Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Cristhian MLR, Jan 23, 2016.

  1. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    First of all, the new Combat Patrol of Death Guard honestly just shocked me.

    30 Poxwalkers is just insane, and thanks to GW adding Typhus in there, they most likely really want you to buy just one of this kits.

    But seriously, 30 Poxxies is just insane, are they as good or better than Cultists?

    Worst of all, it seems like they are limiting the Poxwalkers hordes, so what's the point on having your starter kit like this if you are going to limit its own contents?

    Now, I can't unhear the Lumineths with Australian accents. Thanks Nick.

    Funnily enough, the new treerunners do resemble a lot of extinct marsupials, and also a bit of Tauntauns, and I also really like the new Vanari Lord Regent and his mount.

    This is a very hyped release for pretty much everyone, but lets be honest, everyone willt to see the Vampire Counts come back, more if they come in proper form; not just Nagash lackeys.

    Just gimme plastic Blood Knights already!

    If they happen to be Vampirates instead, oh boy. OH. BOY. Imagine having the entire roster of their Total Warhammer DLC in sweet, glorious plastic. Imagine having Necrofex Colossi Imagine proxying Leviathans with actual dead crabs or lobsters while playing Crab Rave.

    Whatever it is, we are all winning this time around.
    Just A Skink likes this.
  2. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Everyone except me, I want to see Vampire Counts dead and buried and Tomb Kings return in their place, as you all know, because Tomb Kings deserve the honour of existing far more.

    That would have been a lot better than what we’re actually getting to be honest, it would have been fun to see what GW could have done with all the weird shipwreck maritime units and it would have provided a very different and new aesthetic to the boring hammer horror stuff we currently have.

    Once again GW have buggered up a great opportunity.
    Just A Skink likes this.
  3. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    It would have likely required them to hammer out a much more comprehensive deal with Creative Assembly than the one they've already got going.
  4. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I would have thought that because Creative Assembly have been allowed to reproduce GW's stuff for the game, surely that deal would work both ways and GW can produce miniatures based on the game content, given they're continually involved in the development of the game?

    What's more, if the Kislev stuff GW are going to be releasing for TOW is anything like what Creative Assembly may include for them in Warhammer: Total War in the future, that deal may have been sealed already.
    Just A Skink likes this.
  5. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    Maybe it could have been interesting if the Necroquake had re-summoned/re-awakened Settra, and the Ossiarch Bonereapers was Settra's response to contest the poor "godship" of Nagash. You could have two powers vying for control of the Death factions.

    I don't know, it depends on if you like GW bringing back Old World stuff or if you like new stuff.
  6. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Even without bringing back Settra, Necroquake + Bonereapers could have been an indipendent faction.
    I don't think that a undead rival of Nagash is in GW agenda.
  7. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    There've been some hints about a specific vampire that opposes Nagash. Some old character from WFB that may or may not have survived. It's kinda vague but at least there's something hinted at.
  8. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Really? That would be a nice change.
  9. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Well, funnily enough my own homebrew Nehekros Imperishables Faction combines Tomb Kings with this. The lore revolves around Settra being imprisoned in the same vault that Katakros was also incarcerated in, after trying to challenge Sigmar for the right to rule the Order pantheon. Then during the Necroquake when Nagash sought to free Katakros, he also unwittingly released Settra, who cruised the Mortal Realms until he possessed a golden statue of the God-King and began to found a new Khemri out of existing human populations in Ghur and began his mission to ruin Nagash’s entire career. Unfortunately it’s unofficial but it’s the best I can do to give Tomb Kings a big respectful welcome into AoS.

    Have a look at my thread here:

    @Killer Angel will enjoy looking at it too, I’ll be bound...
    Just A Skink likes this.
  10. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    I was right, the new warband is a Death one: The Crimson Court.


    She is the first member of the warband we know: Vellas von Faine. Yes, those are some horrible fangs, but I like everything else from her.

    They also showed the silhouette of the next warband after this one, which as we all already knew, is a Bonesplitter. I still want a SC! Bonesplitterz, but at least they did reduced the prices per model wen they reboxed their boxes.

    Which led us to what other factions will be on the next faction: what even is that? a dream catcher? what are those moose antlers?


    For June, I'm pretty sure that they are elves yet again. if the colour is anything to go for, then they are Idoneth. If not, they could be a Khainite warband as well, maybe even a "shadow elves" one.

    That's because you are not everyone.

    (JK we are all siblings from the same spawning pool here)

    I want Settra back to rule and kick Nagash bony ass like everyone else, but I don't see why not having our own vampiric faction as well.

    Even WarCraft had them slightly introduced with the Dreadlords, and in Shadowlands finally added the Venthyr as a wholly vampiric faction.

    My point is: I don't see anything wrong with having traditional Vampires in AoS.

    More if they are more of an antithetical Death faction; Idoneth and Khainite factions are only aligned to Order by being elves and not liking non-Order factions, becuase otherwise, theor practices are not quite "Ordery".

    We Lizards are also Order by proxy: we hate Chaos and everyone who doesn't work for The Great Plan (as it should be, obviously), and we tolerate the Warmbloods and Walking trees because they also fight against Order, not exactly because we are particularly fond of them (I mean, at least they do taste quite good sometimes).

    Maybe this new Vampires rebelled and escaped Nagash, and now they do what they want.

    Not to mention that plenty of this models could be part of The Old World range in the future as updated models (I hope they keep the winged Vampire Lord, tho).

