There's an event at my local GW shop called Character duel, where you bring a single character worth up to 300 points and duke it out to see who is top dog. So basically, you want a really well-rounded character that is going to be able to beat everybody else's character. Here's what I think I'm going to use: Saurus Oldblood Hand weapon; Light armour; Shield; Sword of Might; Enchanted Shield; Charm Of The Jaguar; Talisman of Protection; Blessed Mark Of The Old Ones; Blessed Spawning Of Tlazcotl; Blessed Spawning Of Huanchi. total: 291 points What do you guys think?
My question is: What are the rules of the match? More specifically, is it one huge free for all? How many characters are in each fight? Can there be repeated magic items between characters? What distance do you start out from the other characters? If it's more than one in a fight, do you make teams? How much terrain is scattered about the board? Details like these are rather crucial for these small character builds, since points are rather crucial and you only get what you bring. Your spawnings and magic items will definitely need checking as a result. (Example: Spawning of Huanchi seems out of place here on a lone character... and the Enchanted Shield might be illegal for use if any other hero, number unknown at the moment, comes to party with it). Also, a point of note: Having the enchanted shield means you don't need the normal shield, and technically it's illegal to have both.
This is what I would have used: Oldblood light armor, enchanted shield, bane head, Glyph neclace itzl, mark of the old ones, quetzl, ride cold one 295 pts
the store i go to does that to my character is 329 points which is over 300 but i want to post this combination Oldblood on cold one,itzl spawning,quetzl spawning,sotek spawning, scimitar of the sun resplendant, maiming shield, and talisman of protection. this gives him a 0+ AS 6+ WS 8 attacks and 9 on a charge
Aura of Quetzl is pretty much compulsory IMO. Come on, as if anyone isn't going to get a S5 character.
For straight up fightiness, I would take the following: Oldblood Sotek, Quetzl, Tlazcotl, Light Armour, Enchanted Shield, Bane Head, Blade of Revered Tzunki
Hm lets see..... Saurus Old Blood Blade Of Revered Tzunki, Enchanted Sheild,, Venom Of Firefly Frog, Glyph Necklace, Quetzl, Tzunki, Itzl, Cold One, Bane Head, Great Weapon 291 points. This will win!!!!!!! ( Unless Star Dragon... OUCH)
This is all the rules say on the sheet I have: So I don't really know how the actual battle will play out. I'm now considering using the Bane Head instead of the Jaguar Charm.
Had one of these for GW and it bypassed those rules. There are some armies with heroes only 100 points that were only able to buy 100 points of equipment so that was cancelled. Thought that would be the obvious. The person who won was the Necromancer if I remember...
i would go with Oldblood- Quetzl, Itzl, and Old Ones, Shield, LA, Sword of Might, and Aura of Quetzl, riding a cold one. this puts him at 293 pts. with a 0+ armor save and a 4+ward save against people with strength 5 or higher( which if this is a character duel almost everything will be) and at least one re-roll for that crucial moment. also strength 6 is no laughing matter
Working with the idea that every charcter will have atleast a 2+ save plus a ward here is the most effective character, I think, for going against that: Old blood-light armour, maiming shield, aura of quetzi, bane head, burning blade of chotek. Blessed spawning of quetzi, mark of the old ones = 298 With 6 strength 5 hits youll be looking at wounding on 4s at the worst, most likely 3s, and the best save an oppoent can have would be 5+. Coupled with a 2+ save/''4+ward'' he will be pretty surviveable. Alternatively you could replace his equipment for the blade of revered tzunki and aura quetzi but I prefere the extra attack and possibility of causing two wounds which is very likely with this combo.
You could always take the blade of realities, kill any daemon foes quickly enough, plus no ward saves for your opponents and a -2 to their saves anyway for your base Str. And since some armies might bring Wizards with nasty magic missles, what about the shield of the mirrored pool? A Tzeentch sorcerer could show, and that'd shut him down with a luck roll.
oldblood, quetzl, tzunki (mabye get lucky on some initiative tests), and old ones spawnings, bane head, piranna blade (each wound causes 4 wounds), enchanted shield, aura of quetzl, light armour
Old blood: Tepok, Old Ones Revered blade of Tzunki, Charm of The jaguar Warrior, Ench Shield, Light armor, = 145+ 15+35+65+20+10+2 = 292 You'll alwys have the charge.. 6 Attacks WS6 S6 no armor save... he has a 1+ armor save himself... I kno no ward save .. but who cares... Be aware of anything that has Killing blow... Vampires.. WE Archer heroes.... kill those first or avoid them...
Bane + Piranna = 3 wounds Still it would maybe kill everything with 1 hit .. but .. You can get charged easely... no ward save... and 5 S5 attacks does nothing vs 0+ saves.. plus Ward saves... like Daemons... if it would only be a ward save its ok but adding an armor save u'll do no wound.... then ur build does nothing I prefer M9 to always have the charge... and Tepok for the extra attack...
With Bane head you double every unsaved wound, and the same goes for piranha blade so no Double 1= 2, Double 2=4 And Tepoks Spawning gives extra dice to dispel pool. You're thinking of Blessed Spawning of Sotek.