I may have just ragequit putting these guys together because the collar you're supposed to put on the terradons is just so tiny and in 3 pieces. There doesn't seem to be a place on the terradon neck to attach it to and the segments on the collar do literally nothing to help it stay together while it dries. And it's not even like I can just skip putting the collars on because they're what the riders are holding to stay on What did you do to put them together, besides grow maybe 2-3 more arms to hold everything in place? (Sorry if this is a bad place to put this or if I shouldn't have made the thread, I wasn't sure where else to go and the folks in the introduction forum said there are no dumb questions, lol)
This is totally in the Right place, so don't worry. My main advice is: don't rush it. I did this Step by Step. First glue the color halfs together over the neck of the Terradon, be sure to only glue the color halfs to eachother and not to the neck(yet). Let the glue dry. When dried you can move the collar up and down the neck and rotate. Now position the collar in the Right place to glue the riders hand on (for extra stability you can also use a little glue between the collar and the neck, not to much because it will show once painted) Again let it dry. When dried add the free handle on the oposite side of the collar. I hope this helps you put it all together. Good luck and ask again if help is needed Grrr, Imrahil
Thank you for asking this question! I built my first terradon just last night, and once I got to the collar and realized the difficulty, I gave up and went to bed. Glad I’m not the only one.
I'm going to try again tonight probably, so I hope I can finangle it properly this time I've been using plastic cement, is that fine or should I use super glue for this? Thanks for the help
I always use a plastic glue, mainly because Super glue tent to be more visual when dried. Good luck, let us now if it worked. Grrr, Imrahil