    Also: Plastic Blood Knights. I rest my case.
  11. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    yeah, there's bits and pieces in white dwarfs and what not. Mostly along the lines of "there's this vampire and if you mention him near Nagash he will disintegrate you". But it's super vague, to the point they haven't actually given us a name yet. Nor really indicated if it's an old enemy who Nagash defeated ages ago but is still angry about or a current one. So loads of speculation with nothing concrete.

    At least it confirms not all undead just obey him.
    Killer Angel likes this.
  12. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    That would be much appreciated. As long as i don't need to sell a kidney to buy three 5-knights units ('cause i have so many things to buy, and a limited supply of kidneys)
    ChapterAquila92 and Canas like this.
  13. Kilvakar

    Kilvakar Well-Known Member

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    So Broken Realms: Teclis has been announced. I was thinking, do you guys think that maybe the Broken Realms series will just focus on the Elf deities? So we'll just get Morathi, Teclis, Malerion, Tyrion, etc. and the Elves will be the new movers and shapers in AoS like Nagash was early on? There's no hard evidence of this, of course. I'm just thinking out loud.
  14. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    I just want GW to already release the Shadow Elves as a whole.

    They have been teasing them since ever and the Khainite Shadowstalkers, while a step on the right direction, just can't get rid off the itch.
  15. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Well, releasing a Broken Realms to cover the new Lumineth models makes sense, I cannot deny that, but I was expecting. Broken Realms: Gordrakk next, because of several pieces of Broken Realms fiction that are making Gordrakk out to be AoS Ghazghkull. As Teclis appears to be next I imagine Gordrakk will follow.

    I’m still pissed about them releasing yet another Slaanesh Battletome when they should have just done a Broken Realms for Sigvald. Such a waste of a Battletome slot.
    Just A Skink likes this.
  16. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Honestly, bit random he's attacking Nagash now. Kinda feels like this was meant to be released immeadiatly after or during the necroquake stuff, not now with the nonsense Slaanesh is pulling.
  17. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    loads of news

    Sisters of battle are apparently jealous of the grey knights:


    The lumineth get their 3th name character model.... sigh. At least its a neat model. They also say there's more models coming for them cuz why not I guess.

    Dok get a new proper battletome. Which raises the question; what's the point of the rules in the broken realm books if half the factions immeadiatly get a new tome anyway.

    DoK endless spells, which I guess is neat.

    Vampire underworlds warband has neat models. So at least that looks promissing for the soulblight overhaul.

    The new game is a follow up to warhammer quest. So that's nice. Includes the vampire hunter/inquisitor.


    It also has a website.

    Overall not too bad news I guess.
    Just A Skink and Imrahil like this.
  18. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    At least we know GW are giving them a Broken Realms Book to cover those, which makes sense. Why couldn’t have they done this with the Slaanesh crap?

    Yep, I’m rather annoyed at this given it’s only just after Broken Realms: Morathi was done. Another waste of a Battletome slot just like the Slaanesh one. I suppose it was the Shadow and Pain box that predicted this, but still, GW should have organised that better.

    That’s pretty much the only reason why their new book is coming. Given most other armies have Endless Spells it’s only fair Daughters of Khaine and Idoneth get some too, but that does render the Broken Realms Book pointless as you say. As GW were always going to give them Endless Spells, they should have just given them the Battletome last year.

    Another Warhammer Quest with Vampire Counts as the villains, pretty underwhelming as I was expecting a proper new game system, not just a new Warhammer Quest season. That was pretty misleading.

    The only thing that’s really tickled my interest this time round is that finally the Harbinger of Eternity and plastic Flayed Ones are coming for Necrons. I was concerned GW had forgotten about these given they first teased them all the way back in August last year, it seems they were saving them for Kill Team:
    That looks like it’s going to be good starter set, the Necron terrain pieces look brilliant, and you get loads of them!
    Imrahil and Just A Skink like this.
  19. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    I have to admit that despite the apparent goofiness, the dreadknight was at least consistent in how it appeared to be controlled by its pilot: a force control system synced to the user's bodily movements.

    This doesn't.

    Judging by the legs alone, which are much too long for normal human proportions, I'd surmise that the sister piloting this contraption had her biological legs (up to at least her thighs) removed and thus controls them directly via neural interface, which begs the question as to why she and her order haven't done the same with her arms.

    I guess it's another case of Schizo Tech within the Imperium again.
  20. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    No lizards in this reveal. Humbug!

    The vampire models from Underworlds look cool. Once again, some of the "one off" models are really fun. But, no direct reveal of what the "vampire lord" with the batty braids is all about. I guess any Soulblight update will wait until spring?

    The Lumineth Fox spirit archer looks pretty sweet. The video for the new LRL models showed some interesting silhouettes; kangaroo mounts, maybe heavy archers/artillery, a possible standard bearer, another wizard and great sword wielding elves.

    The Broken Realms: Teclis includes Lumineth, Cities, Nurgle, Flesh-eater Courts and Bonereapers. I guess that means LRL will get a new battletome in a couple of months (zing!). Sadly, Seraphon are still not involved and I assume we'll be one of the last armies included in this arc. Destruction has been pretty much ignored in the Broken Realms, so maybe the folks on here are right that Gordrakk will be the next book?

    DoK seemed to need a new tome, based on comments I've read here. But, like many others, it makes me wonder what the Morathi book was really for, aside from moving the narrative. I'm guessing Covid threw off GW's release dates and reveal schedules, based on how close this release and the Slaanesh tome came out. And DoK get a snake-themed endless spell. Can we just set it down that Seraphon own the rights to all lizards, snakes, reptiles and dinosaurs (excluding dragons) in AoS? Good, thank you.

    The Warhammer Quest monster hunter model looks cool, but I'm not really "digging" the gravekeeper villain (see what I did there).

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