8th Ed. 1,000 Pt Host of Elmquasmash

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Elmquasmash, Aug 22, 2010.

  1. Elmquasmash

    Elmquasmash New Member

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    Scar vet
    -Horned One, Gold Sigil Sword, Light Armor, Shield

    20xSaurus Warriors
    -Full Command

    20xSkink Cohorts
    -Full Command

    10xSkink Skirmishers

    5xCold One Cavalry

    6xChamelion Skinks

    -Extra Handlers

    Okay, so in total the army comes out to 998 points. I was basically just running all of the models I have except for the Scar Vet on the Horned One (as I haven't finished the conversion yet). Its just a basic 1k army that is rounded enough to deal with most anything. Only problem would be magic but I am very unlikely to deal with a heavy amount of magic in a 1,000 point setting. Most of this army is designed to be built upon. They might be starting a campaign soon at the local GW store so the Cohorts would become a Skrox unit, I'd add more Saurus and another unit or two of Skirmishers, then throw in an EotG, and a Scar Vet on Cold One and my Horned One riding Elmquasmash would become an Oldblood. But this is where it is at so far ;)
  2. SeBM

    SeBM New Member

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    Looks like a solid list to me. You seem to have identified your weak points so you can play your games accordingly. Those chameleons will take care of lone mages and those salamanders will be able to force panic test upon units that have a mage in them. I'm not sure about the stalker in the chameleon unit, but he's still pretty cheap for that extra BS. You can free up 20 points from dropping the Saurus champion and the Skink Cohort champion, which would allow you to take a cold one and get another magic item on your Scar-Vet if you'd like.
  3. Elmquasmash

    Elmquasmash New Member

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    Yeah, I was thinking about adding another Cold One in.. The real issue is that I have a total of 10 Cold Ones, and they are all being converted from the Dark Elf Cold Ones which can be seen here:


    But I only have five of them done as I do them 5 at a time.. So throwing in that sixth one would require me not being lazy ;) But I'll see what I can do about that. If I did do that I would add the Cold One as I am pleased with Elmquasmash's gear at the moment. And he's maxed on magic points pretty much because of the Horned One.

    Thanks for the comments :) I'm going to be sure to look at what everyone says.

    Oh, and the reason for all of the champions and such is to fill out points as basically this army has every model I own except for my Stegadon ;) And the 10 Temple Guard from the Battalion Box and the extra Cold Ones ;)
  4. Nuclear

    Nuclear New Member

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    Is the scar vet gonna be riding with the cold one cav? If so, why spend the pts on the horned-one.

    Its benefits are-+1M, I and no stupidity. +1M is negated by having to move at the slowest speed in the unit. Stupidity is negated by the unit having it, and +1 I isn't that amazing when you're talking 2 to 3.

    If he is solo, disregard that, though I am not convinced it is worth the extra 15 and eating up all but 15pts of his magic items.
  5. Elmquasmash

    Elmquasmash New Member

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    No, he is going to be riding by himself ;) And yes, you are right, its not worth its point in my opinion either :D I just like the fluff of the Horned One and therefore I'm going to use it as best I can :D I'm a big fan of fluff and with the background of my army the Horned One is the only way to fit in my generals mount idea that I have. When the time comes around and my army is close to being finished I'll show you what I mean with a few pictures ;)

    I'm glad though that there arn't any LARGER gaping holes in my army :D
  6. Haemoglobin

    Haemoglobin 9th Age Army Support

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    To be honest I would add a Skink Priest in there somewhere. Might aswell use the power dice you get each turn to pick off some wounds, or get some augment spells off.

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