Discussion Lizardmen/seraphon in 40k part 2

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Krai’kotak, Jul 6, 2020.

  1. Krai’kotak

    Krai’kotak Member

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    Well here we are again my brothers the second part of this the fist part is here http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/lizardmen-seraphon-in-40k.24931/ any feedback or opinion is welcome so here we go.

    The first months of the colonization were normal the forces of the astra militarum purgin the local xenos,the skitarii and servitors securing and installing the gas-exctractor and refineries.

    The expeditions of the imperial guard delved deeper and deeper into the jungle, exterminating tribes and villages, but one day the 708th Infantry Battalion supported by a third of the 456th Armored Regiment
    went into the jungle to exterminate a xeno settlement. The operation was planned to last 9 days. On the third day, communication was lost. On the 12th, 45 explorers were sent only 8 returned Two of them succumbed to their wounds within a few hours two had gone mad and only three were able to speak They spoke of corpses hanging from trees, they spoke of darts coming out of the undergrowth and that only one was enough to kill a man they spoke of fierce Reptilian warriors who bite off their heads and with the blow of their clubs plunge a man's chest. senior officials sent the remaining armored regiment and two infantry battalions.

    —Bzzztt ……… they crossed the first line of battle they are — bzzztt— what the hell are those things !!!!!! ……… (unintelligible) the autocanon shots do nothing to them ...... .... (yells and sentences unintelligible) leave the position !!!! (Soldiers in the back screams something about leaving the canons) leave the guns no matter, run for the throne and for your lives run !!!!!!!!

    —Here Sergeant Verius they are crushing us they have ....— bzttt — beasts ......— bbbbbzzzzzzzzzttt —... the size of leman russes ... I repeat they beasts are wiping of our infantry!!!

    —........(the soldiers start whispering we are 3 soldiers inside of a quimera they are breaching the door ...(sounds of metal bending an breaking in the back)

    Diverse fragments of audio recovered of the battle

    That day we understood that if we had beaten them the first months, it was because they did not consider us a threat
    Their armament that we believed to be primitive quickly proved not only to be ingenious and tremendously effective the darts that fired their blowpipes were not only covered in a lethal poison cocktail but were covered in troglidon saliva, the troinglidon is a deadly of swaps and caves waiting silently submerged in water when one of their multiple appendages detects a vibration, they spit out a stream of acid in the direction of movement (the troglidon are blind and their acid is designed to help them hunt) when the acid hits something rather than scatter and scorch the meat of the prey is concentrated chemically in a single point to ensure that even the thick scales of a stegadon or the resistant armor of a bastiladon are pierced, the wounded prey screams and that guides the troglidon to its prey that same acid smeared on the Darts melts armor and ensures that the poisons mixed in it reach the tender flesh of the unfortunate victim.

    The crude clubs used by the saurian warriors at first sight composed of obsidian and some roughly forged bronze-like metal, they turned out to be composed of a material unknown to humanity the mechanicus assigned the name of batario but after translating several tablets and murals of the seraphon it was discovered that the name that the natives gave it was literally "gift of the gods from heaven (there is a debate about whether the last part means gods from heaven or if it is what gift came from heaven) which seems to be a legend already that no nearby asteroid field seems to contain this mineral although the word is impossible to pronounce without a reptilian bifid language the word has been translated into Celestite. the material is much lighter than steel or any alloy used by the empire, has been attempted working the material to incorporate it into the imperial team but not even being sent to forge worlds it was possible to work without destroying or ruining his composition.
    The Celestine aparently can be work in diferent ways in the meteoric(another word roughly translated of the native language) jabalinie the Celestite is less dense allowing more speed and a longer flying distance.

    But the true destructive weapons are those who are alive those who wander de jungles tamed or feral the beasts tha call this infernal planet home are a true war-engines.

    Well that all for today folks my reptilian brain is melting writing in low gothic is going to kill me. I was planing on posting this yesterday but time troubled The next part of this lore is “the terrors of the jungle”ooohhhooo spooky spooky well tell what you think feedback,questions and suggestions are welcomed. See ya in the jungles folks
  2. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Very nice continuation!

    I’d be especially interested to hear your version on how the Lizardmen got to the 40K galaxy in the first place - are they another colony created by the Old Ones to assist the Eldar? Are they some who arrived from the Warhammer Old World after the End Times and didn’t find the AoS Mortal Realms?

    Keep up the good work! :)
  3. Krai’kotak

    Krai’kotak Member

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    Thanks there gonna be more parts(lots of parts) and I will try to explain and explore every aspect of the lizardmen/seraphon.I acept sugestions for the new themes the next theme is the ecosystem of seraphon prime but I will love to hear your sugestions for the next theme maybe the society and culture or the diferents tribes and continents you say it and I do it
  4. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    first of all, welcome aboard. :)

    These lizards are clearly intelligent beings, so they are a xeno race or something similar to tyranids on a threat level (big creatures resilient to damage used as bio-weapons), but without the danger presented by assimilation / reproduction.

    So, despite the high mortality and the precious resources granted by the planet, it's nothing that requires the intervention of the astartes (except maybe a small contingent, kinda like 20 marines to keep secured the main station), and the AdMech would deploy only skitarii and some resources to secure the machinery and the refineries (so nothing that could support jungle actions).

    This leaves us the Guards.

    Dangerous jungle? Catachan is the answer.
  5. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Seeing a batrep between Catachans and an unofficial Lizardman army list would be fun
    Krai’kotak and Killer Angel like this.
  6. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Then you could spice up the whole setting.
    Let's say that at a point there is a small demonic incursion, that wipes away a settlement.
    when an officier of the Ordo Malleum comes to investigate, by examining the registrations of the security cameras, he discovers that the demons were killed later by the lizardxenos… and discovers that the LXs are much more deadlier against the demons, than against the guards.

    So he decides that the lizardxenos cannot be erased because of this strange property, that must be studied. So, the guards are forced to "just contain" the lizardmen, but cannot call in reinforcement too much deadly.
  7. Krai’kotak

    Krai’kotak Member

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    Well that’s an interesting proposition and yes I am aware of the excistence of the Catachan but i also have a answer for that the next theme is the seraphon prime fauna and flora so but I think I’l Take opportunity and I also explore the “regiments problems”(catachan and other jungle regiments)
  8. Krai’kotak

    Krai’kotak Member

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    Well first thanks for the welcome great prophet you honor me with your presence and secondly I cannot say wich are my next plans and ideas because
    It will ruin the narrative and the surprise
    Killer Angel likes this.
  9. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I have belatedly honored you by giving you a Lustriapedia entry with this piece.
  10. Krai’kotak

    Krai’kotak Member

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    My lord *falls to his knees You honor me beyond all paragon, I am unworthy of your generosity.
  11. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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