’s and similars)without a name without a description I’m almost sure than that creature is or a thunderlizard or a colossadon.In my opinion probably is a colossadon ¿why? Well because in the thunderlizard oficial information it says that a thunder lizard fights a sea monster and honestly I can’t imagine one of those long and clumsy giants fight for two days (like it said in the tale) probably the thunder lizard is a similar beast(whitout the neck maybe similar to the beautiful diorama[i really love that diorama])maybe bigger or maybe a total diferent thing but definitely would be herbivore ¿why? Because it’s clearly said in the dread saurian lore the biggest PREDATOR so there cannot be anything bigger at least anything that eats meat or maybe I’m just a crazy man who takes seriously every single word of games workshop and creative assembly(probably this is true) ; )

    Well let me your theories and thoughts
  2. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    I've actually given this some thought, myself and @Nazqua have been writing and coming up with bios for Creatures of Lustria and the Mortal Realms.

    So to your question... IMO, Colossaldon = Great Wyrms of the Dragon Isles imo, Giant Dragon Sized Reptiles.

    They are also, imo, what I call in my personal lore a Quetzaldon (Quetzeldon) which is essentially a Quetzelcoatlus with tweaks.

    This is the model from Lost Kingdom that Im using to represent it, it is currently WIP (on a Stardrake base, 170mm oval)

  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Too many writers keep wanting to make things bigger and bigger. I think more development needs to be made on smaller critters.

    That's why I created derelethi spiders, huagerdons, tallosaurs, and lurkerdons.

    But I think you are on to something with Dread Saurians being the largest land predator. Ergo, a Colassadon would logically be the largest herbivore, or a sea creature.

    The largest real world dinosaurs that I'm aware of are long necks. When your body is taller than many trees, I'm not sure if a long neck would be beneficial.

    A giant herbivore would either be constantly grazing, barely ever sleeping. In this case I think a long neck eating leaves off the top of trees could work. A Colassadon would presumably be so big, that a Carnosaur cannot take it down. Colassadons would probably be pretty nonaggressive because Dread Saurians are pretty rare and they Dread Saurians probably prefer to eat smaller prey. Storywise this kind of Colassadon is a background detail.

    Otherwise it could be an indiscriminate eater that is lower to the ground and basically mows the lawn eating every tree, shrub, and plant it can find pooping out the rocks and slower small animals it accidentally swallows. Storywise, this kind of Colassadon is a danger. Not like a traditional fight for your life danger (even a Saurus should be able to outrun a Colassadon mowing the lawn), but Colassadons could devastate crops. It could also alter the terrain. Hypothetically if you really wanted to justify fighting on mostly open flat field in the middle of Lustria you could always say a Colassadon just mowed the lawn there.

    Chameleon Skinks and regular Skinks that rely on stealth probably hate Colassadons. On the other hand if the Lizardmen want to level something, a single Slann should be able to channel Beast magic to nudge a Colassadon where they want it to go, assuming a Slann is willing to stoop to such a lowly task. It'd be very difficult for lesser Lizardmen to goad, prod, or bribe a Colassadon to move in X direction not Y direction.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2020
  4. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    I like your take on it, however given that he is talking about the Warhammer 2 Colossaldon Regiment that use a Ripperdactylmodel (but supposed to be huge) I'm pretty sure it's a flying creature.

    I'm curious though, what type of creature do you think a Thunder Lizard is? From your thoughts on long necks not being beneficial if you're taller than trees I am assuming not a saurpod type creature? Do you picture it more like a Dewback? Or something else entirely?
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2020
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  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Rather than reinvent the wheel, we did talk about long necks and thunderlizards here.

    Long necks are iconic dinosaurs that as of yet are not represented in Lizardmen/Seraphon models, so the Rule of Cools says that Thunder Lizards are probably long necks.

    Logic dictates that Thunder Lizards are not long necks. That's not to say longneck dinosaurs don't belong in Lustria, some people made a good case for it in the linked thread, but long necks are useful for reaching food in high places, for catching fish in the water, and for spotting predators.

    Thunder Lizards are impossibly big. They have no predators and they have no problem reaching high places on their own. They might be aquatic. The only thing that canon says about Thunder Lizards is that they are impossibly big. I believe it's implied that there is only one Thunder Lizard and that's basically a semi-divine monster. Others disagree. There is plenty of room for interpretation.

    I see Thunder Lizards as a Terrasque/dinosaur hybrid. It sleeps for eons, wakes up occasionally to wreck a bunch of stuff before going back to sleep.

    I don't think the Thunder Lizard is well thought. It's too big and OP to have a place on the tabletop. It's fluff is so puffed up that ANY statted creature would be a let down. I don't see the story purpose beyond a nuclear option for the Slann to deploy in the End Times and in the official End Times lore, the Slann did not do a whole lot of proactive stuff.
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  6. Krai’kotak

    Krai’kotak Member

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    I was thinking exactly that the colossadon probly would be pacefull long neck giants who just wanders lustria and eats plants maybe it’s only true use is exactly that destroy parts of the jungle to open the for expanding a temple city or when a temple city is going to migrate(because war or because the great plann requieres so) the slann would control the beast and plataforms would be atached to its back and all the habitants would climb on its back,I don think that have a use in war to big and its many times said that the slann only can control this creatures(dread saurian,thunder lizards) when they are calm.

