Blog Zog's Paint Blog

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Zoglug, May 3, 2020.

  1. Zoglug

    Zoglug Member

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    Afternoon all,

    You may have seen my list post, highlighting that my gaming group (mainly Blood Bowl) are branching out in to 6th ed WFB. After toying around with different armies, I settle on putting together a Lizard man army. There were two reasons for this:-

    1) Saurus and Skinks were some of the very first models I ever bought when I first got in to wargaming.
    2) With models still readily available, I didnt think it would be too expensive to put an army together.

    I found a handful of Saurus in my DND box, so I decided to trip them and try out some colour schemes.

    I went through:-

    Red and Blue
    Yellow and Purple
    Orange and Blue

    And wasnt keen on any of them.

    Red.Blue.jpg Yellow.Purple.jpg

    A friend of mine sent me a picture of a chameleon which led to the following paint scheme, which I think I am going to stick with as I really like it (the painting isnt the best!)

    Colour Scheme.jpg Colour Schcm 2.jpg

    And finally here is one with a very simple basing scheme as well. I will probably strip the base off this when I come to do the full unit and try to come up with a simple, but effective jungle or swamp scheme. Yes, one of the Saurus is missing a head!


    Next up is another 3 of these which I have currently soaking to be stripped and I will be sure to post my progress here!

    Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read.
  2. Zoglug

    Zoglug Member

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    Reinforcements have arrived!

    After scouring eBay for quite a while, i pulled the trigger on some lizardmen reinforcements!

    Reinfor 1.jpg

    Turns out it was a big box of Saurus and Skinks! I got enough for 4 x 12 units of skinks (2 x Blowpipe, 2 x Javelin) and enough Saurus to flesh out 2 units of 25 with hand weapons and shields with 5 left over with spears. Clearly this means I need more Saurus!


    It gives me the bulk of my 1k list, which I will be starting with whilst I learn the game. Its currently missing some terradons, which are now on their way, but it doesnt look like much on the table!

    1k List.jpg

    I also managed to pinch a couple of hours to paint, which isnt easy with two young children but it allowed me to lay down the basecoats on the 20 Saurus which form the core of my army.


    A lot need a second coat, as they have been painted from a black undercoat, but im happy with the way they are looking at the moment and once finished will be around a third of my 1k army done!

    Next up is creating some fluff and background around them.
  3. Zoglug

    Zoglug Member

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    Just a small update at this stage, I have completed my first skink priest, apart from a couple of touch ups and a head I realised I hadnt painted when I uploaded the pics lDfIAHle.jpg HssA9mUM.jpg
    Warden, Aginor and Imrahil like this.
  4. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Nice army work so far, enjoying the yellow!
  5. Zoglug

    Zoglug Member

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    Thank you for the kind words @Warden !

    Painting has been slow in the last few weeks, home schooling, working from home full time and trying to do some much needed DIY in the house, means spare time is at a premium. However, there has been some!

    I have managed to get 2 units of 12 skinks 'finished' as in they are table top ready. There are still bits to do such as they eyes and the darts on their arms which I will do but I really want to get the 1k list done for when the local gaming centre opens.

    Painted so far.jpg

    I also picked up some new paints so I could get the other units done. I put some gold on to the Saurus, but feel it is a little washed out against the yellow flesh. I am going to get some silver paint, do some edge highlights and see how it looks before finishing the rest of the unit.

    Saurus.jpg Saurus 2.jpg

    Finally, some reinforcements arrived this month including a Slann, Kroq Gar and a couple of skink chiefs which I just love the models! I therefore decided to take a picture of everything I have picked up this last 3 months and it comes in at a rather impressive 3,250 points before magic items. I still need a few bits, 14 or so Saurus with spears to finish the unit, some more Kroxigors, 25 or so Temple Guard and some Scar Vets (2 have gone missing in the post from eBay wins). Other than the Scar Vets they are not urgent, so for now the buying is over and its time to get painting!

    Full Army.jpg

    Thanks for stopping by, next update is likely to be my Terradons as I am working on them now.

    Attached Files:

    Warden and Imrahil like this.
  6. Zoglug

    Zoglug Member

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    Good afternoon, it has been a long, long whilst since I posted here, so I hope you are all well.

    After over 18 months of collecting Lizardmen, I have my first game of 6th edition coming up on Wednesday evening! A small 1,000 point pitched battle against a High Elf general.

    Here is the painted Golden Host (not named my general yet) which will be taking to the battlefield.

    Still some basing to be done and my second Scar Vet needs finishing, but I am excited about finally getting them on to the table top.

    I am not far off having a full 2k painted up, I just need to finish up a unit of Cold Ones and then I can field them.

  7. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    These are great!

    Love the Oldblood in the middle! Can we see a close-up?
    Zoglug likes this.
  8. Zoglug

    Zoglug Member

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    Thank you, I am not the best painter but I try!

    Here is a pic of the big block of Saurus, taken some time back as they have now been based. And a couple of shots taken today of the Oldblood.

    Attached Files:

  9. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    The black scales on the back really add to its overall look. I might use that for my next Saurus as well.
    Imrahil likes this.

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