6th Ed. Campaign Army List Help

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Zoglug, Nov 18, 2020.

  1. Zoglug

    Zoglug Member

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    Good morning all,

    Its been a while since I logged in here, but despite the current goings on in the world, I have been hard at work trying to get my lizardman army painted. Ill get some pics up later.

    I am back for a little bit of help in piecing together a list for an upcoming campaign. My friend has put together a bunch of rules, which I am helping him test, alongside one other, but am struggling with what list to take. If it makes a difference, for this test, I will be fighting the Empire and Skaven.

    To build my army, I have 4,000 points to split in to as many, or as few armies as I would like. I think a 2,000 - 1,000 - 1,000 point split gives me the best balance. No duplicate magic items allowed, SO I cant have 3 nike saurus leading the armies.

    One of the smaller armies will be a fluffy all skink (pus krox) army, but for now I am struggling with the 2k list. I dont know whether to take a Slann without TG, A Carno mounted Old Blood and an army of monsters, or a flexible all comers list. So I was hoping to get a few ideas here of what you would take, doesnt have to be mega competitive, just fun. Any thoughts, criticisms, ideas of what you would take would be greatly appreciated. Once I have the 2k army in place, I can build my 1k armies.

    Army 1 - All Comers List

    1 * Saurus Oldblood
    General; Great Weapon; Light Armour; Shield; Sotek
    Charm of the Jaguar Warrior
    Aura of Quetzl

    1 Saurus Scar-Veteran
    Great Weapon; Light Armour; Itzl; Tepok
    1 Cold One

    1 Skink Priest
    Magic Level 2; Lore of Heaven
    Dispel Scroll

    1 Skink Priest
    Magic Level 2; Lore of Heaven
    Diadem of Power

    15 Saurus Warriors
    Shield; Standard; Musician; Champion

    15 Saurus Warriors @
    Shield; Standard; Musician; Champion

    10 Skink Skirmishers
    Javelin; Shield

    10 Skink Skirmishers
    Javelin; Shield

    10 Skink Skirmishers
    Scout; Blowpipe

    10 Skink Skirmishers
    Scout; Blowpipe

    4 Kroxigors
    Great Weapon

    5 Saurus Cavalry
    Spear; Shield; Standard; Musician

    3 Terradons

    2 Salamander Hunting Packs

    Total Army Cost: 2002

    Army 2 - Slann Goodness

    1 Slann Mage-Priest
    General; Fourth; Fifth; Magic Level 4; Lore of Heaven
    Dispel Scroll [25]
    Plaque of Tepok [15]
    Plaque of Dominion [50]

    1 * Saurus Scar-Veteran
    Great Weapon; Light Armour; Shield; Itzl
    Glyph Necklace
    1 Cold One

    1 Skink Priest
    Magic Level 2; Lore of Heaven
    Dispel Scroll

    15 Saurus Warriors
    Shield; Standard; Musician

    1 Champion

    10 Skink Skirmishers
    Javelin; Shield

    10 Skink Skirmishers
    Scout; Blowpipe

    12 Skink Skirmishers
    Scout; Blowpipe

    5 Saurus Cavalry
    Spear; Shield; Standard; Musician; Champion
    Jaguar Standard

    5 Chameleon Skinks @

    2 Salamander Hunting Packs

    4 Kroxigors
    Great Weapon

    3 Terradons

    Casting Pool: 9

    Dispel Pool: 6

    Total Army Cost: 1994

    Army 3 - Monster Mash
    1 Saurus Oldblood
    General; Light Armour; Shield; Itzl; Quetzl
    Blade of Revered Tzunki
    Glyph Necklace
    1 Carnosaur

    1 Skink Priest
    Magic Level 1; Lore of Heaven
    Dispel Scroll
    Dispel Scroll

    1 * Saurus Scar-Veteran
    Great Weapon; Light Armour; Shield; Itzl
    Talisman of Protection
    1 Cold One

    5 Saurus Cavalry
    Spear; Shield; Standard; Musician; Champion
    Jaguar Standard

    3 Kroxigors
    Great Weapon

    3 Kroxigors
    Great Weapon

    3 Terradons

    1 Stegadon

    10 Skink Skirmishers
    Scout; Blowpipe

    10 Skink Skirmishers
    Scout; Blowpipe

    10 Skink Skirmishers
    Javelin; Shield

    2 Salamander Hunting Packs

    Total Army Cost: 1995
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  2. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Well, I'm glad that you're getting to play some Warhammer Fantasy!!!

