Volcanic paint scheme

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by rustybrazenfire, Aug 2, 2010.

  1. rustybrazenfire

    rustybrazenfire New Member

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    Hi guys! I'm fairly new to the craft of Warhammer and just started my collection. I've started to paint my army with a volcanic/desert theme and would love some opinions!

    Beasts and mounts - "Natural" colors tending toward tans and browns

    Saurus - darker red skin with bright red scales

    Skinks - same darker red skin with orange scales

    Wood & rope - Base a natural wood or rope color, but drybrushed black to give a singed look.

    Shields - based the same red as the troops, but drybrushed black again.

    Golden bits - Based a dark brown with a burnished gold coat over it. Hoping it will make it look old/worn.

    I am still developing my actual painting skills... most of my previous experience has been building and painting terrain which is typically not at the same detail level as these models. I'm certainly not going to be the best at it, but I have to start somewhere!

    Since he's a good example of much of the paint scheme, I started with my Stegadon sometime last week. He's slowly coming together as I have time to work... the creature himself is "done" but I might go through and do some touch-up on a couple places I'm not happy with. The platform for the crew is done as well, but again I have some touch-up to take care of. Been working on the Skinks of late, and am hoping that the finished product looks good!

    I'll post pics once I'm a little further along. Sadly I wasn't able to get in-progress shots on this one, but I have some Cold ones that are next on my list and I can try with them.
  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    It sounds good, I look forward to seeing some pics. :)
  3. Elmquasmash

    Elmquasmash New Member

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    Sounds like an interesting scheme :) I was trying to decide between Snow Lizards and the Volcanic theme :) I cant wait to see some pics of your work! And trust me, if you have any skill/experience with painting, you'll pick up how to paint models real quick!
  4. rustybrazenfire

    rustybrazenfire New Member

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    First Pics!




    The Stegadon - used Elf Flesh for the base color on the lighter parts, very light drybrush of Snakebite Leather and a custom wash that was a 3 parts Bestial Brown / 1 part Red Gore watered down. The armor plate bits were a straight up Bestial Brown with a very light brush of Snakebite Leather. All gold bits were based Bestial Brown and heavy drybrushed Burnished Gold. Rope/wood were based either Snakebite or Brown and drybrushed Chaos Black. Horns and skulls were a Khaki base, washed with the Brown/Red mix, and brushed heavy with Bleached Bone. The Jewel bits are Red Gore with a very light coat of Burnished Gold, though I'd love to find a pearlescent glaze for them instead.

    The Skink Priest - Red Gore base on skin, Blazing Orange highlights, and appropriately colored Bleached Bone / Burnished Gold. He still has some highlight work to go... I'm thinking of adding a tinge of a complimentary color (Maybe a purple of some sort for highlights), and if I can swing it I'd like to outline the tabard in some alternate color.
  5. Elmquasmash

    Elmquasmash New Member

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    Looks pretty awesome! I like the colors you chose
  6. Gor-rok

    Gor-rok Member

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    Wow, it's neat! Now you need some terrain pieces to match, like a desert sand colored mat and a big paper mache volcano.

    Hmm, it could be stepped on it's sides so units can fight on different levels...

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