Blog Mythgital's Lizardmen and other races

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by little-myth, May 23, 2015.


How to build my Skinks

Poll closed May 10, 2018.
  1. Javelins and Star-bucklers

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  2. Boltspitters and Moonstone Clubs

    1 vote(s)
  3. Boltspitters and Star-bucklers

    3 vote(s)
  4. Moonstone Clubs and Star-bucklers

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  1. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Well Armies on Parade is a thing once more, I somehow forgot. Being that the Undead army was a focus on New Year, New Army and I I have been distracted with many other things.
    With some help with getting a rough idea, got the possible idea of doing a sort of Skaven vs Seraphon scenario as I like to mess around with story ideas. Plus not really wanting to buy fresh new models but I still have plenty that have not been built or painted yet.

    Been spending the afternoon building a Tauralon together, without the wings and needing that bit of lizard magic. Will be sculpting claws and filling in the back and adding scales. Deciding on what to add onto the base, it was originally going to be two Hero Skinks but then now I'm thinking whether to put some Bloodbowl Skinks on there, normal Skinks or a bunch of the Saurus Cav Snakes.
  2. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Turns out the combo of many part kits work very well.
  3. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I'm assuming they're Empire Flagellants with Cawdor heads?

    Yeah GW's human kits do combine well together, I have a Necromunda Smuggler Captain model that I made from Chaos Marauder legs, a Catachan torso, an Outrider's cloak, a Handgunner's firearm and a Free Company head, and all the parts fitted together pretty much perfectly.
    little-myth likes this.
  4. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Correct, went with the Cawdor heads from Forgeworld. Other parts are Plague Monks and Wulfen claws for some models.
  5. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Only posting some of the pics on here as there is 8 in total
    Finished and emailed over my entry for Armies on Parade a few days ago, finally get to work my idea for a Werewolf Cultist army, something that would fit something like Beasts of Chaos. It's nothing grand with fancy LEDs or amazing scenery but still proud of finally finishing another set of miniatures as these feel the only way I can get a lot (in my eyes) done, having that goal really. Now to think for next year, really want to do 40K for next time as I've done AoS twice now (depends the first time was Tzeentch)
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  6. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Well I've been quiet, just mostly been very slow at painting but I'm still around. Been mostly doing other things but once I get things sorted I should be back. So some updates:
    • Currently painting Rippa's Snarlfangs, it's details and base left.
    • Got some Wet Palette paper to make one, could of brought a starter set but I have plenty of empty model trays and all sorts to make one, it was the paper part that was hardest because the conflicts of using baking parchment paper I read about.
    • Still a ton of miniatures to paint as always, with new ones and more coming much later in the year from Kickstarters.
    • Got to decide on Armies on Parade for this year, should really go 40k route for a change but most of my ideas always go towards AoS
    Well the list is long for many things but I will leave a photo of a... Ghoul-rat? Rat-ghoul? Not sure whether to take this idea further. Ordered a Roll Maker to sculpt a tail as that was on the list for a while.
  7. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    I like your undead project above. What will this one be then?
    LizardWizard and little-myth like this.
  8. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Thank you! Well with the Rat-ghoul, for a while I've liked Flesh Eater Courts but I find myself not liking the heads of the ghoul units, so did a swap to see how a Skaven head would look instead. Now it's got me thinking whether to do this sort of idea for them but it all depends how far the spares get me.
  9. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Well it seems I don't update as often now, well then.... But it's a plan to try and update more often, once I get a better camera sorted because well my phone is old and is getting on. Still takes nice pictures but when it comes to close ups... well I tried many things. So saving up for the sales to get one, not top end just a decent entry one that will take those more crisp pictures.
    Then some of the time it's the effort to get out and set up the lightbox.

    Anyway, have some sneaky pics of my Armies on Parade entry, a revisit to an old colour scheme, which named Swamp Lizards back in the early days of when I first joined the hobby. Still nicknamed that now. After painting I realised I could of done more with the bases but time was tight and I had family down at the time so time wasted there.
    When I get around to it I will take comparison shots of old vs new.
    IMG_20211030_124745484.jpg IMG_20211030_125014676.jpg
  10. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    There are great paint jobs! Nice one!
    little-myth likes this.
  11. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Beautiful work, they look great as an army all laid out! And great terrain!
    little-myth likes this.
  12. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Thank you @Warden and @Lizards of Renown

    Now that I've done it I keep seeing areas I can improve, but that is there for next time.

    Onto a picture of the entire board, will get around to taking individual pics when I get to it. Actually waiting till Boxing day to get a new camera so it's a long wait, just want a good entry camera on a good deal cause needing other stuff like the SD cards and possibly a tripod. But anyway...

