8th Ed. Warriors of Chaos - Invasion:Disruption (with pictures)

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by venom_x51, Aug 23, 2010.

  1. venom_x51

    venom_x51 New Member

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    The first of two reports on our upcoming Warriros of Chaos battle.

    Firstly, here's the scenario;

    Scenario 1: Invasion:Disruption
    The Chaos forces push into the jungle towards the temple city, out to destroy a Lizardmen relic threatening to close a chaos rift. A small scouting party of skinks encounter the army as it marches and must disrupt them as much as possible while messengers are sent out to bring reinforcements.

    Lizardmen - 1000pts: Skink units only. No rare choices. Max 1 unit of Chameleon Skinks. Max 10 units (including characters)
    Warriors of Chaos - 3000pts. Normal army list restrictions apply

    The Chaos side deploys first on the short edge of the table no more than 18" from the edge of the table
    The lizardmen army deploys second and must deploy no closer than 9" and no further away than 15" from the Warriors of Chaos force.
    Chameleon Skink units may be deployed at the start of any Lizardmen turn (Lizardmen players choice) after the first and can be deployed anywhere on the board using the normal scout deployment rules

    Special Rules
    Any Warriors of Chaos army that takes a casualty may be delayed in the next mission (see next mission for details)
    For each Lizardmen unit that exits the table on the opposite short edge, one Lizardmen unit may arrive early in the next mission (see next mission for details)

    Scenario 2: The Last Stand
    The Slann and his Temple Guard unit are guarding the relic. The Warriors of Chaos must destroy the Slann and his Temple Guard in order to claim a victory. After turn 5 roll 2D6 at the end of each player turn and subtract the turn number. If the total is 0 or less then the Lizardmen have managed to hold long enough for the Relic to close the rift resulting in a Lizardmen victory.

    Lizardmen - 3000pts. Normal army list restrictions apply
    Detachment 1 - 1000pts. This detachment must contain the Slann and Temple Guard unit
    Detachment 2 - Reinforcements. The remainder of the army
    Warriors of Chaos - All units from Invasion:Disruption. All unit casualties are carried over form the first mission, however all characters start The Last Stand mission with a full compliment of wounds.

    The Lizardmen deploy Detachment 1 first. The detachment must be deployed in a 12" deployment square in the middle of the board with one edge of the deployment zone touching one of the long edges of the table.
    The Chaos side then deploy in along the opposite edge of the board, but 12" away from each short table edge.
    Before deploying the Warriors of Chaos side must roll a dice for each unit and subtract the number of casualties the unit has taken. If the result is 1 or less the unit has been delayed and may not deploy with the rest of the army. A natural roll of a 6 is always a success.
    From turn 3 onwards the Lizardmen army reinforcements begin to arrive. Roll a dice for each unit and add the turn number. If the result is 5 or more the unit may deploy as per a unit that has persued off the table. The unit may be deployed on any table edge except the edge that the Slann has been deployed on.

    Special Rules
    During the remaining moves section of each Warriors of Chaos movement phase, roll a dice for each un-deployed unit. As before subtract the number of casualties suffered from the dice roll but add the turn number to the result. A result of 2 or more the unit can enter play as per a unit that has persued off the table. A natural roll of a 6 is always a success.
    For every unit that escaped the board on the previous mission, the Lizardmen player may attempt to bring on a unit in turn 2. Pick a unit for each escaped unit and roll a D6. On a 4 or more the unit can deploy as above. If the unit fails to deploy in Turn 2 it automatically deploys in Turn 3.
    Any Lizardmen units that are wiped out may be able to redeploy in the following phase as per the rules above to represent more reinforcements arriving to protect the Slann.
  2. venom_x51

    venom_x51 New Member

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    Re: Warriors of Chaos - Invasion:Disruption

    Reserved for Scenario 1


    Lizardmen Turn 1
    The Terradons make the first move, flying over the Chaos Chosen and unleashing their payload, killing 3 of the elite. they fail to follow up with their shooting, their javelins failing to make a dent.

    Skink skirmishers 3 fire on the Marauder Horsemen, killing 3 and readying themselves to take the charge.
    The Skink cohorts march away from the action, single mindedly running for reinforcements.
    The Skinks in the centre push up to fire on the hellcannon but fail to wound it.

    The Skirmishers on the other side move up on the frenzied Marauders and fire, killing 2 while the SKink cohort unit turns slightly behind them, to maximise it's front arc and charge area.

