AoS Tyranitar's Bat Reps

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Tyranitar, Jul 10, 2021.

  1. Tyranitar

    Tyranitar Well-Known Member

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    Hey all, I'm going to start a thread to record some battle reports between me and my friends. Some of us played a decent amount of WHFB but are relatively new to AoS (we got into it within the last year or so). I wanted to post these as reference for ourselves to review and improve, and if anyone offers insight on tactical mistakes or constructive criticism that would be appreciated! Enjoy!
  2. Christopher

    Christopher Well-Known Member

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    Look forward to them!
  3. Tyranitar

    Tyranitar Well-Known Member

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    2k DT vs OBR Petrifex

    My list:

    Warlord Battalion - artifact enhancement
    -Oracle on Trog w/ godbeast pendant and HoG spell
    -Slann (general) w/ DT command trait, celestial equilibrium and stellar tempest spell
    -Astrolith Bearer
    -10x skinks boltspitter and shield

    Battle Regiment Battalion
    -Eternity Warden w/ amulet of destiny
    -10x skinks boltspitter and shield
    -10x skinks boltspitter and shield
    -2x salamanders
    -2x salamanders

    Chronomantic Cogs, Prized Sorcery grand strategy, Inspired triumph, 1985 points. I don't have a realmshaper engine as they used to be terrible. Guess I have to buy one now :rolleyes:

    OBR list: Petrifex Elite w/ warlord and hunters of heartland battalions

    Arkhan the Black
    Boneshaper w/ godbone armor
    Leige Kavalos w/ helm of the ordained and mighty archeossian command trait (+1 to hit 12" bubble and +2 wounds)
    20x mortek guard w/ swords
    20x mortek guard w/ swords
    10x deathriders w/ spears
    5x deathriders w/ swords
    5x deathriders w/ swords

    2000 points exactly, bone tithe nexus, hold the line grand strategy

    Battleplan: Feral Foray from GHB 2021

    I outdropped with the battle regiment Battalion. Side note, if you take a "unified" Battalion, all units must be deployed at the same time now, you can no longer choose to drop it all at once or place one at a time! Both units of sallies and 1 unit of skinks were held in reserve for "appear at command." I gave first turn to OBR. General plan after deployment was to use my superior mobility, teleporting, and summoning to shift pressure on my left flank and dominate that half of the board, using kroaks sphere of influence to control those 4 objectives

    OBR Turn 1
    Ferocious Advance battle tactic on Leige and 2x 5 deathriders. Nexus gives kroak -1 to cast/unbind. Kroak generates an extra cp for his heroic action.
    Arkhan successfully casts Protection of Nagash, but then miscasts on his second spell, suffering 2 mortal wounds and triggering PoN... he opts to not use the teleport. Boneshaper fails to cast enhance nadirite shields. OBR moves up right flank, 10x deathriders use unstoppable advance (+3 move) and run to secure my right objective. *In hindsight, I'm unsure how far they were from my rightmost skink unit, but I should have used Redeploy if possible to shift that unit to the right to prevent the riders from securing that objective, reducing his VP for the turn by 1* OBR hold 1, hold 2, hold more objectives for 3 vp and complete their battle tactic, scoring 5 vp on turn 1.

    DT Turn 1
    Ferocious Advance tactic on slann, AB, and warden. I generate 11 ccp for the turn and select sage staff asterism on kroak. Kroak fails to generate a cp for heroic action, but i have 7 cp after rolling for foresight. Slann fails celestial equilibrium, but casts cogs and stellar tempest killing 2 mortek from left unit. Kroak casts comet but is unbound, celestial deliverance kills a few of the 10x deathriders unit. I bubble out a bit with my skink screens and advance the Trog to get into celestial deliverance range. I have to answer the remaining riders on the right flank, so I bring in the 4 sallies from reserve and summon an additional one at end of move phase, as well as use my triumph on one of the 2x salamander units. Between magic and shooting I kill 5 riders. I attempt to charge with all 3 salamander units to tie up the riders, but fail all of them. I hold 1, hold 2, but don't hold more since I messed up with the right skink unit. I complete my battle tactic and score 4 vp for turn 1. Here's the board state after turn 1:

    OBR win priority and take the turn. OBR 5 vp, DT 4 vp

    OBR Turn 2
    Monstrous Takeover tactic on Arkhan. Nezus gives Kroak -1 to cast/unbind. Kroak fails to generate cp with heroic action. Leige uses heroic willpower to dispel cogs. Arkhan casts PoN and Curse of Years, killing 4 skink handlers from a salamander unit. Boneshaper miscasts, suffering 3 mortal wounds! OBR withdraw a bit to get out of celestial deliverance ranges from both kroak and the trog, moving mortek toward their own back table edge and riders move back toward where they were deployed. They hold 1, 2, more objectives, he burns my right objective, and Arkhan secures their tactic, scoring 6 vp for the turn.

