7th Ed. Calling All WE Players - Help Needed Please!!

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by smiler6310, Apr 13, 2010.

  1. smiler6310

    smiler6310 New Member

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    Evening All!

    My Fiancee has decided she wants to join my hobby and make it our hobby, mostly for the painting but maybe for some games as well. Her chosen army....Wood Elves, this may have something to do with her being blond and liking green! :D That aside I have been roped in to making her a list to use at 2250pts. The only proviso is that it MUST include a Dragon - She's loves the Eragon Trilogy by way of an explanation and no amount of talking will shift her from the fact her list must have a Dragon.

    So way out of my depth and sinking fast here's what I have so far;


    -The Bow of Loren
    -Arcane Bodkins
    -The Stone of the Crystal Mere
    -Enchanted Shield
    -Light Armour
    -Forest Dragon

    Lv 1 Spell Singer
    -2 Dispel Scrolls

    Lv 1 Spell Singer
    -Hail of Doom Arrow


    10 Glade Guard....Lv 1 Here

    10 Glade Guard....Lv 1 Here

    5 Glade Riders


    6 Wild Riders of Kurnous
    -Standard Bearer

    4 Warhawk Riders

    4 Warhawk Riders



    8 Waywatchers

    Total: 2208pts
    PD: 4
    DD: 4 + 2 Dispel Scrolls

    Well I'm 48pts under and I'm fresh out of ideas. The main plan was Dragon and Warhawks go on one flank, the Glade Riders and Wild Riders take the other. GG and Treeman in the centre. The Hail of Doom Arrow I know is probably better on a noble but I think it could be a nasty surprise to anything that thinks the centre looks weak and trys to smash through.

    The Dragon is somewhat an issue. On the one hand WE are uber fragile more so than other elves so making him a dedicated CC monster (pun intended) seemed a waste and somewhat against the grain of what we both felt a WE Lord would act like. So he (similar to my DE Dragon Sorc minus the magic) can now fly around and perform numerous roles. He gets four shots that allow no armour save, that along with the Dragons Breath attack should make almost any unit a viable target. He can also dive in and finish off weaker/smaller units.

    So what do you think? As I mentioned I'm way out of my depth here so any help would be great. Thankyou in advance!
  2. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    First off, I'm insanely jelous that your fiancee wants to get involved in warhammer! I've been trying to get my wife into warhammer since I started back in '01. The best I've managed is occasionally getting her to participate in D&D! Anyways, onto the constructive critisism(sp?)

    Ok, I realize you guys thought that a true WE lord on Dragon would be more shooty. Some would agree but if your gonna use a close combat beast like a dragon you might as well kit the Dragon Rider out too. Besides, I think Solembum would agree!

    Oaken Armour (6+ AS, 4+ Regen)
    Enchanted Shield (+2 to AS)
    Dawn Spear (Str 5 on charge, Killing Blow)

    Consider replacing one of the dispel scrolls with a the Divination orb. Same points as a DS but gives you an extra DD if the cast throws 3+ casting dice.

    Lv 1 Spell Singer
    -Hail of Doom Arrow[/quote]

    Not a terrible choice, but what if your BS4 Wizard misses? Consider this for an alternative;

    Noble w/ Alter Kindred (Move/Init. 9, +1 attacks)
    Bow of Loren (4 shots now at BS6)
    Briarsheath (6+ AS, shooting is -1 to hit, -2 if within woods{on top of -2 for being in woods anyways})


    Amber Pendant (enemies in BtB strike last)
    L. Armour, Shield (for shooting)
    G. Weapon (your opponents always strike last, so you get 3 attacks at Str 6 before they attack)

    Consider upping these guys to units of 16. That way if you get a hill you get 16 shots, if not then you get 8. Not a horribly wide frontage but more shots than 5 wide. I'm also not a big fan of the GR. They are fast and shoot well, true. But I prefer Dryads for their CC abilities to off set your GG. Units of 12 are typically a good way to go (no champ). Str4, T4, A2, Ldr8 ITP, 5+WS is pretty good at their point value.

    I LOVE Wild Riders! I typically take two units of 5-6 w/ Music and sometimes banner in both. If I do take a banner I usually go w/ War Banner or Faoghir (-D6 on flee). I'd consider trading a unit of Warhawks for either a second unit of Wild Riders or a unit of 8-12 War Dancers. War Dancers are absolutely horrific in battle. +1 Str on the charge, ITP, MR1, 6+ Ward, 2 attacks each (always) and shadow dance. Truely horrifying to our opponents!

    Not a fan of Waywatchers. They are great models and their special rules are really nice. But they just cost too much. I have a buddy who got into Wood Elves shortly after I did and he loves WW so much he takes two units of ten. With 20 he does some good but if he loses just one of those units he's really hurting. I'd consider dropping the Waywatchers and spending those points elsewhere.

    I hope this helps you out. Good luck and I hope you two have a great time building your respective lists and battling it out.
  3. Gor-rok

    Gor-rok Member

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    Lucky man! My old lady is constantly threatening to "throw those stupid blue fairy figures in the trash" and what not.

    I don't have wood elves, but I play against them regularly, and what scares me might be some indication of things to take:

    1) Dryads. I hate these things. Skirmishers, fear causing, ITP, nasty in combat... And they look scary too. Last game against WE, they got my stegadon priest.

    2)Treekin. More of the same, just fewer and stronger.

