7th Ed. 1k skink guerrilla army

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Lazy Lizard, Mar 21, 2008.

  1. Lazy Lizard
    Jungle Swarm

    Lazy Lizard New Member

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    it will be great to have some advice for this 1k skink list :meh:

    skink chief -- staff of the lost sun -- dragonfly quick silver -- 119 p.
    general-scout-light armor-shield

    Skink priest -- dispel scroll -- 125 p.
    magic level 2

    Skink priest -- Rod of the strorm -- 145 p.
    magic level 2-scout

    10 Skink skirmisher -- scout--blow pipe -- 70 p.

    10 Skink skirmisher -- blow pipe -- 60 p.

    10 Skink skirmisher -- javelin and shield -- 60 p.

    7 chamaleon skinks -- stalker -- 111 p.

    3 terradons -- brave -- 115 p.

    3 salamander hunting pack 195 p.

    Total 1000 pts.

    guerrilla playing XD

    if u like i have also a 2k version
  2. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    You don't seem to have any heavy hitters, could you find room for a unit of krox or CoR? :)
  3. Lazy Lizard
    Jungle Swarm

    Lazy Lizard New Member

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    well.. i don't want to hit hard. if u avoid combat in the firsts turns and u use well yours skinks \ magic \ hit and run ability ecc in the last turns u may employ ur salamanders and terradons to try the big score. ( they still have some attacks at strenght 5 and 4 ! )
    For the enemyes with higth armour saves, skinks priest can do a lot with magic and if u dont have good spells just avoid combat XD and try to kill other units.
    i've think about put a stegadon or some kroxi but they will be too vulnerable as only available target on te field.

    I've played this list few times and with army like orks for example works great. The most powerful weapons is that ur opponent really doesn't know what to kill to get points.

    However the philosophy is only skinks!! no ranks, few fights and combat resolutions ( i'm not really lucky : D ) and a lot of deadly venom weapons !
  4. Babalu

    Babalu New Member

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    Not sure how effective it will be but I like the list, thats a ton of skinks and at 1k how much meat can your opp throw at you? You should have the advantage in magic and the only thing that will kill you is combat res against a big block of troops. Sending your sallys after them should thin out the numbers enough. let us know how it does!!!

    it looks like fun at 1k!!
  5. skinkyone
    Chameleon Skink

    skinkyone Active Member

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    i like the list,

    i play a very heavy skink list at 1k and you find the 6 inch move, skirmisher, posioned attacks(2 if you have blow piped) makes up for the lack of heavy hitters,

    10 skinks with blow pipes in 20 dice about 3 or 4 of them should be auto wound, know you fire 2 units at the same target....
  6. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    In that I generally play with 'guerilla' style armies, let me give you some words of advice

    (a) dont take the staff of the lost sun. Its simple as that. Its a terrible magic weapon (paying out the wazoo for a str 5 short bow). I mean it is multishot...but then you have to consider that a skink chief has mediocre BS. At the cost you would be better served with just a javelin (taking advantage of his S and his M). That said, a JSoD would be useful in the list, as your general's ld is going to ensure that your skinks panic from fire.

    (b) one unit of heavy cavalry is going to ruin your day. He can limit your skinks from getting within range w/ 1 or two units (which is a common sight at 1000 pts), and then you dont have any can-opening units whatseover.

    (c) never suggest that your going to charge with salamanders, they will generally loose to light cavalry units, and will just get clobbered by r&f.

    (d) That said, keep in mind that skirmishers can be march blocked in the new edition, meaning that you will not be able to outmanuver your opponent nearly as easily. Your list will do well against certain armies, but there are many armies that this list simply wont work against. Any army with flyers+ a lot of cavalry (bret, certain chaos), skirmishers that can do well in cc (wood elves, beasts), or shooty armies (hrm... :rolleyes: ), will be able to exploit the weaknesses in your list. Like it or not, fantasy comes down to combat. Manuvering yes, but unless your a gunline shooting alone cant win you the game.

    P.S. you also have to consider that your playing a game, and playing your list isnt exactly 'fun' for someone bringing a balanced list
  7. argus
    Jungle Swarm

    argus New Member

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    Yes, i know this is a late response but from the little experiance i have played with lizies and the good experiance playing AGAINST them the staff of the storm and the "staff" wich shoots S5 bolts are not really worth their prices... better off buying alot more skinks....

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