7th Ed. Wood elves , Brettonia , and Vampires ?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Andycano, Jul 9, 2010.

  1. Andycano

    Andycano New Member

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    Hi , I'm Wanting to start a new army for 8th edition , With Wood Elves , Vampires and brettonians in mind

    But as ive researched them the 2 armies ive wanted the most , Wood elves and brettonians , Are apparently the 2 armies that have been made somewhat weaker by the 8th edition rules , Im interested In vampires but as a Ork and goblin player and 40k orc player i know what its like to be painting a lot of models :jawdrop: so in the end are they worth it...

    If the wood elves and brettonians can still be a powerful army please let me know because painting brettonians and wood elves would be a real treat ... Ive played against brettonians before so i know what they speicalise in but with the new charge rules and and large blocks of infantry just doesnt seem as viable as a brettonian army smashing through them..

    Please Help :)
  2. Elmquasmash

    Elmquasmash New Member

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    Well the real problem with Wood Elves is that Horde armies will be more common and Wood Elves are expensive; and the other problem is that Wood Elves have half of their army as skirmishers and skirmishing has taken a slight blow.. BUT!! They still remain one of the best armies to tactically win with AND you wouldn't have to be painting as many models ;)

    Knights have taken a hit as well with the new rules but seeing as Brettonians are usually high up on the list of armies to be re released you may see changes in the army rules that give it a certain 'toughness' again.. But really, if you want to play something then don't listen to what everyone else says! Take what you love and what fits your fighting style and make it work ;) Me personally, I like to take the 'weaker' armies and have them beat the 'harder' ones.. ;)
  3. Andycano

    Andycano New Member

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    Hmmm... Thanks Very Much

    I would like to see Brettonians re-released as i just love to field cavalry and to field an army would be very fun indeed although i do really like to have strong magic as well.. and as far as i can see .. Brettonians have no magic :jawdrop: I may just be stuck with lizardmen for the moment as im having a lot of trouble Leaving them :D

    Maybe its the Temptation of buying that killy carnosaur that can possibly kill 20 guys in one round :bored:
    or maybe i just have to be beaten by my dark elves friend who cant find a way to beat me :rolleyes:

    Now that im looking at different armies .. Vampire counts dont seem so cool as they used too
    Tomb kings look like a fun army but i have no idea what they are like in gaming terms
    Wood Elves look like they could be a very good and fun army to play but seem very had to learn to play good

    Well thanks For the Help Anyway for the moment i will just Continue with my Brilliant Lizardmen :D :D

  4. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    Well, I'll put in a good word for Tomb Kings, they are very fun to play, skeletons are easy to paint, and if the rumors are right (which I hope they are) they will be getting an update very soon. Their play style is different from most armies but if you can be devious enough with their special rules and such your enemy has no chance :bored:
  5. Andycano

    Andycano New Member

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    I Think Im Going to keep building up my lizardmen army .. By Getting some terradons more stegadons and a old on carnosaur..and perhaps build up my 40k necron army bit by bit as i go...

    Personally not very happy with the 8th edition rules .. They Have ruined my 2 favourite armies .. and made my favourite magic phase... so restricted :rolleyes: :rage:
  6. Elmquasmash

    Elmquasmash New Member

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    Hmmmm I like the new rules as the only two armies that I have liked got boosts and that Saurus are finally beasts enough that people will maybe field them as much as they used to field Skinks ;)

    And magic phase was limited but the magic phase for other armies was limited more ;) We get to make them all roll on our miscasts :p BWAHAHAHAHA
  7. Bibamus

    Bibamus New Member

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    while cavlary in general has aken a serious hit, bretonnian cavlary wasn't that damaged. they have their lance formation, so they still get ranks, steadfast enemy units wont be such a problems as they are for other cavlary, and i think they still deny ranks if they charge in the flank with the lance formation.
    the initative thing is a problem tough, but i think brets are still playeble. if nothing else get 2 trebuchets that don't guess the range anymor.
    also they have the lore of life and lore of beasts, both are quite good for bretonians.

    i have no clue about wood elves, and vampires have taken quite a hit due to the initiative thing and the random power dice, they won't be able to spam zombies anymore with 1 dice, because if they fail its good bye magic phase
  8. the Albino Slann

    the Albino Slann New Member

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    mate i used to play wood elves and if you really want a high power force all you nedd is glade riders

    i would play this list
    standard bearors musicans and champion thats about 1300 pts there
    WE noble elven steed light armor sheild spear, a resplendence of luminescent the hunters talon
    WE noble elven steed light armor sheild spear, the bow of loren dragon tooth arrows
    this is about 300 points
    so you want a dragon rider cool heres my thought:
    WE highborn forest dragon, an annoyance of netlings dawn spear helm of the hunt the fimblewinter shard
    thats about 500 pts there
    then throw in a two eagles and hunt seige weapons and wizards with them

    now how to use use this list:
    use your highborn to attack the the enemy wizard he will be your biggest threat
    put the nobles in what ever unit you want use the glade riders to attcak with the bows make sure that there just out of charge range and if your in charge range then flee and on your next turn reform shoot at them and repeat this till the enemy unit is dead

    it's boring (one reason i stopped playing WE) but it works the best with this army, just remeber you fight like rebal gurillas hit and run is the best way to go

    well this was a list for a another member who really wanted the dragon in there force so you could change it and have about another 500 pts to spend but in general glade riders are the best in the army as they can run around the enemy units with out being hit at all
  9. Oeye
    Jungle Swarm

    Oeye New Member

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    I play wood elves aswell as lizardmen and it pains me to say this but i destroyed my friends lizardmen army . my archers took out his stegadon and sarus and I destroyed skinks with dryads obviously and my nobles kicks ass so do my waywatchers
  10. Lolgamer

    Lolgamer New Member

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    Yes, but in the lizards vs lizards I anhialiated you ;D (we know eachother IRL)

    I don't know much about wood elves but from my experiance, all you need are a bunch of archers supported by a few dryad units, through in a spell weaver and some treekin and that's a pretty god army :)

    I've played against vampire counts a few times and they seem like an incredably fun army to play, I think I lost in the game, but fi you're worried about the painting, skeleton warriors seem releticvely easy to paint ;P you could have the bulk of your army skeleton warriors, or for even simpler skeletons to paint kitbash some skeletons from the tomb kings plastic kits, I'm sure you could come up with an easily painted yet still vimpary lookign way to kit bash :)

    As for brettonians, I don't know much about them, but I don't think they;ve had an updated army book in quite a while, although I'm not too sure.
  11. walruslord345

    walruslord345 New Member

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    I think that you should go with VC, even though their core isn't very powerful, but the lords and heros are amazing!!

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