AoS Kroak Vs Kairos (Tzeench) = Guaranteed Death?

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Carnishorde, Aug 17, 2021.

  1. Carnishorde
    Jungle Swarm

    Carnishorde New Member

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    Hi fellow lizardfolk,

    So as you probably know Kroak's new warscroll requires you to roll 3 dice and on a 20+ (adding any wounds allocated) he's dead.

    Kairos i.e. Tzeench, also has an ability that once per battle he can change ANY dice roll to whatever he wants including our own blessed dice. Does this include Kroak's death roll? Surely once any Saurus Guard (I only run with 5) are dealt with, this willdy increases the chances of Kroak dying?? (Assuming they save the change for that moment).

    E.g. If he's allocated a measly 6 wounds and I roll 1, 4, 4 that sneaky Tzeench could change the 1 to a 6 and Kroak would be no more!?

    I just played a Tzeench player, it was an epic battle of magic all round, luckily he used the dice roll on something else. (Well, saying that, Kroak never suffered a single wound so didn't matter but still...) IMG_20210817_201819.jpeg
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  2. xoid

    xoid Well-Known Member

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    Isn't there a list of things that that ability can be used on? The last time I saw his warscroll that was the case. If it is still that way Kroak's rule probably isn't in that list.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2021
  3. Carnishorde
    Jungle Swarm

    Carnishorde New Member

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    Ah Xoid you're absolutely right thanks!

    I guess this is why no ones asked before since it's pretty clear if you look at his scroll...

    Cheers again
    xoid likes this.
  4. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    If I'm not wrong there was a piece of terrain (Numinous Occulum?) that if you're near it, you gain a spell that lets you effectively change a single dice roll of any kind, without limitations.... but it doesn't work on the opponent's rolls.
    At least, if you roll 6, 4, 4 on Kroak, that 6 can become a 1.

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