Hey guys. Here are a few of mine. More will come soon, once I finish painting or re-painting them. My Kroq-Gar: My Skink Priest on Horned One: Sorry about the photo quality, for some reason my camera isn't focusing well.
Alright. Here are the rest of Kroq-Gar and two more of my models: Kroq-Gar: Skink Priest on Horned One: Slann Mage Priest (Not completely finished):
Lol. It looks like a salamander doesn't it? Its actually an old chaos model. The original flying base snapped and imbedded some of itself into the model, so I tried to convert it so it was sitting on, what I call, a totem of judgement. I tried to mix the base with models of dead lizardmen enemies, such as an old chaos hell hound, a few saurus heads (there could be a few traitors), some undead models and some tomb king stuff. I may add a few orks and humans soon. Thanks for the compliments. I've almost finished painting a new conversion and I'll put it up soon.