Hi gang, I am a few years in as far as painting goes; I have been painting some stuff for that space game but I've only played a handful of times. I really like painting, though I'm still figuring it out. I look forward to hearing your comments, critiques and suggestions! I probably won't go very fast.... I haven't played the new Age of Sigmar, though I tried a couple test games when the first version came out. I have a decent understanding of wargames so I think it won't be too tough to get a handle on this one. I love dinosaurs, and I wanted to do an army with pretty colors. So here I am! My wife has indulged me with a small collection of plush ceratopsians, which is why I'm Plushosaurus. We're a couple of goofs. Anyway, attached is my first dino. He's a Saurus Warrior, and they're going to be wielding spear and shield. I have 4 colors picked out for the shields: blue, red, pink and green. The first one is pink, and he's holding it at a weird angle so the layering is a bit unusual versus the way I think most of them will go together. I hope you enjoy taking a look!
That pink shield gonna make the squad pop up a lot on the battlefield, nice scheme, love the colors you choose.
Love the shield. Blues are great, but could use a little more intense highlighting to balance it against the pop of the shield. Either way, that bright shield will get eyes on your army from across the room.