Completely new and in need of a little help :)

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Adamae, Jul 29, 2010.

  1. Adamae
    Jungle Swarm

    Adamae New Member

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    Hi you guys!

    I'm completely new to this forum, as well as to the world of Warhammer.
    I've wanted to paint models for quite a while now, but never actually made the decision to start. Now, however I'm starting a lizardmen army. I've already bought an army book, and I've ordered some skinks and saurus. I will be starting to paint them as soon as I'v received them.
    But I'm still debating on what color to paint them.....

    I really can't decide what color scheme to use...
    I've come up with a few, so maybe you guys can help me out a bit. ^^

    I was thinking about the following color schemes for the skinks and saurus (I'm not sure if I'll paint the other units in the same scheme):

    - A yellow-ish tone, and their scales in a darker tone (maybe even an orangy tone)
    - A camo green with a darker (or a brighter green) for the scales.
    - Red with a yellow -ish tone for the scales (even though this color scheme is more suited for a stegadon or whatsoever)

    And for the Slann I wanted to use purple and a yellow tone for his belly. (And yes, I've already thought of that, even though I haven't bought one yet xD)

    I will be posting some pics of the skinks somewhere in the near future. Probably with each color scheme I've described, that will make it easier to choose. I've got a whole bunch of them (Got a really great deal on e-bay :p) and probably won't use them all anyways.

    Hopefully you guys can help me out a little :O

  2. Elmquasmash

    Elmquasmash New Member

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    Well, they all sound like pretty interesting color schemes to me :) Just go with whatever you want to do! And the nice thing about Lizardmen is that you can really use pretty much whatever colors you want so you can just pick your favorite colors if you want to ;) I'd say the red with yellow scales because I havn't seen that one very much! ;)
  3. Adamae
    Jungle Swarm

    Adamae New Member

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    Thank you for your advise ^^
    I guess I will try that one out, as well as the yellow scheme. I guess green is a color which is used very much since they are lizards xD
    Hopefully my order'll arrive soon, so I can get painting and get some pics up :p
  4. Elmquasmash

    Elmquasmash New Member

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    Yeah, I know that yellow is used a bit too or light browns and tan colors. But red is a very strong color so people mostly use it for their monster characters and mounts and so on so it would be interesting to see :) And the only reason I didn't say green is because it's the colors I am using :p jajajaja but yeah, most colors used right now on the army are Blue, Browns/Yellows, and Greens ;)
  5. lustria

    lustria Member

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    ime going fo a dark grey with a dark green highlited with a lighter green cam out really wel,i then washeds the grey with a black,just an idea X)
  6. Adamae
    Jungle Swarm

    Adamae New Member

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    Hm. that might be an option as well, but I guess I'll try the color schemes I've come up with first... If they all don't work for me, I have to come up with something else I guess.

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