AoS Spells and Tanks

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Salamander Tactics, Sep 15, 2020.

  1. Salamander Tactics

    Salamander Tactics Member

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    Okay, so to get this put of the way, my last list ( AoS Basic) was not legitimate. I got too excited about my 9th edition book and realized after re-re-reading (and remembering) that Thunderlizards must be Coalesced. That really sucks, because Conjuring is really useful, but I would rather have Stegas as Battleline. Plus Engine of the Gods CAN still summon, albeit very rarely and even then - not reliably.

    Anyways, here goes again:

    Allegiance: Seraphon
    - Constellation: Thunder Lizard
    Mortal Realm: Ghur

    Engine of the Gods
    - General
    - Command Trait: Prime Warbeast
    - Artefact: Fusil of Conflaguration

    Slann Starmaster (260)
    - Artefact: Prism of Amyntok
    - Spell: Stellar Tempest

    Skink Priest (70)

    10 x Saurus Guard
    Stegadon (240)
    - Weapon: Skystreak Bow
    Stegadon (240)
    - Weapon: Skystreak Bow

    3 x Kroxigor

    - Weapon: Solar Engine
    Bastiladon (220)
    - Weapon: Solar Engine

    Thunderquake Temple-host

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 95

    Okay so 3 Stegas and 2 Solar Engines - this would be illegal without the new Thunderlizard rule. It is also Thunderquake Temple-host, just for extra initial movement and general damage later in the game.

    So basically, it is a TANK army. It has units which charge and fire (or in the case of Warhammer, shoot then charge) and it can do a high degree of bonus/stacking charge damage, a high degree of shooting damage, a high degree of stacking/buffed melee damage, and has an extreme amount of staying power. This is combined with regular heals and artillery support from the Engine of the Gods and the Solar Engines. It is also a very themed army, combining the Ancient Technology of the Old-Ones with the Monster units - both major themes of the Thunderlizards.

    I get 3 Solar shots per round. That is right 3. That is why I consider it 5-10 times more beneficial to take 2 Bastiladons with Solar Engines instead of 1 when running Thunderlizards. Thunderlizards allow one Solar Engine to fire twice (it can also allow one Engine of the Gods to do the same for 1 Command Point ). This means if I bring 1 Bastiladon, the enemy can focus on it, even over-extend to kill it nad reduce my Solar shots from 2 to 0 - which is well worth over-extension. But if I have 2, that means if the over-extend, it goes from 3 to 2. which is not worth over-extension.

    The Krroxigors I don't really care for, but I need them to fill out the points. Also they are not bad, especially with the -1 damage reduction of the Coalesced. They do make descent Shock Troops.

    Saurus Guards - obviously to protect the Slann. The Slann also buffs the Engine of the Gods. I put extra Guards there just to make it so technically it is easier to kill a Bastiladon or Stega then the Slann, though I would not ignore a Slann.

    Overall, it is a good army with not too many weaknesses, despite its radically distinct nature from most armies. It has Magic, it has great melee, it has great shooting, it has Command Point generation, it has staying power.

    It can take (with shooting and charging) and hold capture points - which is the whole rationale for the game. It is tailored to split into 2 or 3 teams, though of course if it goes as one big team - it can do even more with all the stacks and force-multipliers.

    An obvious weakness is if it meets a dedicated anti-monster army. That does not mean this pre-planned will necessarily win, but it is an issue. The magic of course helps here, as do the Korxis slightly, but overall, a dedicated anti-monster unit can deal real damage. The saving grace, is of course, most Battlelines do not consist of Monstrous units, so bringing an anti-monstrous unit is not very rational. The enemy would have to know you are taking a heavy Monstrous unit-heavy army beforehand (expected amonst Seraphon I guess) but if they under-estimate how much anti-Monster they need - that can be fatal, and if they over-estimate - that can also be fatal. So if that Engine of the Gods summons 10 Saurus Warriors, and they are not able to deal with Saurus Warriors, they are gonna get mauled.

    Also a lot of Monster-Slayer units are likely susceptible to magic and artillery. Which means the enemy may need dedicated anti-magic and anti-ranged/artillery as well, which is not likely. That means - they brought dedicated anti-Monstrous units AND dedicated anti-magic and dedicated anti-ranged. This makes for an extremely specialized, defensive army, which now cannot stand up to most normal armies - which means the enemy is taking a big risk by using this army unless they know for sure the military composition of the opponent - which is very rare in war.

    So turn 1, If I get first move - I take ground and fortify (Mystic Shield and whatever). Or (if I get second) I shoot and charge attack, which means I will likely take the ground anyways or even better. use LOTS of offensive spells to help with Shoot + buffed Charges to kill lots of enemies. Like I said this is a Tank army - meant to send armored, ranged-firing units to take and hold ground.

    Ideal strategem - 1 Battleline Steg charging at each furthest capture point, with Solar Engine Fire Support. Followed by Saurus Guard, which can choose to reinforce either wing, or go into the center with the Slann, and Kroxigor. Depending on the situation, Kroxigor can reinforce either wing, or travel with the Slann and Saurus Guards.

    Depending on the map and situation, the Engine of the Gods moves towards the center (ideally) to provide general healing and/or artillery support. Or next probability - summon reinforcements, It can of course go to either wing depending on the map-layout and battlefield situation. The Engine of the Gods Stega is not just my best shooter/caster in many ways, it is also my best melee unit, meaning if I send it to a location, especially since I get extreme charge bonuses, I am likely to take it. Unless the enemy put an irrational/unexpected amount of resources into a location such is likely the case.

    So the general strat is to muscle into the strategic capture points, stand if place, weather the storm, and fire back. Simple, easy, and of course not invincible, but what strategy is?
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2020
    LizardWizard likes this.
  2. Grotpunter

    Grotpunter Well-Known Member

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    My only question would be how you plan to secure objectives? One thing is to punch through and take it, but how do you maintain control? Bastiladons are tanky but not super hot in melee, so 10 random dudes will easily steal it from you. This is less of a problem in a battleplan with 3 objectives like Shifting Objectives where you really just have to focus on 2 of them, but there are quite a few with 4 or more on the table.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  3. Salamander Tactics

    Salamander Tactics Member

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    Stags are Battleline, they hold the objectives. Anything else, we can kill real fast.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2020
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    that's not exactly how that works, all it would take is the enemy having 2 models in range to steal it from you, unless the battle plan specifically states that the holding unit must be destroyed to take over the obj.

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