    3) Tree man. See a pattern? (Funny thing is, I'm an arborist by trade.) This is probably the unit that elicits the biggest *groaaaan* from me when placed on the table. Many, many brave saurus have fallen to the strangleroot attack, and without a carnosaur or irresistible force on a Slann's spell, the darn thing probably isn't going away.

    4) Wild Riders. Rank negating, flank charging, pesky scoundrels, is what they are.

    5) Spellsinger on unicorn. Helps the rest of the vile, filthy eco-warriors cause me trouble.

    I'm really not qualified to go into any more depth than that, but Wood Elves have kicked me in the teeth enough that I know what makes me break a sweat. Best of luck!
  4. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Tree Kin are pretty nasty but a lot of WE players don't take them as their movement only five so they don't really act as solid flankers and they are so expensive a unit of six is too much for an anvil unit. If they are taken it's usually in support of Dryads or Eternal Guard counter charge.

    But they are T5 w/ a decent save and their ward save, fear causing, ITP, Ld8...not overly shabby! Plus the figs are fun to paint.

    By the way, The Hunted and I are working on a tactica article about the Wood Elves so stay posted!
  5. smiler6310

    smiler6310 New Member

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    Ok am looking forward to it! :D

    Am currently working on version 2 for the missus, will post again when I'm done with it! Thanks for the tips though! Please keep 'em coming! :D
  6. the Albino Slann

    the Albino Slann New Member

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    mate i used to play wood elves and if you really want a high power force all you nedd is glade riders

    i would play this list
    standard bearors musicans and champion thats about 1300 pts there
    WE noble elven steed light armor sheild spear, a resplendence of luminescent the hunters talon
    WE noble elven steed light armor sheild spear, the bow of loren dragon tooth arrows
    this is about 300 points
    so you want a dragon rider cool heres my thought:
    WE highborn forest dragon, an annoyance of netlings dawn spear helm of the hunt the fimblewinter shard
    thats about 500 pts there
    then throw in a two eagles and hunt seige weapons and wizards with them

    now how to use use this list:
    use your highborn to attack the the enemy wizard he will be your biggest threat
    put the nobles in what ever unit you want use the glade riders to attcak with the bows make sure that there just out of charge range and if your in charge range then flee and on your next turn reform shoot at them and repeat this till the enemy unit is dead

    it's boring (one reason i stopped playing WE) but it works the best with this army, just remeber you fight like rebal gurillas hit and run is the best way to go
  7. ryan88

    ryan88 New Member

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    wood elves were my first army and i used some pretty good tactics that turned my opponent upside down....

    first off, waywatchers are touchy but in my tactic they work great, i used to give a hero in the unit terror when it had that 6 inch radius thing so immidiatly i cut the charges against me apart and they start the game possibly running off a board edge, it was amazing, now i suppose you could settle in on starfire arrows making your victems panic, or hunters talon and put an easy wound on a mage. however you slice it that killing blow the regular guys get is insane! it's a knight killer for sure. These guys do cost you though so the next part of the tactic is all about support.

    I love wardancers, there's not a single unit in the game i can say i like more, that said the task i allot to them to could be switched with tree kin but it costs more. you take a hero in either unit (if treekin you need to make the hero a forest spirit, aka wildrider, glamourweave) then give it my favorite item in the wood elf book, the moonstone of hidden ways. thats it. then you can surprise your opponent with an immidiate in your face huge unit of combat monsters. treekin are tough as all hell and will stomp anything to dust, but my heart is with the wardancers, i pull this on my high elf step brother and i can wreck about 3 units a game with my dancers easy. Those waywatchers need the support and you opponent will be so off balance any plans they had are ruined. reccomened to make this unit as big as you can afford.

    A great support now it to have a decent unit of wild riders coming up behind. they move stupidly fast, easy to maneuvre, and basically pick off or lock down the things your opponent has left. if you want to be even craftier then that put a hero as the bsb, optional stag and have the banner that takes away 1 enemy flee dice. You will kill off anything that runs. these guys are sweet but avoid having them fight heavy cav and monsters if you can, the dancers and kin are capable of handling those. Use these guys to hit up other light cav aka what they mean to flank charge you with. or infantry you can make run and score a pile of points quickly.

    The core choices for a wood elf army as far as i'm concerned are way less important, i usually take some dryads to suspport, rarely glade guard since i close so fast. scouts are not a terrible idea since you will get some use out of them immidiately.

    You said your fiance need there to be a dragon. that fits in here in 2 possible ways, though personally wood elves should never use one... 1. sub it in for the wardancer or kin unit it'll still pack a punch nd they wont get any time to really shoot at it. or 2. ride that thing up like the wild riders as a support, you wont get shot half so bad, and the thing is a tank, plus you can challenge any enemy you like. I prefer not to use a dragon since i can be misery with points having spent too much on my waywatchers, and i find wild riders perfecly suitable for a follow up support unit. That said the idea of the dragon isn't misserable, it has some merit as a heavy hitter.

    Definately now is the time to congratulate you for getting her into the hobby. i can say with littel fear that almost none of us has a girlfiend/fiance/wife who plays aswell as us, it's just one of those things that does'nt ever happen... You thusly have achived the impossible. Hopefully this rough tactic i've made works out for you, every time i've used it I've never lost.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Haha... I got my girlfriend into the hobby as well; and ironically enough, she plays wood elves as well. :D
  9. ryan88

    ryan88 New Member

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    Mine isn't the type to play but she does favour my wood elves too. Maybe that army appeals to women more???

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