    DT Turn 2
    Kroak generates a cp for heroic action. I select hunters steed for asterism since kroak is out of CD range and I want salamanders to successfully charge riders on right flank. I select Savage Spearhead tactic and plan to cast metamorphosis to secure extra vp as well. I generate 9 ccp for the turn. Slann casts cogs but is unbound, then casts stellar tempest on right mortek unit killing 6 ~. Kroak casts comet, gets 1 unit, and inflicts 3 MW on the boneshaper who miscasted...but he rolls 2 6's on deathless to survive! It balances out the 3 wounds from the miscast. Otherwise kroak casts metamorphosis on himself with a 14 to secure my initial plan, and casts mystic shield on himself. Movement phase I advance kroak and the trog aggressively on the left board and bring in the last reserve unit of 10 skinks behind kroak as a screen from the riders and arkhan on my right flank. As I begin to enact my initial plan to dominate the left half of the board, I summon a salamander on my left flank as well as teleport the weakened 2x salamander pack to the left flank so I now have 3 salamanders on each side of the board. The salamanders shoot the left mortek guard and the weakened 10x deathrider unit, then thanks to the +1 charge asterism, all successfully charge except for the newly summoned single sally on the left flank. Kroak attempts to destroy the nexus with a Monstrous rampage but fails. A single deathrider survives on the right but between shooting and melee the leftmost mortek unit is heavily crippled with only 3 guard surviving the turn. I take that objective away from them, and so hold 1, 2, and now more, as well as securing my tactic with 2 monsters thanks to metamorphosis and score 6 vp for the round. Here's the board after turn 2:

    I win priority for turn 3, however after some thinking I decide to give it away. My reasoning was that I didn't feel threatened by the OBR at this stage in the game and was positioned well to receive charges and I wanted to remove the OBR objective on the right flank, which would force the game towards my left flank, which is what I wanted from the beginning. I didn't see a need to take the double as kroak wasn't in range of much for CD and taking the turn now would open me up to potentially get doubled in return, which would allow the OBR to charge my screens and then follow up with more charges on my juicier support heroes. Score is now OBR 11 vs DT 10.

    OBR Turn 3
    Savage Spearhead for tactic. Kroak fails cp heroic action. Nexus gives kroak -1 to cast/unbind. Boneshaper heals himself 3 wounds and casts enhanced nadirite shields on larger guard unit. 3 mortek and a deathrider are returned with OBR healing. Arkhan casts metamorphosis on leige kavalos. Unit of 5 deathriders run onto my back right objective, and I respond with a Redeploy on my 10x skink unit which ends up being huge. Arkhan moves up and prepares to charge the redeployed skink unit. The other 5x rider unit and leige advance, and the leige and arkhan both end in my territory for the obr battle tactic. The 20x mortek shift toward the left to secure the threatened back objective.. Arkhan charges the skinks and the 5x riders that didn't run charge the single salamander on my right flank. Kroak destroys the nexus at the end of the charge phase with Monstrous rampage. Unfortunately, Arkhan rolls a bit below average and only manages to kill 8 skinks (11 would be average), leaving 2 on my objective which is exactly how many deathriders made it onto the objective, and he fails to take it from me. The 5x deathriders charge the single sally on my right and kill it. In the combat in the obr backfield a few skink handlers are killed and the mortek guard are left with 4 remaining after the salamander attacks. The 2x salamander unit finishes off the 2 last riders from the 10x unit. OBR hold only 1 objective because of the mvp skink unit who receive inspiring presence. They do score their battle tactic with 2 monsters thanks to metamorphosis, so score 4 vp for the turn.

    DT Turn 3
    Kroak generates 1 cp for heroic action, Arkhan uses Finest Hour defensively for +1 save. I use sages staff asterism on kroak and generate 8 ccp for the turn. I select broken ranks and choose the 4 remaining mortek guard as the target. The plan was to have kroak cast metamorphosis on himself and finish them off with spells to score the bonus vp and free up the salamanders to move and shoot elsewhere for the turn. However kroak doesn't have a great magic phase and that plan falls through. The slann casts equilibrium and stellar tempest killing a few mortek guard from the large unit. Kroak does manage to kill off the boneshaper with a comet this turn. After the first CD fails to damage the weakened mortek guard, I don't bother with metamorphosis and just attempt to kill enough so that the Trog can potentially finish them off for the bonus vp. Kroak kills 3 more with CD so there's one remaining and gets 3 wounds on the liege kavalos...can the Trog do it?!?! Nope. After the trog fails to kill the last guard in the shooting phase, I finish it off with the single salamander to free up the two salamanders to shoot the larger mortek unit. I summon a unit of 10 skinks for the turn to screen kroak in case OBR get the priority. The 2x sallies on my right flank shoot the liege and I spike the roll, getting 3 6's and he dies to the mortal wounds alone. I hold 1, hold 2, hold more objectives, complete my battle tactic, and score an extra VP for killing a monster this turn since the liege kavalos was still under the effect of metamorphosis for a total of 6 vp. At the end of turn turn 3 the score is DT 16 vs OBR 15.