    Sadly, even though I started in 6th, my brain is now hard-wired for 8th edition so I can't help.

    @Scalenex @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl @NIGHTBRINGER any ideas for a professional on 6th edition?
    Zoglug likes this.
  3. Walters

    Walters Well-Known Member

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    I am currently playing 6th, but I am yet to partake in my first campaign. But perhaps I can provide some insight regardless!

    Personally I play with a 2000 point army featuring a 4th generation Slann with the same kit (save the dispel scroll) as yours in army list 2. The plaques are solid choices I would say. However, don't doubt to try and mix your spells from different lores. I have recently tried to use spells from the lore of fire together with a few lore of heaven spells. The Slann can pick from different lores, and it is fun to try! You want second sign of Amul from lore of heavens, to be able to re-roll dice, and if you can get Uranon's thunderbolt that is great too - never had to much luck though with the comet.. From the lore of fire you really want conflagration of doom, and if you managed to cast second sign of Amul you can re-roll dice, re-roll the amount of hits you get with conflagration and you might end up with 15+ hits (good against low Toughness units as Empire and Skaven). Lore of heavens on its own is great, but to throw in some more blast and damage spells from other lores really bring out the destructive powers of the Slann. I play with two level 2 skink priests on the side for the extra dice, and they can also be your Slann's eyes too on the field, if you can find the points try to get another priest in the list - if you want to go all out on magic.

    I put my Slann in a unit of 20 temple guard, but if they are not an option for you I would say that you increase from 15 to 20 saurus warriors, so that you have a unit that can take an immense amount of damage. Regarding the kroxigors see if you can find the points to make one of them a champion. One extra attack and the ability to challenge! Perhaps you could cut them down to 3 to save up the points? I use 3 in a unit hidden behind skinks, they usually reach the enemy unharmed thanks to the skirmish shield, and remember that they can charge through the skinks. I mostly use them to deal with chariots and heavy cavalry.

    I have no experience with cold one cavalry, but they seem like a solid option seeing how Empire and Skaven have war machines which forces you to close the distance fast. Having salamanders is a good choice, and they are a fun unit to field! I field them in units of 2 too, very good to deal with skirmishers, light cavalry or infantry for that matter. I don't play with terradons, since I mostly face chaos warriors with nothing that can hit me from range, but in your case they will come in handy dealing with cannons.

    I have no experience with carnosaurs - yet to paint mine! So I cannot be much of help there. But the list looks really fun.
    Zoglug likes this.
  4. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I started in 7th Edition, so I’m afraid I can’t be of any help with this one. It would be fun to learn 6th, especially as like 7th it tailored more towards smaller games, but I’d have to track down all the Army books and the rulebook which I’m too busy to do right now.
    Zoglug and Lizards of Renown like this.
  5. Zoglug

    Zoglug Member

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    Many thanks for the input!

    What do you use to fill out the rest of your list? I will play around with some of the suggestions you have come up with!
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  6. Walters

    Walters Well-Known Member

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    Glad to be of help!

    The list I usually play is: 4th generation Slann with the same plaques, 2 level two skink priests, 20 temple guard to protect the Slann, 20 saurus warriors, 2 units with 10 skinks each (blowpipes), 3 kroxigors, 2 salamander hunting packs, and 1 stegadon. From time to time I use a Skink chief buffed up with the blessed spawning of Sotek and weapons that provide more attacks, very effective to deal with enemy skirmishers or light cavalry.

    I do rely heavily on magic. I have not played with old bloods or scar-veterans lately, and this can be an issue facing heavier units. Thus I put a lot of faith into the frog general to deal with those threats. Kroxigors are also my best bet against chariots and heavy units. The skinks are valuable in protecting my flanks and my kroxigors, and the stegadon is a unit I field mostly for fun, my enemy manages to get the charge on me first mostly, but the giant bow is cool, and with second sign of Amul I tend to have at least 1 die I can re-roll in my shooting face, which can turn a miss to a hit.

    I find the magic phase of the game to be the most fun (much randomness with great potential for rewards coupled with risks) so I am in more favour for a Slann. Yet I do have the older carnosaur figure wating for a coat of paint, so I might have a change of heart after it has been tried out. :)
    Lizards of Renown likes this.

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