8th Ed. 2500 friendly all comers list

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Kadoc, Mar 28, 2021.

  1. Kadoc
    Jungle Swarm

    Kadoc New Member

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    Hi !

    I'm new to this forum but quite old in the hobby (more in the collecting and painting side than the actual game).

    I made a list I'm quite happy with. I mostly put the minis I like (cause putting nice figurines on the table is half of the fun) but I try to have an efficient list as well. It's for friendly game, often against WOC, Empire, HE, O&G or Dwarfs. Any recommendation is welcome :)

    - Slann (high magic), bsb, focus of mystery, harmonic convergence, becalming cogitation, soul of stone, skavenpelt banner, channeling staff

    - Skink priest (beast), level 2, dispell scroll

    - Cowboy, armour of destiny, great weapon, light armor

    - 30 saurus warriors, full command, hand weapons

    - 10 skirmishers skinks, blowpipes

    - 10 skirmishers skinks, javelins and shields

    - 16 skinks, 2 kroxigor, musician

    - 22 temple guards, full command

    - 3 teradon riders

    - 1 bastiladon, solar engine

    - 1 ancient Stegadon, sharpend horns

    - 1 salamander hunting pack

    - 1 salamander hunting pack
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  2. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Welcome to Jurassic Park!

    Great to have you as part of the forum! :D

    I'm with you on the friendly list. I try to strike a nice balance between a list that I feel could defeat my opponent and having a good time. The people I play with are with me on the subject of "playing a beautiful game" rather than purely playing to win and power gaming.

    That said, you are you going up against? The list is fairly well-rounded, so the only thing would be adjust for your opponent...

    (And make sure you do a battle report. Would love to see how the Skavenpelt banner goes for you. I just don't like the points cost to then lose a round of combat and lose Frenzy... :( )
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.
  3. Kadoc
    Jungle Swarm

    Kadoc New Member

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    Thanks !

    Yes putting nice minis on the battelfield is the main purpose of this game for me haha.

    I play often against warrior of chaos, high elves (I think this list can go against these two, even tho I lose more often ^^') and often too against Empire or Dwarfs. These last ones scare me with their artillery and my beautiful big monsters... Maybe switching one of the steg or bastiladon for skinks and cameleons could be great.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  4. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Well for all of the above I would take Chamo Skinks to attack war machines for sure.

    I'm not a fan of the bastiladon, so I'd use that to switch out. If you have a Slann, then the Basti is going to go hungry for lack of power dice.
    Kadoc likes this.
  5. Kadoc
    Jungle Swarm

    Kadoc New Member

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    Yeah I guess I'd switch the bastiladon for two units of 5 chamo skinks. Probably a better solution.
    Thanks for the advice!
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  6. The Great White Lizard
    Chameleon Skink

    The Great White Lizard Well-Known Member

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    Sadly, you can't run both armor of destiny and light armor as magic armor still takes up your armor slot. With thick-skinned on the cold one, you have a 1+ armor save anyway so it doesn't really matter. For the block of saurus I would either take spears or run them in a horde, to maximize attacks. I've also found it helpful to run cowboys in units of Cold One Riders to make sure they can deal with units. 5 cold one riders + spears and full command is 200points, so I would sub maybe cut the basti and thin some units a little. Sadly basti's can never really shine, at toughness 5, movement 4, and mediocre combat stats. The other thing you could run instead of the basti is a second scar vet to give you saurus block some more staying power. This list looks really fun, and I'm excited to read any battlereps you do.

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