    I win priority for turn 4 and take it this time to push my advantage.

    DT Turn 4
    Now that the nexus is destroyed preventing the casting debuff and my opponent only has Arkhan left to unbind I have a dominant magic phase. I select the battle tactic to hold 2 objectives in my opponents territory (name is escaping me and I didn't write it on my notes). Sages staff asterism on kroak and slann casts equilibrium for a total of +5 to cast on kroak. I generate 10 ccp for the turn. Slann casts stellar tempest killing a deathrider on the far right flank and casts cogs. Oracle casts hand of glory on the 2x sally unit who I plan to teleport in the movement phase. Kroak has a great phase this turn, finishing off the last of the mortek, 2 deathriders, and wounding Arkhan which triggers his Protection of Nagash and he teleports to my back left objective. After my hero phase, OBR concedes as he only has Arkhan, a unit of 3 riders and a unit of 4 riders left on the table facing down a shooting phase 5 salamanders. Board state after my turn 4 hero phase:

    Seraphon victory, points at end of turn 4 estimated DT 21 vs OBR 18.

    A few notes/general thoughts. I had way too many CP to use every turn. Against a shooting opponent, I could see using kroaks and the slann CA every turn at least for the +1 save vs shooting. I used all out attack and defense as often as possible. Didn't get an opportunity to unleash hell at all. But I definitely had an excess of CP. Given this I would switch out the warlord Battalion for command entourage and stick everything else in the battle regiment for 1 less drop. The OBR had way too many RDP and nothing to use them on, as expected. Mortek guard are definitely hurt not being able to use shiedwall for defense in addition to using an offensive CA in the same phase.

    It was a good learning experience for us both as it was our first 3.0 game. More to come!
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2021
    Margawt, Aginor, Dingus and 3 others like this.
  4. Cuetzpal Pilli
    Temple Guard

    Cuetzpal Pilli Well-Known Member

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    Great stuff!
    Lizerd and Tyranitar like this.
  5. Dingus

    Dingus New Member

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    Nice battle report.

    Feel bad for OBR, I feel GW did them dirty with the FAQ. I think they need a new book asap.
    Cuetzpal Pilli and Tyranitar like this.
  6. Tyranitar

    Tyranitar Well-Known Member

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    I agree 100%. My friend is about to shelf them until they get an update, whether that be in the form of a faq or a new book, so that they can actually function in the game. It's really a shame because they're a cool faction, but it seems GW is clueless as to how they interact with the new rules system. They wouldn't even need an entirely new book, they could be easily fixed with a few sentences of rules text. Either they gain access to the core command abilities, or they can only use the CA's in their book but they ignore the "rule of one" that was implemented for CA's in the 3rd edition rules. One of those changes alone would basically fix them.
    Cuetzpal Pilli and Dingus like this.
  7. Dingus

    Dingus New Member

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    I think that would be a viable fix.

    I would like to see them get a second release of models too, they're a bit one dimensional as is even when they're working properly. There is a lot of design space for them to work with.
  8. Tyranitar

    Tyranitar Well-Known Member

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    Yeah I'm assuming they are getting an archer unit, they really need some ranged threat to force the opponent into action, otherwise you can just move around freely and ignore then because they are slow. They used to have this with the crawlers, but they got much worse with 3rd edition since only one can be buffed per turn with CA's and all out defense craps on their rendless shots
  9. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    COol battle.
    And yeah, Ossiarch suffered the FAQ.

    i cannot say "death can't have nice things" because of Soulblight Gravelords, but if you look at OBR and Nighthaunts (with their lack of subfactions in the manual)...
    Tyranitar likes this.
  10. Tyranitar

    Tyranitar Well-Known Member

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    FEC are in a bad spot too. I have a few more bat reps to post, hoping to get to it this weekend
  11. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    ...and this without even mentioning how the whole faction, the main threat of the whole universe during malign sorcery, now has become a mere inconvenient because lumineth are so cool... :wtf:
    Cuetzpal Pilli and Tyranitar like this.
  12. Wesley
    Jungle Swarm

    Wesley New Member

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    Nice report, did you purposely decided not to use the 3.0 coherency rules for units of 5+?
    Tyranitar likes this.
  13. Tyranitar

    Tyranitar Well-Known Member

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    We used the new coherence rules
  14. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    the skinks' bases are small, i think you can still do conga lines and keep coherency
    Cuetzpal Pilli, Tyranitar and xoid like this.
  15. xoid

    xoid Well-Known Member

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    Yup, 25 mm, the size of a skink base is less then an inch. I think it is around 0.97 or 0.98 inches, so if the bases are in contact they can be in a straight line.
    Tyranitar likes this.
  16. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Of course, you must be very careful in those rare instances when a opponent can decide a specific model to be removed...
    Cuetzpal Pilli and Tyranitar like this.

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