Lost Kingdom vs One Page Rules

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Cristian Lozano, Jan 13, 2022.


Lost Kingdom vs One Page Rules

  1. Lost Kingdom

    2 vote(s)
  2. One Page Rules

    5 vote(s)
  1. Cristian Lozano

    Cristian Lozano Member

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    Hello everyone, I have a 3d printer and I am thinking whether to get the lizardmen from the Lost Kingdom or from One Page Rules. I printed the free version of the skink from onepagerules and I really liked it (I can post pictures if you are interested, but I am a very bad painter). Also style and size-like I think onepagerules is closer to GW. For example this guy here looks huge: https://www.lostkingdomminiatures.c...-the-devourer.html#/26-supports-pre_supported . Of course one can always re-scale the models (if there are no humans like in this one) but also I find that the mounts are a bit too large, specially comparing with GW ones. On the other hand, lost kingdom lizards look amazing and extremely detailed. So I am bit confuse :D What are your thoughts on this? Maybe some of you have printed both and can comment on these, which ones you like more and which go better with GW lizardmen style and size-like? (onepagerules have a few testing models for free for each release I think).

    Just to clarify that I don't mean to make a competition here, I really like both styles and that's indeed my problem :D. It might be more of a personal choice to decide for one or the other, but I find both of them amazing (indeed better than most GW lizardmen)

    pd: sorry if I made grammar mistakes
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  2. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Personally I think the One Page Rules models look fine, very nicely detailed and action-packed, without being overly dramatic or difficult to store or transport as Lost Kingdom's models are.
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  3. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    I'd say Lost Kingdom.
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  4. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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  5. Kilvakar

    Kilvakar Well-Known Member

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    I've looked at both ranges quite a bit, and I think I prefer the One Page Rules models by a lot. Lost Kingdom is extremely detailed, but in my opinion they're a bit too much. OPR looks closer to GW, is inspired by the Total Warhammer models, and look generally to be a lot easier to paint and work with.
  6. Cristian Lozano

    Cristian Lozano Member

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    Thanks for all the answers! Can you comment something about sizes in comparison with GW ones? Has somebody tried to rank them in Warhammer Fantasy square bases? I will start to collect lizardmen directly from 3d printing and unfortunately do not have any GW models to compare. As an example the test skink that I've printed from onepagerules looks a bit larger than what I have in mind of GW ones. Most Lost kingdom's models look definitely much larger than GW ones as well
  7. Kilvakar

    Kilvakar Well-Known Member

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    Lost Kingdom's are definitely bigger, probably because it's hard to fit so much detail on a smaller model. OPR Skinks definitely seem to be a bit bigger than GW Skinks, but most of their other models are more similar in size. However, their dinosaurs, while they fit on the same bases, are definitely larger proportionally than the GW ones. I found a good video discussing the range:

  8. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    I think both companies have slightly bigger models. LK shows their models ranked up in most pics, so imagine they work in ranked units. OPR’s models are more dynamically posed, so that’s a good question.

    The video that @Kilvakar attached is good to see. It’s one of the ones I linked in my earlier reply. That video and the others I linked show size comparison for the models vs GW.
    Cristian Lozano likes this.
  9. Croco Guard
    Cold One

    Croco Guard Well-Known Member

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    I would probably go with Lost Kingdom monsters and important characters as well as kroxigors, but normal troops one page rules. I find the lost kingdom infantry a little thin limbed to work with and don't especially care for the designs of low rank infantry compared to their glorious bigger troops. Saurus knights with headdresses and saurus temple guard with their special hats are pretty cool though. On the other end I think one page rules have some good character in their infantry but monsters are a little weak. Pretty good slann but the bastiladon and carnosaur equivalent start feeling a bit more toy-like with their big feet and kinda boring poses. I have printed them all along with raven twin lizardmen at this point. Default size for all three companies are larger than their GW counterparts, but I believe fitting on the same bases. OPR's models I'd say have a little harder time going rank and file due to the poses as Skink said. If you go for Lost Kingdom skinks I might would bump up their size a bit so you don't have to worry about such thin limbs.
    Cristian Lozano likes this.
  10. Cristian Lozano

    Cristian Lozano Member

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    Short update, I finally went with OPR. I am printing a few saurian warriors now and while I am very satisfied with the prints themselves, there are a few points to consider:

    - Miniatures are multi-component, but they have 5 poses. If you just want the 5 poses everything fit perfectly, but if you want to mix them it is a bit hard to do it or even just changing for example the angle at which the arm is pasted to the body because of how defined are the holes, sometimes extending through the body where at least half arm should fit. This might be solved with green stuff though if you are skilled enough (I've never used it). I would have prefer a couple of more standardized poses and arms to combine them as I wish.
    - I am printing right now shortened versions of the tails, otherwise it is not possible (or extremely complicated) to rank them up in square bases of 25 mm. I think the miniatures will still look awesome with shortened tails, since original sized ones are quite large. This could also be solved by placing the tails with a different angle + green stuff to fill holes.
    - Even reducing the tails is not super easy to rank the miniatures because of the poses, but it is doable.
    - As some of you already pointed out already, skinks are way larger and definitely need to be reduced in size to make then fit in 20 mm squared bases. Maybe the tails will need to be reduced further than the models as well.

    But as said, I really love the miniatures. After printing the models look quite awesome, although I can not get rid of the "fingerprint lines" on some flat surfaces (which is entirely my fault for not being able to calibrate the 3dprinter properly). I am already experiment-painting one of the models and enjoying it a lot :)
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2022
  11. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Greenstuffing is one option, but an easier method to start with is to simply cut the hands at the wrists, turn the weapons and shields at different angles to make them different poses and sticking them back onto the model. This is something I did with my Warlord Romans and Celts to add a bit more pose variety and the end result didn't disappoint.

    Then you can start experimenting with greenstuff as you get bolder to make even more variant poses.
  12. Cristian Lozano

    Cristian Lozano Member

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    That's indeed something I might consider specially for the spears (I'd like to have a block of spears pointing upwards, which are not the standard poses). I guess another possibility is to directly modify the 3d files to do simple stuff like rotating something. Anyway I'll start simple and with the different unit models and then expand/modify to avoid repetition. I might post photos afterwards if I feel confident enough with the results :) Thanks!

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