8th Ed. Oldblood Build

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by new_relic, Jul 11, 2010.

  1. Taipan
    Temple Guard

    Taipan Member

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    Not true. We still have to pay the inflated price for Enchanted Shield, as it's listed in our armoury. Everyone else gets it cheap, we get it for three times the price. I hate the new FAQ...

    Also, as someone else already pointed out, Blade of Realities is pretty pointless if they're in range of the BSB (which is highly likely, given that it will be a lord or hero). It's a boatload of points for an ability which has a depressingly low probability of working.

    Meh. I think the parry save thing is nice, but it's not something you should rely on. A 3+ ward in combat (thats what it would be if you take Armour of Destiny) is good and all, but I'd prefer to hit harder. Also, while the venom is nice, actually giving a nasty magical sword is a better idea. Poison is something our dirt-cheap Skinks do already, what you want on a lord or hero is for him to hit like a freight train in combat.

    I've been toying with this guy to attach to my Temple Guard (as I suspect they will get a lot of nasty units slammed into them, in an attempt to get at the Slann).

    Old Blood w/Giant Blade, Armour of Fortune, shield, Potion of Speed

    I'm taking Lore of Light on my Slann (the buffs make our infantry insanely good in combat, as it solves our Initiative issue, which is the only thing that balances Saurus really), so he should be I10 when I need him to be. Potion of Speed is just insurance in case my spells get cock-blocked. Strength 8 means I couldn't care less about your shiny armour, and when you hit me back I have 1+ armour and 5+ ward.
  2. Gor-rok

    Gor-rok Member

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    On closer examination of the rulebook, parry save doesn't stack with other items. Oh well, back to the drawing board...
  3. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow New Member

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    Here's what I'm using when I finally get to play an 8th ed. game.

    Lords: 502
    Old-blood- Armor of Destiny, Sword of Battle, Maiming Shield (General)
    Old-blood- Tricksters Helm, Hide of the Cold Ones, Great Weapon

    General has 1+ AS & 4+ ward w/ 7 str 5 attacks

    The other is a more character hunter and challenger. 1+ AS, Tough 6 w/ enemy re-rolling wounds. Sure he'll strike last, but he'd do that anyway due to low Init. And I've rarely had an issue with stupidity.
  4. ninjakeso

    ninjakeso Member

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    Hmm, tricksters helm is kinda awesome, but you can't use it with hide of the cold ones. They are both magical armour and you can only have one item from each category on each character. But try it with something like the dawnstone talisman, enemies get to re-roll successful wounds, and you get to reroll failed armour saves. Or the lizardmen talisman aura of quetzl, which gives enemies -1 to hit him in cc.

    And with a light armour, tricksters helmet and his natural scaly skin he has an armoursave of 2+.

    That's kinda nice...
  5. Taipan
    Temple Guard

    Taipan Member

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    Not bad, but you're spending a lot of points just to get more attacks. Temple Guard and COR already supply plenty of medium-Strength attacks. You want your Saurus heroes hitting harder than that. There is also no provision for situations where you need to hit first (say when you get charged by I5 Knights)

    Pretty nice, although as Ninjakeso pointed out, you don't need the hide to get a decent armour save. Maybe try something like this?

    Old Blood w/Sword of Might, Tricksters Helm, Dawnstone, Potion of Speed, light armour, shield

    1+ re-rollable armour save, enemy re-rolls successful wounds, S6 attacks and for a turn you hit at I7. Pretty much perfect for accepting challenges and then slaughtering the enemy hero.
  6. Slothmasta

    Slothmasta New Member

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    The build I'm currently interested in is

    1x Saurus Oldblood
    - Sword of Might
    - Armour of Destiny
    - Dawnstone
    - Potion of Speed
    - Shield
    - Carnosaur

    5 S6 Attacks, +1 AS, 4+ WS, re-rollable AS

    Although this build could easily go in a Saurus Block as well for a Look Out Sir save without the Carnosaur.

    Anyone care to comment about the survivability of the Carnosaur build with TLOS?
  7. Tlaloc of Xhotl

    Tlaloc of Xhotl New Member

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    The build I was looking at was similar, I'm looking at taking out characters/monsters more than infantry as I have saurus to counter infantry...

    To start with:
    -Armour of Destiny

    then the other items I'm not sure of... maybe
    -Ogre Blade + Potion of Speed OR
    -Sword of the Hornet and Potion of Strength

    working the maths of it, he can chew through a normal unit no matter what he has, and even elites should fall to combined attacks and thunderstomp.

