Hi Again Just Bought The Tehenauin .. whatever his name is model because its just soooo AWESOME and was originally not planning to use him in the game .. but as i start to paint him the model just begins to make me think hes Bad ass in battle Just wonderin if anyone ever used him as he is a pretty cheap lord ( As far as my lords go ) And if hes Any good ? Thanks
I used him last week under 8th edition rules... But I can't say how good he was since I screw up about 1/2 of the rules that game....
He looks spectacular on paper. I personnaly have never used him so I wouldn't know for sure... new_relic
He's the only character in our list that could possibly become a dragon, so he has his good points...
I used him once. He died against beastmen. He was a blast to play with though. If I take him again, I would want to field some swarms with him. That would be fun. Plus, as stated, he can turn into a dragon! He would be useful in a battle against skaven.
Thanks For THe feedback Guys He sounds like he can be some good fun to play with so ill give him a go