Thank you! I think they'll look nice as a set I am still debating between all armored heads vs armored heads for the Alphas and regular cold one heads for the regulat flyers. I like both ways lol, so we'll see
Thanks so much, I really am loving the wings also Indeed! I think the pink horror is definitely helping balance out the EsR and the Wild Rider Red I am also using (though more sparingly) as areas transfer into more of the pink areas.
I hope everyone is doing well today! Here is the beginning of my Solar Shield Generator! My thought with the blue crystals is to view Cooler Solar Colors (CsC) as more defensive in nature while Warmer Solar Colors (WsC) are more Offensive. I still have a third crystal to do but debating between bright blue and darker blue. Going for more "active swirl" look as energy moves about the crystal until its released and begins to glow. Still planning to also color in some of the icons but leaving a good amount of gold behind also (Yes, I'm a nerd that comes up with random abbreviations lol)
You really transferred your thoughts to the crystals, I got that swirl feeling before thoroughly reading your post Will you pick out the edges of the crystals with a lighter color as well? Grrr, Imrahil
I like the swirls. If I could give you some constructive feedback, going up to a much lighter blue, grey or even white to accentuate various parts of the swirls (curves, tips etc) would really make that pop as it look really good. But it still as if something is missing.
Thanks! And I am glad my thoughts translated well! I was trying to decide that actually lol I was trying to decide between class edge highlights or as @Vedras suggested doing more in the curves and such of the random movements of the swirls themselves. I am leaning towards more the latter as I think it will look more natural, but we'll see. Possibly even both could look good if done right, kind of like smoke in a glass container look almost?
Thank you! And i think so too haha. I think once its all done it'll look great, very colorful for sure
Yeah, agreed! I was trying to decide for later steps how to go about highlights, and I think that will definitely be the move!
So, I had a builders itch that I really needed to sate, so here we are lol. Ive always have loved the Deepkin but never felt like I could do them justice. I am still not sure if I can, but I do have a bit more confidence in myself to do so! I have had this Leviadon kit for awhile just sitting and waiting, but wanted to create something unique that could inhabit the oceans of the Mortal Realms. Definitely some sort of arthropod or middle ground species between Arthropods and Reptilians. No idea when I'll begin actually building it with greenstuff & milliput but it has been fun so far to just imagine what else could be lurking in the oceans of the Mortal Realms. -This is a Karapiti (name may change) and they are a deep ocean floor dweller that most often stays on the deptha during the day feeding on that which falls to the ocean floor. During the night they travel to shallow waters to the large Kelp Forests to feed on the kelp and other creatures alike. Blind, the Karapiti uses its antenna & an ehanced sense of smell to travel both in the water and on land. The antennae detect even the most minute changes in water & air pressure and friction, while the sense of smell is powerful enough to smell both blood and sweat from a few miles away. -
And from the Kelp Forests they came, swift and furious... Growing my Deepkin Soul-Raid party with existing kits I already have on hand, using the Leviadon kit and the Slaanesh Blissbarb Seeker mounts here specifically. Inbetween studying I have begun the process of making Sea Horses, including attempt to make molds of what will be dorsal fins. The first mold came out a little thick as you can see in the picture, i think a little less GS and we'll be onto something. I love building, perhaps.. too much lol Other updates coming in a few days after my exam
Massive man!! Those Slaanesh claws fit very well with the Idoneth theme. As always a great creation supported by a fun and intriguing piece of lore Grrr, Imrahil
@Sudsinabucket this is....incredible. I've never been so inspired. That Arthropod creature genuinely looks intimidating and the Slannesh steeds as seahorses (or even eel alternatives) just look so much better than the original models. Thank you for being the wonderfully creative individual you are and sharing your works. I love this. Absolutely love this to the point of considering acquiring some Idoneth myself
Thank you! It will get a little bigger as some new claws arrive thanks to a friend I think then, other than some molds I need to make, will be the last bits needed. Thanks again, and yes once I am able to aquire some!
Thank you, this truly means a lot I have semi made it my mission to convert all my armies fairly heavily, even if it means taking forever to finish them lol. I love sharing my projects, so you are very welcome and expect more! I have some plans for a Crustacean for a shark stand in, but that is awhile off until I can afford it. I have a lot of Deepkin conversions/kitbashes I want to do in the future. Sea Drake/Dragon/Serpent, another giant arthropod/Crustacean Leviadon conversion... a Chariot pulled by seahorses or some other creature, maybe the Sea Drake/Dragon/Serpent. But I digress lol You definitely should, I'm excited to eventually get more myself.
Concept building continues for the (Giant) Karapiti & crew Going for a more command vessel look, I'm adding the Direchasm lead as the captain (can't remember the Deepkin term) and the original as a more anti-boarding/back watch-guard type who looks over the harpoon launcher crews as a primary role Thinking of adding the "leash" but instead of in a hand connected to the underside of the upper region of the howdah. My idea is that instead of hand steering my lead guy uses some sort of foot lever(s) to control R or L movements of the Karapiti. As mentioned more bits coming for the final concept reveal later on little sea friends may or may not stay Going to be writing up a Beastiary log for this creature in the future also