AoS Dispelling Kroaks spells.

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by homitherealone, Oct 5, 2020.

  1. homitherealone
    Jungle Swarm

    homitherealone New Member

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    Hey guys, i played yesterday my first game ever and i have two questions.

    First one, when i channel Kroaks spells through Oracle, can the enemy try to dispell it and count the range from Oracle?

    Second question is about my enemy, Stormcast Eternal. My friend has three guys with Voidstorm Scroll and just said that he can auto-dispell Kroaks spells even tho he more than 30 inches away, is he right?

    Here's the wording of the ability: "Once per battle, when this model attempts to unbind a spell, instead of making an unbinding roll you can say this model is using its Voidstorm Scroll. If you do so, the spell is automatically unbound (do not roll the dice)."
    LizardWizard likes this.
  2. Grotpunter

    Grotpunter Well-Known Member

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    It is still Kroak that is the caster, you just get to measure the range from the Oracle. I dont think the ruling is super clear on this part, but you can draw a parralel to the endless spell Umbrall Spellportal. The ability is identical in regards to what it does. The Umbrall Spellportal has the following FAQ.


    Based on this, I think it is pretty safe to assume that the enemy must measure unbinding range to the caster, i.e. Kroak.

    No. As the text indicates, you get to auto-unbind a spell rather than rolling for it. Unbinding radius is per default 30", so this still applies to the Voidstorm Scroll. I dont think theres anything in the game that can boardwide unbind like our Kroak/Slann/Troglodon due to their unique rules.
    Imrahil, Killer Angel, Canas and 2 others like this.
  3. homitherealone
    Jungle Swarm

    homitherealone New Member

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    Thanks! i hope i can clear this out with him, since 3 auto-unbinds is crazy good against Kroak who stays away as much as possible
    Imrahil, LizardWizard and Grotpunter like this.
  4. Kilvakar

    Kilvakar Well-Known Member

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    I was just about to ask about the Troglodon vs. Kroak unbinding range myself, so thanks! lol! :D

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