7th Ed. 2250pt Lizards vs O&G

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Gannon, Dec 29, 2008.

  1. Gannon

    Gannon New Member

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    Last friday I did a game vs a younger player who plays O&G.

    My list was:


    Old Blood on Carnosaur

    Scar Vet on Cold One

    Skink priest lvl 2
    dispell scrolls x2


    10 skinks
    10 skinks
    10 skinks

    10 skinks

    10 saurus


    20 saurus FC

    7 COR

    4 Kroxigors

    6 chams (6 cuz i got only 6 models)



    2 salamanders

    ( I don't remember all the magic weapons cuz saterday I did a battle vs OK with a total diffrent list.)

    I had around 2248 pt


    Great shaman lvl 4 wizard

    Shaman lvl 2 wizard

    Ork big boss on boar

    Black ork Big boss


    20 orks

    8 boar boys

    20 nights goblins with 3 fanatics

    20 goblin archers with 3 fanatics too.

    6 spider riders.

    8 squig hoppers


    20 black orks

    2 giants

    Deployement was like this:

    ( was my first time I tried this with paint so try not to fix too much on it :p )

    btw: the chariot was next to his lvl 4 great shaman and his 20man goblin block.

    I had the roll off so I started first:

    Frist turn



    I moved my skinks up, COR a little forward. blocks marched. kroxi's went with the carno lord. Carno lord went to center while sallies went toward te water. Stegadon went to the right hoping to be able to flank one of the ork blocks.
    I forgot to move the skinks by the forest so they stood there doing nothing.

    Magic: I had one lvl 2 skink chief on the stegadon. He never got to do any magic because of the strong Magic of the O&G

    shooting: skinks that moved from the water shot with double shots at sixes and I rolled 7/20..

    nr 1 Giant down.. on none of the ork blocks. Cham skinks shot at the lvl 2 shaman, he died too.

    C C : None

    Turn 1 O&G

    Animosity: no real damage to his movement

    movement: he charged my skinks with his ork block. skinks fled to safety and his blocks did a failed charge. ( in sight of my stegadon to flank them..)

    He moved his black orks to the side of his giant to try and protect him..

    His boar boys moved a little forward. Spiders did nothing and Goblins did nothing either.

    his squigs rolled a 14 move toward my skinks in forest..


    his lvl 4 caster did nothing. I used my dispell dice (4) 2 Pool 1 of wizard and Tepok of a scar vet.
    also used a dispell scrol 1/2.

    C C:

    his squigs completely destroyed my skinks, but my skinks did kill one squig hopper ^^

    Turn 2 lizzies:


    Stegadon charged the ork block in the side and old blood joined the fight in the front.

    I rallied the running skinks.I remembered he had lots of fanatics so I sent my 10 saurus block to his goblins and the fanatics came out.

    1 fanatix ran through my block destroying the 10 saurus to 5 men but they held. other 2 fanatics did nothing.
    (he rolled 4" twice)

    Chams moved to the back of his giant. in range of 8" of his gob archers. again unleashing 3 fanatics..

    1 ran through the chams killing 1 cham of the 6 so no test.

    sallies cam in range of black orks. and i moved my kroxi's back to the goblin block.

    Magic: Nothing happenend.

    Shooting :D

    my other chams and some skinks I moved killed the 2nd giant.. the guy forgot that I can shoot a large target even if a troop is in front of it. Again no damage to his troops because of the falling giant.

    other skinks had no target.

    C C

    Stegadon did 5 impact hits killing 4 orks. The stegadon on himself did anothor 2 kills and the skinks on top nothing. The carnolord had 6 attacks on S6 with no armor saves allowed killing another 4 the Carno did nothing. Orks offcourse fled. I pusued them. Stegadon 6" (2" short to hit the black orks) my carnolord rolled 12" right in the flank of the black orks.

    Turn 2 O&G


    This time he rolled 1's for animosty for almost half his army.. including his goblin archers.

    He charged nothing and moved almost nothing. just waiting for my blocks to come.

    His fanatics moved.. doing as following: killing 5 of my COR and making them flee. Doing a wound on my carno lord and carno who were in CC with the black orks. 1 also killed all of his spider riders, another killed his remaining squig hoppers.

    magic: the lvl 4 again was stopped by my dispell dice and a dispell scroll 2/2.

    Shooting : none as his archers could do nothing because of a roll of 1 with animosity.

    C C

    Cuz I hit his blocks due the fact I persued I had to hit first. My carno lord killed an amazing 6 black orks
    And my Carno 1.

    Again his black orks failed their break test and fled. I persued again and Overruned them right into the goblins archers..

    Turn 3


    I moved my 20man block toward the center. rallied the fleeing COR.

    Moved my kroxi's closer in range of the goblin block. moved my skinks with javalins in range of his lvl 4 great shaman ( which was his general..)

    Rest just moved toward the center.

    Magic: Still nothing the lvl 4 shaman dispelled everything.

    Shooting: Skinks with javalins killed his great shaman :p

    C C

    Carnolord ripped through the goblin archers like they were nothing and also runned them down.

    Turn 3 O&G

    movement: he rolled some WAAGH!!'s with his animosity but nothing into a charge.

    His Chariot charged my 20man Saurus Block. he moved his boar boys to flank the same 20 saurus but in range of my scar vet with 1 COR left. Goblins did nothing.

    Magic: None as both his mages were dead.

    Shooting: None

    C C

    his chariot did 2 impact hits.. he rolled a 1 but was scythed so D6+1.
    1 saurus dead.. his wolves and riders killed another Saurus. I could hit back with 1 saurus doing 1 wound.

    I won combat but he rolled double 1's on his breaktest even as he needed only 4-5.

    Turn 4


    movement: Kroxi's charged goblin block. Scar vet and other Cold one Rider charged the ork boar boys in the flank..

    Magic: None everything was in Close Combat.

    Shooting: Some skinks killed 3/6 fanatics.


    Scar vet did 4 wounds on the Boar boys and the other COR finished them off..

    4 kroxi's completely obliterrated the 20 goblins and ran them over.

    My block killed the chariot and suddenly we reaslised the battle was over.

    He has no units left.. before he even had a turn 4


    Massacre in favor of the lizards.


    I think I had an enemy who had no idea how to battle lizardmen. As he feelded 2 giants and did nothing with his fast cavalery(spiders). Was also a young guy 14. But he plays Warhammer longer then I do. This same guy won a 3K battle vs MoC this saterday with almost the same list. So I guess he had lots of bad luck or I for once did everything right ^^.

    Anyway cuz of this battle my faith in lizzies is restored. Also gonna post a 2250ptns battle against O K I did this saterday ;)


  2. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    A great report, way to show those Greenskins!
  3. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    Nice game and great report! :)
  4. Doom Lizard

    Doom Lizard New Member

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    Isn't it great to see your biggest combat monster just sprinting into the flanks of his most deadly r@f unit rendering them useless. Great job man. Your gonna need to change up your tactics just slightly with the new book but you should do amazingly. Once again good job
  5. Gannon

    Gannon New Member

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    Big help with is was that I was playing vs someone who had no experience in Lizzies, and now hates skinks like hell. Don't think my 2 upcoming games will be like this one here...

    1500vs DoC... Campaign battle and a must win.. but I fear I haven't got any chance...

    and a 2250 battle vs WoC hoping full magic power is gonna do something.

  6. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    Yeah, chaos can be really tough in small matches >2000.
    With no Slann, it get's even more tricky then fighting big games.. I would suggest LOTs of skinks(like you had vs the O&G, and swarms to keep his knights busy...

    Anyway, good luck!

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