    Aimed for the tiered levels, last time it was taking pictures where it felt like stuff was just scattered without it feeling uniform in a way, werewolves tucked in one corner, the Razorgor conversion in another. It was a mess in terms of it not being that neat guiding circle. The middle was the best focus.
    This time with the levels here, easy guiding of the Stegadons, Bastila and the Hunting packs leading the the Terradons then onto the middle with two priests and a kitbashed piece on top of the Temple.

    Of course the improvements is a bit more foliage, I actually forgot tufts and the extra reeds. Still enjoyed as doing these things pushes me to get stuff painted, with it also being a revisit to old schemes, a bit of a story here with this board.
  13. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Excellent! Very inspiring project :artist:

    I agree, more jungle foliage is needed. Especially adding some growth and maybe vines of some sort to the cliffs in the back will help them look less box-like.
    little-myth likes this.
  14. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Decided to share some work because it will be a while till I get a camera sorted but here is a Carnotaurus miniature.
    Now the bizarre colours is because it's based off a design I brought from someone. Which took a lot of trying to recreate the colours, which ended up more purple than the dark greys, which reminds me of the cow on the Milka chocolate. Fun thing that my mobile and computer sees the hint of the dark purples on the design but my old laptop sees cool greys and nothing but that. Or is it really more blue hints? It's that internet colour mystery all over again. As I did mix a variety of greys, dark blues and purples in an attempt to capture that colour but purple came out more in the end.
    It gave me a chance to work with whites, smooth blends and patchy patterns.

    IMG_20220310_095140153~2.jpg IMG_20220310_095149594~2.jpg IMG_20220310_095300133_HDR~2.jpg IMG_20220310_095400845.jpg
    kubapj, Warden, NIGHTBRINGER and 6 others like this.
  15. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    That's a great model, and I really like that colour scheme. Brilliant work!
    NIGHTBRINGER and little-myth like this.
  16. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Thank you @Bowser

    In other news I finally started painting the Ankh board game, well starting the Guardians expansion, two models nearly done for photos but they need some basing material that I'm still deciding on.
    More practice using the art as reference.
    Apparently having a more organised desk now gives the motivation for painting.
  17. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Nice work on the carnosaur!
    little-myth and Bowser like this.
  18. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Thank you!
    Bowser likes this.
  19. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Finally got around to doing some testing with the airbrush for the first time today, it will be a lot of trial and error and many note taking to learn. Today it was a test of brands on some Saurus banners, primed with the zenithal priming technique before tackling with the airbrush.


    We have Vallejo, Army Painter and a home-brew of Citadel using Vallejo thinners and flow improvers.
    All tested on a psi of 18

    Vallejo rained supreme holding first place at the moment, easily applied and a small scratch test removed hardly any paint. Little issues seen here.

    Next is Army Painter, now I instantly encountered issues, pooling in some areas so it could of been the psi being too high or the distance it didn't like, so it seems this is a tad more watery than Vallejo. At first I thought it was the change over after I did the quick clean (50/50 of water and cleaner as said on bottle) but I made sure it was running dry before adding the AP so the searching online points towards the paint being watery and requiring less psi and such. Failed the scratch test but that could be due to poor layering where it pooled. Will need to test again with the different setting.

    Last is the home-brew Citadel, applied well but I think I made an error with either the thinner or flow improver, looks fine, less pooling than AP but when scratched it brings up a white/cloudy look. So more experimenting required there. The entire time thinking 'milk,milk,milk' while mixing, did in a small plastic cup to get the mixing done well.

    So there is my current look at the airbrush and what improvements are required, one day will test with paper for looking at certain things and do some lessons on brush techniques :writing:
    Warden, Bowser, Explodingzeb and 3 others like this.
  20. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Been a while here, should really update more often but of course I'm a slow person. Do still need to take the better pictures of the completed miniatures from last year that was done for the AoP.

    Now had my mail delivery a few days back, had to wait for the right day to take some pictures but some of the Early release order for some of the Anyaral: The World of Twilight miniatures. Will have to do some further cleaning and some tiny gap filling but that is the joy of resin.
    Not attached to the bases yet, The Quosiin adult and calf can actually sit on the same base

    Now for the bonus part, a while back I took part in one of their Kickstarters and there was a contest going on to design a miniature so I took part and to my surprise I was one along with some others to get the design picked.

    So here is the physical miniature of the design I made
    IMG_20221118_101736594~2.jpg IMG_20221118_101750993~2.jpg

    I am over the moon really, as I have my days cause health and things can be a pain, so knowing some of the work I do is appreciated gives me that motivational boost, as sometimes I get a little lost.
    Now expect me to be buying more at one point to get various of colour schemes painted.
    Warden, Imrahil and JTSleep like this.

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