    Respect the regiment of renown and the possibility of a sea creature in the riperadactyl description is said:”descend even over a colossadon eat the best parts and then fly away”and I don’think you can descend on flying thing bigger than you(because bigger birds like the cóndor have huge muscles on the wings so they can fly higher correct me if I am wrong).Also I think that the riperadactyls would be a perfec hunters for a long neck creature ¿why? Because hunting them for the ground would be nearly impossible, when this type beast feels threatened uffff by the old ones would be terrifying swinging his tail destroying all the surroundings raising his legs and stomping all the near things the best way would be with quick clever and ferocious hunters I imagine the ryperdactyls biting his neck and knees quickly falling back and the attacking again.I also agree with you the writers need to concentrate in also midium and small size creatures with diferents roles and places in the food chain and yes I think the thunder lizard is op and I think that’s exactly his lore,look why the dinosaurs sre terrifying and awesome because they are a 5 ton reptilian monsters capable of killing you without problem we are fascinated with them because they are a primitive and savage beast for a more primitive and savage time, that’s exactly lustria a place frozen in time so maybe the thunder lizard is even older that the dinosaurs(with this I refer to normal lustria creatures stegadon,carnosaur,etc)maybe it’s one of the first of the old ones creations designed to destroy mountains or transporting things the the old ones didn’t need them more so they let them wander lustria soon the climate will change an the thunder lizard couldn’t live more and they died now in the present times of the warhammer world only 2 or 3 of them lurks lustria sleeping for years maybe deep in the ocean(lungs that big could keep lots of oxygen) or deep in the spine of sotek
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    ASSASSIN_NR_1 Well-Known Member

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    I've recently come across some new (to my knowledge) thoughts about why some of the Sauropods had long necks, and for a good portion of them, it was not to reach highly placed food sources, instead they used them to reach food on the ground or whatever they could reach; since their necks were so long, they did not need to walk much, and could instead just move their neck to get a new spot with food, thus conserving energy. By that logic a Thunder Lizard could easily be a long necked creature, possibly large enough to graze the tree tops as if it was grasslands.
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  8. Krai’kotak

    Krai’kotak Member

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    That could also be true but I’m still can’t imagine a thunder lizard as a long neck
  9. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    From the "Valley of Carnosaurs" the Dragon Isles army back in 2004

    Now, I will personally always picture a Thunder Lizard as a Sauropod type creature, that's just my personal take on it, I also take to the belief that there isnt just one species of Thunder Lizard but different sub species. I don't believe the same type lives in Lustria vs the Dragon Isles for instance.

    The traditional TL is huge, a divine creature in many ways or quite literally. These are typically the TL of Lustria, a huge continent. I think the Dragon Isles Thunder Lizards are a smaller sub species for one reason: Food Consumption. Being Omnivorous, I picture them being mainly vegetarian but when coming across a carcass or a dying animal will take the opportunity, I don't imagine it hunting anything down. The Isles won't have as much food as Lustria if every TL just ate vegetation or was as big as the Lustrian species.

    A Sauropod of sorts with modofied teeth would be perfect for such a creature, a long neck would allow for feasting from any level of the jungle while.

    So my theory is, if a Colassadon is infact a Sauropod (which I can get down with) its simply a sub species of the greater Thunder Lizard species tree.

    The Thunder Lizard I created/still working on is example a Dragon Isles Thunder Lizard, not a Lustrian Thunder Lizard.

    Also, from the description above, I truly dont believe that the Thunder Lizard is a singluar thing, as it says "Thunder Lizards" as a plural.

    Just my 2 cents, im gonna go read that thread though...with it probably going on for so long however not sure how relevant my opinion would be lol
    Imrahil, Scalenex and Krai’kotak like this.
  10. Krai’kotak

    Krai’kotak Member

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    that sounds pretty acuarate pal
  11. lazycaptain35

    lazycaptain35 Member

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    Are there more threads talking about fan made dinos? Ive been looking for it forever
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  12. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    There are a few, @Nazqua and myself have working beastiaries, expanded descriptions of Lustrias Regions (Nazqua), etc in probably 3-4 different posts between us
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  13. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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  14. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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  15. lazycaptain35

    lazycaptain35 Member

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    Thanks alot friend, I really admire people expanding more and more creatures that the lizardmen deserve. Also what are your thought about expanding to new sub species of lizardmen? Similar to skinks to chameleon skins, maybe even crocodile skins or a skink that has frills of a Axoyotl and has some sort of healing attributes? Like rare spawnings.

    Any Keep up the good work man
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2020
  16. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    I really like that idea and something I haven't revealed yet (except for now haha) is that my Seraphon all have gills as a gift from the Old One Tzunki.

    I think a new sub species woulf be cool for sure, and I think a more aquatic species would be cool, amphibious assaults and all that.
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  17. Krai’kotak

    Krai’kotak Member

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    I was thinking I ve heard of bleesed spawning in the form of single champions and in the form of cohorts with special gifts (gills,spikes,etc) but what about a blessed champion like a kroxigor choosen by Itzl and blessed with a great size ,tusks and claws or a skink choose by sotek with a red crest and with a poisonous sting in his tail or something like that
    Imrahil and Sudsinabucket like this.
  18. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I definitely still imagine a giant beastie (colassadon, thunder lizard, or otherwise, would look like this as posted by @Nazqua :

  19. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    I actually am in the VERY beginning stages (as in decided on the models to use and ordered lol) of making a conversion of that exact drawing ;)
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  20. EFHILT 167

    EFHILT 167 Member

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    I would like to note that third eyes on reptiles are simple eyes that only sense light. Pest insects use simple eyes to avoid humans wielding flashlights and pesticide in dark basements, for example, cockroaches. If you mean extra eyeLID, not extra EYE, well, such eyelids are used to protect eye while eye can see out through it. On the other hand, the behavior you suggested is spot on. Many crocodilians submerge themselves with only eyes above surface.
    Scalenex likes this.

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