    To combat monsters, using his hornet sword and potion in a round without his carnosaur he should dish out 4 wounds by himself easy as he'd be S8 ASF WS6 I4 with 5 attacks (monsters usually low I so possibly rerolling misses and a nice -5 to armour save)
    Against characters like elf lords he would probably cause at least 1 or2 wounds depending on their ward save and then his carnosaur would hopefully put 1xD3 wounds on it.

    The paln is to run him in the same army as a Lore of Light Slann and a couple of heavens skinks and throw the speed of light and harmonic convergence on him to rip through things in one turn

    My only problem is Potion of Strength being a 1 hit wonder...
  8. Saurus_Guardian

    Saurus_Guardian New Member

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    very nice, i as well am looking for an oldblood/carnosaur build.
  9. Vilicate

    Vilicate New Member

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    I've been running my Oldblood with Dawnstone, Great Weapon, Armor of Destiny and Firefly Frog Venom.

    5 S7 attacks with poison, plus he's got a re-rollable 2+ AS and a 4+ ward.
  10. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    can anyone come up with a good combo involving the dueling blades (+1 attack & WS10).
  11. Elmquasmash

    Elmquasmash New Member

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    Well, It all depends on what you want from your character. With those blades he'll be doing 6 attacks at WS 10 and Str 5.. I love to add Strength to my character but the only way is by weapons, the Potion of Str, and Magic (lore of beasts) so by taking the Blades it kind of limits my options on that. You need a little bit of protection and just adding heavy armour gives you a 2+ save (or sitting him on a Cold One), and maybe a little bit of a ward save to protect from the nasty things in the World of Warhammer.. How's about:


    -Fencer's Blades
    -Talisman of Preservation
    -Potion of Strength
    -Light Armour or Cold One

    Its solid, will stay with either a 2+ AS or a 3+.. The higher movement from a Cold One is nice but really, causing fear is pointless since you will have WS 10 and will be hitting most everyone on 3's anyways.. And you get the nice little extra Cold One attack :rolleyes: Oh yeah, 4+ Ward Save too..

    The way I am going though is:


    -Trickster's Helm
    -Extra Hand Weapon
    -Cold One

    Gives me 6 Strength 5 Attacks, 1+ AS (just so it stays 2+ against the ever-so-common 4 Strength infantry and models out there), they have to re-roll wounding me (against Toughness 5 there will be a lot of groans ;) ) and if they STILL get the wound though, I have two chances at saving it again :D

    I'll be thinking of a different one though, I like the idea of using the 'Horned One' so I'll figure something out.. Maybe I'll take Armour of Destiny with it and the extra hand wep.. We'll see :)
  12. novatomato

    novatomato Member

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    Well, the extra hand weapon is useless if you have the horned one as only infantry get the extra attack from the extra weapon. Maybe a set up like such:
    Old Blood
    Horned One
    Maiming Shield
    Sword of Anti Heroes
    Dragon Bane Gem
    This gives him 1+ armour save, 2+ ward save against flaming attacks, 6 base attacks at S5 and if he is in contact with a character its 7 attacks at S6
  13. Bibamus

    Bibamus New Member

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    why horned one? a cold one is the same thing -1 M and with stupidity, but a lot cheaper. stupidity is rarely a problem and with the new charge rules, 1M won't matter as much. not to mention that a cold one doesn't use up points from the magic items allowance
  14. novatomato

    novatomato Member

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    Well I just posted one using a horned one because Elmquasmash had said he liked the idea of using one.
  15. Elmquasmash

    Elmquasmash New Member

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    Great... Now I find the rule about extra hand weapon (model on foot only) special stupid freaking rule... :rage: So since the Fencer's Blades confer one extra attack but don't actually have the extra hand weapon special rule (paired weapons) would they still work for mounted characters?

    @Bibamus, because Horned Ones are freakin sexy! I know if takes up magical points and doesn't have too many added benefits (you did forget the added Initiative but that's not too important) but i'm not here to crunch math numbers etc, I just want a sexy looking Lord and with a Horned One I can make just such a conversion! (no stupidity, higher initiative, and a faster movement... the same movement as a High Elf Lion... Makes me think a Horned One is a Jaguar with some Armour that has Horns on it ;) Fun fun fun!!)


    -Horned One
    -Sword of Strife
    -Shield or Light Armour as one or the other would give him a 1+ save and you can't have one higher than that

    M8 S5 A7 Causes fear 1+ Armour Save that Re-Rolls

    Now I have to wait for the new rule book so they lower the Horned One's point cost and/or make it better because Cold One's in general are going to lower a little in points due to the less effective fear..

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