Greetings fellow children of the gods. I have been playing 40K and WHFB for 10 years with my main army being Lizardmen. For 10 years the Venerable Oldblood Con'qua'kor has led the armies of Huatl from the back of the mighty Carnosaur Xiliquncani. My army is largly combat oriented with a balance of Skinks and Saurus units backed up by Salamanders, Kroxigors, Temple Guard, Chameleon Skinks and Terradons. As I mentioned above my force has always been led by an Oldblood on a Carnosaur with more Skink War Chiefs than Priests.
hi Camaxtli, glad your joining us, i'm relatively new here too- your not the only one! Hope you will be an active member of the forum Mazdamundi