hi guys,i am relatively new to the forum but am a lover of the scaled ones.i am at thjis moment creating a board to fight on.the board is made of MDF and the measurements are 5'x4'x3/4''.i shall be soon flockking he board. the problem i have is that the new citedal flocks consist of no jungle type flock that their used tto be.any suggestions on which flock i should use, the flock is on GW.i think i should go for the glade grass. along time ago i made a board but found it extremly hard to play. the terrain was all set and there was too much scenery although it did look very cool.thanks for your comments and opinoins. once i have the boardflocked ill be creating the scenery.pics might be up when finished the whole project but cant promise anything.it could take time,i alredy have a temple and a waterfull i can use and so just need to make the plants and thinking of a watchtower,(shown in the lustria book and old lizardmen book,dont have the new one yet so i cant tell!!!) =)
This might help http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat440155a&prodId=prod1830001
http://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/category/Products this is a great place to start looking. They and other Railroad hoby companies have flock and trees that are better and cheeper than you will usualy find on Wargammer sites. also they sell a lot of terrain kits for doing a whole projrct.
bought the scenic glue from them,thanks for the posts,though i have a hobby store that cells citedal flocks at a reduced rate so price doesnt really matter, my main concern is what flock would look best when try to create jungal terrain. the options are moddeling sand(painted green) burnt grass ,static grass, glade grass(which i personally thinks look like the best choice so far), scorched grass. they can be found here http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/armySubUnitCats.jsp?catId=cat470007a&rootCatGameStyle=
I would not use any of those. I would not use any grass at all, for three reasons: Everyone uses grass, it get´s borin, grasses are not part of a jungle flora and most importantly to maintain a certain primeval look. Grasses are relativley "modern" plants, havin evolved in the late cretaceous period. The lizardmen army is a blend of ancient south american cultures and dinosaurs (not lizards, despite the name). I think that going with flora that fits the dinosaur-theme better is the way to go: Mosses, farns, conifers and so on. I would avoid all flowers, too. Since you are looking for ground covering flock, I´d recommend this: http://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/category/FineTurf/ Applied over sand painted as soil it looks like mossy ground covering. Some foliage here and there for small brushes in different colours adds visual interest. Here is a picture of a model´s base which I made about 5 years ago, to illustrate my point: Looking back I would have liked darker flock, and maybe two shades of it rather than one, but I went with what I had at hand. I hope this helps a bit. Greetz, the Maniac
For a lustrian Jungle feel you are going to want to model: Mud, dead leaves, Ferns, small tumps of grass, large tropical plants, rocks, and mosses.
thanks very much i have some sand i bought ages ago so i can use that, btw how should i apply the flock over the sand, ive tried water down pva and the flock just doent stick any suggestionsim trying to cut down on cos because im nearing my budget now, thanks.