AoS Is age of sigmar fun with seraphon?

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Lord-Marcus, Oct 12, 2020.

  1. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    As the title says. I have a bunch of lizardmen unpainted and sitting in storage because I painted an army for Kings of war and then the local community for that died.

    I've played cities of sigmar since they came out for age of Sigmar.

    I need someone to convince me why I should rebase these guys to circle bases and take the time to paint a force.
    LizardWizard and Erta Wanderer like this.
  2. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Imho the square bases are fine, provided you don't go to super serious tournaments, the sizes aren't that different. So rebasing isn't needed.

    Aside from that, it's fun but has some flaws.

    The biggest flaws would be:
    1) Lack of a strength v.s. defense mechanic & damage carrying over to the next model resulting in anti-tank weapons being just as effective against cannonfodder. This results in some weird balance at times.
    2) Squishy support units lack protection/bodyguards and can get killed a bit too easily, which can be frustrating if you'd want to play a list relying on them.
    3) Not all factions get the support they need, leaving some factions with only a handfull of models (or only a handfull that are viable)
    4) It's very easy to run into a hard-counter which you don't have the tools to deal with, especially annoying if you want to play a more casual list. Certain lists just won't ever really work in a tournament setting because the more competitive lists will be steamrolling you and then you haven't even run into that guy yet....
    5) Gw's tendency to stick band-aid solutions on things to deal with extreme outliers which then breaks genuine use-cases (e.g. endless spells not benefitting from range increases cuz Morathi broke everything. And instead of nerfing Morathi they just nerfed everyone)

    Biggest advantages:
    1) Fairly easy and straightforward to pick up, but with sufficient depth
    2) Free-form units creates some interesting options when compared to more rigid blocks of units
    3) Factions are properly distinct, little overlap so far from a mechanical/thematic point.
    4) Provided you and your opponent are on the same wavelength, about equally skilled & have a sufficient large collection you can keep the matches relativly balanced even in more casual settings.
    5) Objectives go a long way to keep things interesting even if your faction is weaker in a straight up fight.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  3. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    he already plays AoS he is asking about Seraphon.
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  4. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    Seraphon are a high skill floor high skill celling army. they have a incredible amount of flexibility with models you can use and be good, as well as play styles. you just have to build for it. they are not a easy army to play well though. small mistakes can see your heroes dieing and our army is built a on top of them, we also struggle with most of our stuff being glass cannons you have to know when and where too let your guys die.
    seraphon is the best army for a person who likes to play skill fully it rewords good play better then any other army but takes the work to make it work. if that kind of play sounds like your thing come join us we have dinosaurs:D. if not the CoS is also a good army i play both.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  5. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    sorry, skype meetings from work are tiring. Thought he meant be convinced to go back to AoS after giving up on it at some point. Not that he still played with his CoS.

    In that case:

    1) Reliance on (squishy) support; we lack units that can stand their own merit, nearly everything needs (some) support. This can be rewarding when you pull it off. But also very frustrating when it fails cuz a crucial support got sniped by a stray bullet.
    2) Lots of options & playstyles but
    2a) Some of our best lists aren't necesarly fun (e.g. salamander spam)
    2b) Some of our fun lists aren't necesarly good. This is less of an issue in more casual games though.
    3) We severly lack something that can take a punch. Even when fully buffed most of our stuff gets killed fairly easily. So don't count on holding the line for long if your opponent gets to swing at you.
    4) Fun magic nonsense with bound endless spells
    5) Our behemoths are a bit dissapointing for dinosaurs riding dinosaurs, I still hope one day they get some love.
    LizardWizard and Dread Saurian like this.
  6. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    Yes, seraphon are amazing at the moment. They'll be a ton of fun for you, not so much for your opponent but if you're a good chap on the table no one will care.
    LizardWizard and Dread Saurian like this.
  7. Tav

    Tav Well-Known Member

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    oh they care. yet get no kickback from playing eels and tzeentch for some reason. its in fashion to hate seraphon
    LizardWizard likes this.
  8. Kilvakar

    Kilvakar Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, it's more of a bandwagon thing than anything else. Like Erta said, you still have to be a good player to do well with Seraphon. Compare this to armies like Tzeentch, Orruks, Bonereapers and Fyreslayers that take little to no strategy to play well because of how good their units are, and we're definitely not as OP as folks are saying.