    Chaos Turn 1
    The Marauder Horsemen charge the skink skirmishers (with my priest) who stand and shoot, killing another horseman in the process. However, by a stunning blessing from Sotek the skinks manage to kill all but 1 of the horsemen and suffer very few casualties in return. The lone horseman realises he is outclassed by the awesome skinks and flees.

    On the other side of the board things don't go so well for the skinks. Electing to flee from the charging Marauders, they are caught and run down like blue dogs.

    The same move is repeated in the centre of the board, with the Chaos lord charging and running down the fleeing skinks (damn)

    The chaos magic phase kills 2 Terradon riders, and coupled with Doom and Darkness sees them flee from the board

    Lizardmen Turn 2
    The Marauders running down my Skirmishers has left their flank exposed to my Skink cohort unit, which said thank you very much and charged right in. The resulting combat saw the marauders loose by 3, but hold in place due to their Battle Standard being close by. Alas they failed to reform.

    The skinkpriest left the skirmisher unit he was with and headed into the trees, leaving the skinks to move up into firing range of the hellcannon who took out a single crew member with their poisoned shots.

    The cohort unit on the left carried on marching down the flank towards the exit edge, hoping to bring word of the invasion back to the main force.

    The Lizard magic phase was a little more eventful. Chain Lightning fired off with irresistable force. Even though it was a miscast, my opponenet saw opportunity in using his feedback scroll. The chain lightning ripped through the the Warriors of Tzeentch and his lvl2 sorcerer (killing him where he stood), before grounding out through the second Hellcannon. The resulting feedback from the scroll took out my lone skink priest, safe in the knoweledge that he had caused serious disruption to the chaos army.

    Chaos Turn 2
    The Chaos Knights and Lord move at double speed down the board in an effort to cut off any remaining Lizardmen forces from their escape.
    The Chaos Warhourds fail to charge into the cohort/marauder combat with a lousy triple 1. They hesitantly move 1 inch forward. (fear the skink!)

    The Hellcannons had a little more success, killing 4 Skinks and wounding the Kroxigor attempting to march down the edge of the board, and wiping out the skirmisher unit firing on the first hellcannon

    The close combat between the skinks and Maraudsers was resolved with the Marauders loosing by one and miserably failing their break test and fled. The cohorts attempted to persue but failed to catch up with the cowardly Marauders.

    Lizardmen turn 3
    Predictably the unit on the left carried on it's march to freedom, with the cohort unit on the right surprisingly opting to reform and march it's way down the left flank. It had done it's job and disrupted the chaos unit, and trying to get back and call in reinforcements seemed like a better plan than trying to take on a chaos army...

    Chaos Turn 3
    The knights and Lord continued their persuit of the cohort unit down the left flank.
    One of the hellcannons decided to rampage towards the skinks, while the second dimished the right cohort unit down by a couple of skinks.

    Magic saw the kroxigor in the unit on the right take 2 wounds.

    Turn 4
    The left cohort unit escaped the battle and brings word back to the main Lizardmen army, allowing 1 unit to (potentially) arrive early in the next battle.
    The right cohort unit moves towards the table edge at full speed, hoping to use the forest to avoid the knights but is all but decimated by hellcannon fire and magic

    Turn 5
    The remaining skink and kroxigor move into the forest, but are swiftly destroyed by the sorcerer lord.

    Turn 6
    The chameleon skinks revealed themselves in a jungle thicket directly behind the chaos knight unit and fired, but failed to cause a single wound. The knights moved well out of range of the chameleon skinks, not wanting to risk taking any further casualties and thus delaying the unit from deploying next battle.

    The Hellcannons fired on the Chameleon Skinks, flattening them to a sticky pulp in a single shot.

    And so the Chaos army continued it's march towards the Artifact...

    Not a bad result for the Lizardmen. they have managed to delay the Warriros of Tzeentch, the Chosen, the Marauders, both Hellcannons and to completely destroy the horsemen, as well as bring 1 unit in early. Overall, I'm quite happy with that as a result.

    Tune in in two weeks time for the conclusion (I'll post the full army lists in the next report)
  3. Nuclear

    Nuclear New Member

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    A comment on something I noticed. I don't think you can use a scroll-feed back scroll in this case, when the spell was cast with IF. It states that you can read the scroll instead of attempting to dispell, and you can't attempt to dispell when IF.
  4. Bibamus

    Bibamus New Member

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    indeed, that move was not legal. scrolls can only be read instead of dispelling, so if teh spell is cast with IF or fails to cast you can not use the feedback scroll
  5. venom_x51

    venom_x51 New Member

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    Fairy nuff. It was a suicide mission, and my priest had done his job so I'm not too upset, but noted for next time my opponent uses it ;)

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