7th Ed. What can Lizzies do vs a Bloodthirster ??

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Gannon, Jan 8, 2009.

  1. Gannon

    Gannon New Member

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    Sometime sooner or later I'm gonna be against a Deamon Army with a bloodthirster..

    I beated this guy's OK list and now I wanne try his Deamon's list.. I don't think he's gonna use Flamers but I do know he uses alot of Deamon Hounds, Deamonettes and worst of all... A Bloodthirster...

    A big flying terror causing, army killing Bloodthirster..

    And I rlly got no clue how to deal with it... I guess magicking it to death with a slann would be no good idea..

    But then a Old blood on Carno isn't a good idea either.. I know I'll have to use los of skinks... but he still got himself a fast moving hard hitting deamon army.. And I don't want the bloodthirster in my flanks but than again I don't wanne concentrate everything I got on this badboy either.

    So I'm actually stuck... And I wanne ask some advice here.. How did u guys deal with a bloodthirster.. If anyone killed it before... (guess avoiding it with his 20" fly move cant be done)

  2. hellbreaker

    hellbreaker Member

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    the bloodthirster? that's a tricky one, especially whit it's collar of khorne and brass armour, immortal fury and stuff.

    i'd say that you get to know something called forced charge, since i do know he got frenzy, you could always throw some small shit units of skinks to tie him up, and he can't in anyway say that he in some sort of way can avoid being able to charge everything in a 20" radius. :meh:

    when he's then tied up charging them skinks al the game, you can keep on slaying he's demonettes and shoving more skinks on he's hounds, since they also got frenzy.

    if your lucky you might get a wound or two, but if your desperate you could always try to shot at im whit a steggi or some sally's.
  3. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    A Bloodthirster...definately a nasty beast but far from invincible. What you want to do is SKINKS. Keep in mind our giant friend can still only see 20". It's better if you use his Frenzy to lure him with skinks, then flee and hopefully get away, but if not oh well, but you'll need to force him to fly right smack in between at least 50 skinks and blowpipe that son of a bitch back to the fiery abyss from which his rage leapt! A Slann, although powerless in combat, can still extremely help in this fight. He can hurl some very nasty spells that Bloodthirster's way, even if he is magic resistant. If Daemons are anything like they used to be, magic isn't as hard as it may seem because they only have magic resistance and a ward save that's semi-decent, not a large dispel pool or scrolls and ridiculous armor.

    So, against a melee army, hammer away with shooting from his flanks and poison will triumph. As for the Slaanesh demons, I can't help I don't think because I've never fought Slaanesh. Khorne, however, is manageable. If you can, try to get spells that indirectly target his units, like Comet of Cassandora, which he won't get any Magic resistance for and it'd be a great way to smash his hounds.

    A Stegadon...I'd probably take. You'll probably be hitting on 4's, with long range and large target, or 3's, and those D3 wounds can help. And if you MUST take a Oldblood, he'll NEED the Aura of Quetzl, the best damn armor save you can manage being at least 0 or -1+. You might also want to arm yourself with the Blade of Realities. Which I believe you'll hit on 4's and wound on 5's but those wounds will ignore heavy armor and his ward save, not to mention do double wounds, so with luck you could actually kill him in one crushing combat, but it's iffy.

    I hope this helped, best of luck.
  4. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    Don't rely to much on magic weapons in a melee fight with a bloodthirster. He can come equipted with an obsidian armor, which makes any weapons in CC count as mundane weapon (pluss it hardns his ward save to a 3+)...

    I would probably go for a Slann and focus my powers on the rest of his army. If his down to a single Greater Deamon in round six, then throw all you got at him.
  5. doom_diver
    Cold One

    doom_diver New Member

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    1 Squad of Chaemoleon Skinks to lure him to a forest.

    1 squad of scouting skinks to move him super deep in the forest.

    That good?
  6. callmeHK

    callmeHK New Member

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    There really isnt alot we can do against it. But still, what do we do with most large targets? That's right. Poisen em to death. ^^

    If your lucky, you can get a scouting party out, who make there terror and shoot 2 or 3 wounds. If you place them correct, he will have to charge with his daemon, because he doesnt want to get any more wounds does he? Well, just flee. Even though he will always catch you, a flyer goed his full move. So he will end up somewhere in your central battle line. From there it's not so hard.. Just poisen him more, charge it with cavalry or something.

