I am very happy overall with the 8th edition changes and how those changes have affected my beloved Lizardmans. My buddy, and main opponent, has taken up the befouled Empire as his new army, so I decided to get some new units types that I hadn't used before to help me fight him. The area where my list is weakest is war-machine hunting. To correct that and deal wit the pesky cannons I know I will be facing, I decided to pick up a few terradons. How do they kill war-machines? In close combat they are still just skinks with NO armor save. In ranged you are only getting the one attack per terradon rider, so the chances of killing anything is slim. Is the dropping of rocks really the only way they have to dish out damage? That's only once a game. So my questions are: 1) Are terradons good for war-machine hunting? And if so how do they do it? 2)What do you use to hunt those pesky gun emplacements? EDIT: Sorry I meant to post this in the Tactics Discussion Board. If a mod could move it there I'd be very appreciative.
Well the drop rocks is bad against war machines, Javs rant bad, but you need loads, In combat however, They cause fear, have two attacks each, and can stomp, So that's 3 attacks per base, And they get a 6 + save If nothing else, a unit of 3 will tarpit a war machine indefinitely
How do they cause fear? Terradons don't have it in their profile in the Lizardmen Army Book and Monstrous Cavalry don't get it automatically?
Entirely my fault, I was on CoR mount defense, No terra dons don't cause fear but they can still beat most war machine crews in combat.
Well, terries got iffy in 8th. Since you can only attack with two at a time (monstrous cav count as 3 models each, you can fight with 6 models maximum) you're looking at 2 ws 2str 3, 2 ws 3 str4, and 2 str 4 stomp attacks per turn. Against empire you should be fine, against dwarves, not so much. On the plus side, if you break them they're automatically destroyed, and you get a vanguard move so you can be 8 inches into his deployment zone on turn 1 (and charge if you go second). Personally, I prefer Chameleon skinks. Deploy 12 inches away, move in, roll at least 3 sixes to hit (or wound) and it's gone. Powered-up Dwellers Below also works great, 24 inch auto fail/destroy is great for taking out war machines.
I still have three Teradons unassembled, so I wish to use these as warmachine hunters. The Skink chief with staff of sun splendor looks good. That's three shots on BS 5. Otherwise three plain Teradons with javelins should get the attention of a warmachine crew. At least Javelins do not suffer from move and shoot.
I played with a Skink chief on a Terradon and equipped him with the fencing blades. Hew owned everything he came into contact with. He took out a vampire count with the help of the terradons stomp attack.
Chamo skinks are the warmachine hunters of 8th for us. Use your scout move to set up close to the machine, then march and hammer them wit your poison shots (warmachines are not immune to poison anymore). 6 Should easily take out elven bolt throwers in a turn, 3 man crews might take two turns or require 2 units/larger unit.
Given the communis opinis on this forum, I shall relent and arrange some chameleon skinks as well. Having said that, I still have those Teradons and they are simply to good looking to be ingnored. I shall convert one to a Skink-chief with dual blades.