hi all, this will be my first ever conversion as im relatively new to the scene, i have probably bit off more than i can chew but i intent to use the old slann model but remake his throne to be made from the heads and bodies of some old skaven models i have sitting around, i will then have my slanns standard as a defaced old skaven standard sticking out of the back of the pile of bodies. i will be starting work on this next week so pics will follow. It might not work at all as ive no experience in converting but will give it a shot. What do you guys think to the theme?
D: that sounds disgusting As cool as the whole thing sounds, in terms of fluff land don't you think it's a little crazy violent out of character for a slan? Either way, I cant wait to see this . You know the little skink on the throne? Could you have him holding a skull or rat head? That would be cool
My slann is still not very happy about the coming of clan pestilens and believes the will of the old ones is that the vile ratmen be wiped out of existence. so yes its a little out of character but i like to think my slann is a little different from the norm
Heh, sounds pretty cool. I could see a Slann sitting perfectly still for hours in a battle then all of a sudden, a rat knocks his drink over or something and he goes apesh!t and makes a new throne from the bodies, then goes back to contemplating the universe. It is a fairly big task for your first conversion, but if I can give you one piece of advice its don't be afraid to make a mistake. The more you push yourself and try new things, the better you will improve.
There is precedent for this. The Slann Ulha'up (page 42 of the book) is described as being quite insane, never touching anything that had touched the ground. Also the Slann Chuqa-xi (page 29) lobotomized a whole army of humans and uses them as slaves. So a crazy Skaven-hater is not completely off-base.
There's any number of reasons, fluff wise, to justify a cool project like this. I could also envision a scenario where the Slann is so deep in contemplation that he's not really aware of his situation or the particulars of his transportation. His throne becomes damaged in a battle with the Skaven, and the dutiful but slow witted saurus, left to their own devices, repair it with whatever objects they find lying around- in this case it's the corpses from the battlefield. When they arrive back at the temple city, the skink attendants then assume the floating ball of carnage is some part of the cosmic plan of the Old Ones, and continue the precedence by slaughtering captured Skaven to replace the pieces of the throne that decay and fall off. At any rate, it's an awesome idea for a conversion; can't wait to see some pictures!
early stages still but just wanting opinions on my work so far, the skink will be rebased onto the slanns base as the skinks that defends him. i will also add some vines tied around the hanging skavens legs so that hes not just floating. as always any feedback would be great. the whole thing will be repainted too btw