I got my first scar vet and it was missing a head, Games Workshop sent me a full replacement so I ended up with 2. Throw on a Temple Guard head on one and we're off! I just finished up my two scar vets, very happy with how they turned out. I have found that I enjoy painting a lot more than playing so odds are I will be spending more time painting and longer on each model... hopefully that means my quality will rise. Anyways, without any more chatter... here's a few pics.
Thanks guys, I am very happy with them and now I am deciding what I want to paint next now that I'm not as worried about building my army =) I am thinking the Slann is still calling my name. As far as the bases, they are Micro Art Studio bases, http://www.microartstudio.com/ They are fantastic resin bases, they have a lot of great ones out there, for me the temple bases really fit the Lizardmen perfectly.