    When the new book dropped, everyone on TTS was playing Lord Kroak and Salamander spam, and this was nerfed *very* quickly. So yes, we are a strong army with a lot of options, and we don't have to rely on "spam unit x" tactics like a lot of the "easy mode" armies do. But we still require a lot of skill to play well, which is both a blessing and a curse depending on who you talk to, lol!

    But on the topic of the original question, Seraphon are really fun to play, and they're the only reason I started playing AoS after not wanting to get into the hobby during the Fantasy era due to no one around me playing it.
  9. Dread Saurian

    Dread Saurian Well-Known Member

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    1. True
    2. Also True
    3. I don't agree. A lot of our thicc bois can last quite a great deal of rounds less the dice gods say otherwise. Ignoring myself. the bastiladon is still a fantastically tanky piece along with the stegaggedon builds. Kroak and the other slanns along with their posse is still a good chunk of wounds to chew through as well.
    4. Yes. Just yes.
    5. Sigh....yep
    LizardWizard and Erta Wanderer like this.
  10. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    "Fun" is somewhat relative, I guess, so it depends on what you enjoy.
    - The army has an aesthetic that I like and I generally think the models are cool, despite the old sculpts. That can go a long way if you're just into casual games with neat looking models.
    - I agree that Seraphon seems like more of a skill/horde army and is less forgiving of mistakes than say SCE, Orks or Bonereapers.
    - I think the comments are accurate about Seraphon being hero-reliant, and by extension command point-reliant. I feel we have little synergy outside of command points. To be fair I haven't really read many of the other battletomes, so that may be every army to some extent.
    - I also agree that many of the units are somewhat "glass cannons". If they punch first, or punch when buffed, they can punch hard. But if there's anything left standing or if it's the other way around, watch out.
    - Seraphon seem more effective with specific models, especially Lord Kroak and/or salamanders, or higher numbers of certain models, like skinks and saurus warriors. But if you have neither the "right" models, or the "right" number of models, or if you're a poor player (like me), wins may be hard to come by (if that's part of the fun for you).

    However, if I may be so bold, I assume from your OP that you're not necessarily into playing Seraphon? Since they've been sitting in storage for a while, I guess you're just considering the army because you already have them?
  11. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Bastiladons suffer from their gimmick a bit, they can do very well, but a single unlucky roll (or some mortal wounds) can cause them to fall apart rapidly. What also doesn't help is that most serious damage dealers will have a large enough volume of attacks to brute force their way through.

    In short; they are amazingly sturdy against say, a MSU of some basic unit like liberators or saurus. And even the occasional damage focussed basic hero. But dedicated damage dealers often don't have too much trouble with them.The other dinosaurs don't far much better than that.

    So yeah, against basic units we're not that terrible, but if any serious damage dealers get to swing out our stuff most of it just gets deleted (or at least decimated)

    As for Slanns, they do relativly well, for a backline hero unit, with their bodyguards. But they're still nowhere near good enough to be used as a frontline unit to block an incoming charge.
    LizardWizard and Dread Saurian like this.
  12. Grotpunter

    Grotpunter Well-Known Member

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    I dont think you have done the math on the amount of attacks it takes to bracket the Bastiladon with rerolling 1’s to save from a CP or Mystic Shield ;)
  13. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    while this may be true it's not something you can depend on our wizards and heroes are not sturdy enough to be paired with a single modle like that. if you can pull it off it works great but getting a bastiladon in position when he is so slow and keeping his support hero alive is not easy to pull off.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  14. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Seraphon is a fun army to play. And it's lizard riding dinosaurs, basically the reason why you're in this forum, so definitely yes.

    DON'T REBASE THEM. If you play just with your friend or in your local gaming group, square bases are fine. 80-90% of my models got square bases.

    And for painting... well, that's a thing between you and your pile of shame. :p
  15. Dread Saurian

    Dread Saurian Well-Known Member

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    Question about bases. Is there a reliable distributor for my gargantuhuge beasties sized bases or should I just make my own. (I made mine)
    LizardWizard likes this.
  16. Kilvakar

    Kilvakar Well-Known Member

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    I've seen them on Ebay quite regularly. I think there are one or two people who print them and sell them there reliably.
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  17. Tyranitar

    Tyranitar Well-Known Member

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    You can find bases on Amazon pretty cheap as well
    LizardWizard and Dread Saurian like this.
  18. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    I love my Seraphon in AoS! Tottaly worth can needed base converting.

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