Need help on paint scheme

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by moseefus, Jul 30, 2010.

  1. moseefus

    moseefus New Member

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    Having a bit of trouble figuring out what color to start with and then shade with to get the result I want. Figured some of you who are much better painters than I would know.

    Wanting to create the same scheme that is in the Lizardmen book for the salamander with the orange and yellow belly and black/grey back.

    I have the back the way i want, but can't get the underside quite right. Fairly certain I'm not starting with the right color, anyone know how they did it?

    thanks so much
  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Post a picture of what you have so far and people will probably be able to better help you.
  3. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    I an going to take a wild guess that you are tryiong to paint yellow over black primer....
    this is rather hard with GW's paint.
    first thing you are gointg to want to do is lay dawn a basecoat of white over the parts you intend to paiint
    yellow and orange, this will help a lot, don't wory about geting white paint in all the cracks and creveces,
    just get most of it, now when you paint over it the black bits are now pre shaded. :)
    and your yellows and oranges will come out a lot brighter. If it is blending you are having problems with,
    don't use you paint straight from the bottle use a pallate (basicly something like a paper plate)
    this lets you have a lot more control, put a dap of each color a inch or so apart start with one pure
    color and paint a little bit, then with the same brush drag a little bit of the other color over to the first
    one and mix up a slightly diferent color, and paint with that, keep doing this untill you are using
    a pure mix of the second color and you should have a nice transition from one to the other.

    oh also you are going to want to with your brush in the water and thin out your paint a tiny bit when you
    first selected your colors.

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