  7. Gannon

    Gannon New Member

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    thanks all =)

    When I play his DoC I'll tell you guys how it went =)
  8. no1cafe

    no1cafe New Member

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    Just to let you know the Bloodthirster is no longer frenzied, neither is any of the khorne deamon units anymore iirc. Obsidian armour is also a 3+ armour save not ward.

    The Bloodthirster is a big problem for any army to deal with due to how good it is for it's cost (like most things in the deamon book). I'm probably facing one next week with my LM, my plan is to use a slann with bane head and take pot shots with metals spell 1 and any magic missiles I get, that and try to poison the hell out of it with skinks if I get the chance.
  9. Gannon

    Gannon New Member

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    I had the thing vs me in an DoC list... I thought he'd be using a Lord of Change.. and no bloodthirster so I didn't field mass skinks... He charged my steggie... steggie dead in 1 turn....

    I did as ur thinking now.. bane head+Magic missile... untill he said a bloodthirster had Magic Resistance 2....

    Damn it :D
  10. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    Don't despair! A almost disturbing number of the Lizardmen abilities and new weapons are geared for one purpose and one alone...to destroy the forces of Chaos. The Lizardmen are the bane of Daemons, we where here for the first war, and it will be us that stands after the last!
  11. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    Did fight a Bloddthirster a few days ago myself. My first plan worked quit well as I lured him away from the rest of my army with some terradons. But when he reached my line, he obliterated my saurus guarding my 2th gen slann.
    In my friends 6th turn, he break my slann and send him running. My toad gets to his feet and runn 12" while the deamon follow only 11 :D In my last round I rally and deal out 3 wound to him, granting me half his VP. Just too bad my skinks misscast when trying to get of uranus thunderbolt. That would've been legendary :D

    I used lore of light, but had a very bad list to battle him... It was a draw so I guess I'm happy about the result :)
  12. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    Uh...you don't get half-points for killing half of one model. You only get half-points for killing half of a unit, not half of a monster or Lord with higher then 1 wounds.
  13. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    Yes you do.
    "...Models that fight on their own and not in units(such as characters, chariots and monsters) are worth half their points value in VPs if reduced to half their starting numbers of wounds or less."
    BRB pp. 102 - Enemy units at half strenght.
  14. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    Huh! Guess that was an update from the 6th edition that I overlooked! Good to know though, thanks.
  15. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    hehe, no prob :)
    Just a little extra info as far as my experience in my last showdown with deamons went:
    Keep in mind that although a Bloodthirster is a seriously hardhitting and dangerous foe, a deamon army got other units that are capable of doing as much or more damage if you don't know how to fight them. I had a bad day fighting horrors and flamers in particular.. What can I say, They got D6+1 shots and can stand and shoot! I got my JSoD killed in the charge. Besides 3 units of flamers (thats 3 extra power dices) helpt him take out 50 skinks. 20 in the first round. I still managed a draw, but that is much becous of my Slann.

    Don't worry too much of Bloodthirsters magic resistance. Take out most of his units generating dispel dices and get of some armor piercing missiles in his general direction :p
    Oh, and I never got to try out how the skinks worked at taking him out, but as a bait i think they worked quite well. They all died in the name of Sotek.. ;)
  16. no1cafe

    no1cafe New Member

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    When I played against a thirster the other night I almost killed it with spells and bane head with a 4th gen slann and probably would have had we finished the game. That and any skinks thet happened to be near it shooting it will do some damage eventually, they only need to take 1 wound off it so the slann only has to do 2 wounds through magic to finish it off. The rest of the deamon army was suprisingly managable considering it was a nasty list. There isn't much time with the current book left but it certainly has the tools to take them out if you play smart. I'm presuming it will be made easier with the new book.
  17. hellbreaker

    hellbreaker Member

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    one thing, make a saurus of hero doom, it got blade of realities ofc, and charge that bloodthirster and any other GD like GUO, they fail even 1! Ld and BAM there gone. but against them bloodthirster you should only have one chance. o_O
  18. Doom Lizard

    Doom Lizard New Member

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    Yeah but the blade only works if he hasnt taken Obsidian Armor. Which if hes smart the Demon player will. Does anyone know the max armor save a 'thirster can get. I know they get their 4+ GD ward but what else is he capable of having? Even weapon or ability layouts will probably help this thread greatly.
  19. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    Pretty sure its 3+, but not 100% sure. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  20. no1cafe

    no1cafe New Member

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    The armour is 3+ and the ward is 5+ like most of the other deamons.

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