That is from a long time past Exactly, not what I was expecting but nonetheless great! I love the lore/game aspect of his force shield. Good luck creating the dome, and completing the model. Grrr, Imrahil
Now that's what I like to hear, praise for the Gungans, because you know they at least have a decent level of technological skill and their ability to kill Droids makes sense (compared to the midget Stone Age teddy bears that would in reality have been massacred in Return of the Jedi). It wasn't their fault that their poster boy was an outcast who had a Mr Bean/Frank Spencer penchant for accidentally destroying things wherever he went... Let's see if we can find a picture of their Shield Generators: You can avoid needing a second Ayotekutliadon to project the shield energy into the large crystals to amplify it and produce the shield by including something in the middle of the generator between them (as there appears to be plenty of space) - perhaps one of the smaller crystals from the Basiladon kit, or one of the crystals that used to come with GW''s Underworld Basing Kit (providing you have those)?
A Blast From The Past exactly! Unexpected for all of us, me included lol. I was looking at stuff I had put away, and as I'm looking at it I just said to myself "Yes" and here we are lol I think in the end it's going to look great, just a long road to get there. Thanks, really appreciate the encouragement and positive vibes
I absolutely LOVE the Gungans, their whole civilization is just awesome. And honestly, even given Jar-Jar's short comings, I personally loved him and his story, I personally don't understand the savage hatred for him. His story is a great story about overcoming even against your own adversity and making it to the top even when no one, or nearly no one, believed in him and wanted to literally discard him. But I digress lol I actually have, lore wise, already surpassed that complication of needing a second one, although adding the small crystal would add some extra believability. Lorewise, the crystal works two ways: The first way is its defense function of making a shield generator. By having the two side crystals absorb Sun Light (Light from Hysh) and other Light Sources (watchout Lumineth!) The energy captured is then funneled to the single crystal uptop which them projects/shoots the energy upwards forming a dome that falls slowly around the army or area needed. The second funtion is also defensive but more a offensive defense. The top crystal also absorbs light energy, but instead of sending it out only uptop a blast of energy is projected in all directions knocking back those enemies around + burning those closest to the engine. Basically the crystals are huge weaponized solar panels. Adding the small crystal would be a nice touch though for sure, thanks for the idea!
Had some insomnia last night so I was up painting some, decided to work on my Skink Alpha's Itzlopteryx. Bringing in inspiration from an earlier project that I never finished which is pictured below: I am going after what I'm calling a "Sunset" scheme. Dark reds and pinks on the body while the wings are bright amd vibrant. Beginning with Khorne red as the base I'll move into screamer pink & a darker red that I can't remember the name of at the moment. The wings themselves will have dotted markings and will go from white and pink to a more amber color, much like my skinks or the wings in the picture above, or close. Still early in the process, still need to add markings to the underside of the wings but I think this first tester will look great! I have a second one almost built as well Any thoughts are welcome!
Just catching up on a few paint blogs and that Ayotekutliadon is incredible! Carry on the amazing work
Just a quick before and after look with the first layer of wash with Cassandora Yellow all over, most noticeable on the wings. More to go obviously, but i am happy with it so far
So, I'm a bit stumped at the moment. The Itzlopteryx is going well for the most part, but I am struggling with the skin, or more to the point, how to highlight it (what color). I went back to bring some of the original colors (Khorne Red, Gal Vorbak Red, and Screamer Pink) back that got kinda lost after the wash (Casandora Yellow) by adding some highlights of Khorne Red and adding a bit more pink back into the tail. Think I should highlight in a brighter red? I want to stay in the red/pink colors and not venture too much into orange territory given how the wings are. Any ideas? Otherwise, real happy with the progress so far, though maybe the colors feel flat? Going to add some more color into the pattern spots (orange and pink before another wash treatment) and some green to the feathers. Any thoughts on the bomb? I was thinking gold with colors... but unsure. Hope you all are doing well!
I love the look of the wings It looks good, Evil Sunz scarlet is more on the Orange spectrum of Red, but I think the Pink Horror will take it away from Orange nicely. Good luck Grrr, Imrahil