7th Ed. Take That Mr Lizard!

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Zemaphore, Apr 14, 2008.

  1. Zemaphore

    Zemaphore New Member

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    Right, my empire list:

    1 Cptn, heavy weapon, meteoric armor

    1 wizard, 2 DP

    5 Greatswords

    20 Swordmen + 10 halberdiers + 5 handgunners

    10 Handgunners

    10 Handgunners

    10 X-Bowmen

    Helblaster volley gun


    This is my marienburger list, how would the players with the webbed feet and scaly skin deal with this? :)
  2. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    well first I would ask you to be more detailed in your army list ;) . Im assuming this is around 1000 pts, and that the caster is only a level 1, and that the swordsmen are the only ones with command....

    the second thing that I would grumble about is that your list is on the road to being a gun-list, and you should just stick to 40k then ;) .

    Beyond that, I would heavily suggest that you invest in a cannon rather than a mortar as you have a lack of anti-heavy cav. Although muskets are armor piercing, that doesnt do a whole bunch against 2+/1+ save troops (or for that matter a player who sticks in a high T monster of varying nature). Plus with a cannon you can snipe, and then your getting the full use of the gunline tactic.

    Also, why do you include 5 greatswords? With only 5 there is a liklihood that they will all just die when they get charged, or the unit that charges them simply causes fear.
  3. Zemaphore

    Zemaphore New Member

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    Mh, good points, and yes, most of your assumptions are correct, this 1k, lvl1 wizard.
    I did consider a cannon, might get that now, the greatswords are a cheap filler (i got the models with a discount) :p.
  4. Axolotl

    Axolotl New Member

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    What is that "heavy waepon" your captain has?
    we are not in 40k here ^^

    ither than that i'd have to say your list is rahter boring because of all the shooting. If your opponent knows what you are fielding and takes many fast units than you won't stand a chance. If you surprise your opponent then you win if you roll lucky, if not you loose.

    I, personally, wouls take many skinks against this to screen my troops from fire. then salamanders will kill anything you have. Terradons and Jsod will kill your warmachines in turn 2. maybe some cold ones, which would also be killing your handgunners by turn two.
  5. skinkyone
    Chameleon Skink

    skinkyone Active Member

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    id drop the greatswords and up your units of handgunners with 2 hochlands instead,
    greatswords arnt worth it in smaller gamers,
    were as 2 sniper rifle's are perfect,
    pick of heros so that leadership is effected,
    remeber you dont suffer the -1's with a hochland, you only suffer for range 18 short 36 long and a -1 for picking a targer out of a unit all other mods are ignored
  6. Carlo Marx
    Cold One

    Carlo Marx New Member

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    how would I deal with this? easy, target your shooters with my scouts preferably behind your line, screen the rest of my army with skinks with a JSoD right behind 'em so they don't run and up come saurus and kroxigors.

    the army would look somthing like this:
    JSoD w/great weapon-111
    priest- lvl2, doadem of power- 135

    20 saurus- command- 270
    10 skinks- blowpipes, scout- 70
    10 skinks- javelins- 60
    10 skinks- javelins- 60

    3 kroxigors- 174
    8 cham skinks- 120

    or knock out the cham skinks, add another lvl2 priest (naked) and make all the skinks scout.

    By the way I HATE this army and these types of armies, if you want guns play 40k. I fought against this guy I knew (now in Chicago thank god) but in a 1k 1-2 cannons, 2-3 10 man handgunners, 1-2 spearmen w/ bowmen and peasant detachments and 8 knights with their crazy ass upgrade. He never moved.

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